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“Hey,” he says.

“Hey,” I say back. “Please don't ask me how I'm doing, or I may have to hurt you. I'm tired of lying and saying fine.”

“Do you know that in the last two days Phillip and I counted you being asked how are you over 167 times? Then we lost track.”

“It feels like it.”

He grins at me. “So, how are you?”

I roll my eyes at him. “Fine.”

Phillip told me that Danny and Jake hadn't done all that much fighting. Evidently Jake ended up with just a black eye and that was courtesy of the pipeline. I'm so glad Danny wasn't hurt. Phillip was right about that. I never should've let him risk getting hurt for something so stupid. I mean if I have learned nothing else throughout this whole ordeal, it's that life can change in the blink of an eye.

Danny takes my hand, pulls me up, and wraps me into a hug. I practically melt against him. Then he pushes my chin up with his hand and kisses me deeply.

My mind is immediately rendered incapable of thought. It's the first time in days that my brain has finally shut up and stopped thinking.

Now this is my kind of therapy.

Kissing Danny feels so good. I'd really hoped we'd kiss again. I mean on the phone it sounded like he wanted to, but this is the first time we have.

“You've been amazing through this, Jay. I'm proud of you. Quite honestly, I'm not sure how you're doing it.” He smiles and winks at me. “But then I always knew you weren't a prissy wimp.”

“Not always,” I say, reminding him of what he thought of me when he first moved here.

“Well, nearly. Anyway it didn't take you long to convince me.”

I smile, in spite of myself, and feel a chink in the armor I've been wearing. “Thanks, Danny.”

“Seriously, how are you holding up? And no bullshit answers this time.”

“Honestly, I don't know how I'm doing, Danny. But when you just kissed me, I felt alive for the first time in days.”

He grins big at me and pulls me into another long kiss.

Then says, “We haven't really had the chance to talk about the party. I wasn't sure what you were thinking. What are you thinking?”

“Um, well, I mean, you told me on the phone that it wasn't just about making Jake jealous, but I guess I have felt a little awkward around you. I didn't know what you were thinking.”

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into a tight hug. A much different hug than the hugs I have been getting all day. Those have been the kind of hugs where just your shoulders and arms touch. This is the kind of hug where your hips touch, your stomachs touch, you feel like your bodies are molded together.

“This doesn't feel awkward to me,” he says and kisses me some more.

“Danny, why did you kiss me at the party?” He is still holding me close, and I am praying no one comes outside.

“I don't know. I felt like it.”

“That's it. You felt like it?”

“No, I mean, that didn't come out right.” He sighs, “Jay, truth be told, I've maybe been wanting to kiss you for a while. And I got there, and you looked hot, and then you had that cute meltdown, so I kissed you. And it was amazing, and I was having fun and thinking this could be something, and I should have just taken you home with me, but instead I thought we'd mess with Jake first, and then the fight happened, and then Phillip whisked you out of there, and then your parents, and I haven't gotten to talk to you about it. And every time I see you, Phillip is holding your hand, and everyone thinks you two are together, and I just keep thinking it should have been me there. Holding your hand, making you feel better. Why did you ask Phillip to sit with you and not me?”

“I didn't do it to upset you. I wanted everyone to sit with me, but they told me pallbearers had to sit together.” Then I eye him, “Were you jealous?”

He nods a little and rolls his eyes up to the ceiling, looking uncomfortable.

“Danny, I asked Phillip because I know exactly where I stand with him. He's been part of my life forever, he's like a brother to me. And he has this way of calming me down, of relaxing me.” I look at him with a naughty grin, “You don't exactly relax me.”

As in he excites me, a lot.

“Mmhmm, I know what you mean,” he mutters before he starts kissing me again.

We kiss for a while.

And while we are kissing, I keep hearing Danny's voice in my head saying, and I was thinking this could be something.

Which is good, right?

That means that it was more than him feeling sorry for me.

Didn't he also say he had been wanting to kiss me for awhile?

Could we really turn our friendship into something more?

Something amazing?

As in something that might last longer than his typical three weeks?

The long amazing kiss eventually comes to an end. Danny still has me wedged up against his body and I'm loving that. He says, “Now that we have that straight, I have a favor to ask you.”

Sure, anything. I think to myself.

“So I have this problem, I'm dying…”

“Bad choice of words, Danny,” I interrupt him and surprisingly let out a little chuckle.

“Oh, sorry. But I am dying to go to prom and no one will ask me.”

Yeah right.

“And well, I figured since you probably don't have a date either….”

“I'm not going, Danny.”

“Come on, ask me.”

“I'm not gonna ask you. Going to Prom is like the last thing I want to do.”

Phillip walks out on the porch. I expect him to freak out over me being in Danny's arms, but he looks relaxed.

“So did you ask her?” Phillip asks Danny.

“Nah, she asked me,” Danny smirks at me.

“I did not!”

“Mac, my man, I'm still trying to convince Jay she needs to take me to prom.”

“Danny, it's sweet of you to want to go.”

“Jay, I'm not just being sweet. I really want to go with you, and I think you should go. It's your senior prom. It's a big deal.”

“In light of recent events,” I sigh, “it just doesn't seem like that big a deal anymore.”

“I think your parents would want you to go,” Phillip says, ganging up on me.

I start to say no again, but wonder if maybe they would want me to go. Mom shopped with me forever to find the perfect dress, she probably would be disappointed if I didn't wear it.

“Don't you think it's a little callous to go to something as frivolous as prom, so soon after my parent's death? It seems, you know, disrespectful.”

I can't. I shouldn't.

“Everyone thinks you need to start getting your life back,” Danny states.

“I don't have a life anymore.”

“Bullshit. You have lots of friends who care about you, and I'm pretty sure if you could ask your parents, they would tell you the same,” Danny says, getting slightly worked up over this.

I look at Phillip, “You agree with this?”

I thought it would never work.

He nods yes.

“Actually both Phillip's mom and my mom agree. Your parents wouldn't want you to miss it,” Danny informs me.

Then Phillip butts in, “And we're sure as hell not gonna let you go with Jake.”

Okay, now I get it. Evidently, Danny is the lesser of two evils.

“I mean come on,” Danny says, “you've got everything for it, right? Everything's already planned?”

“Yeah,” I waver.

“Great!” Danny says, then gives me a chaste, but still delicious kiss. “I've got to head back to Lincoln. Call me. Let me know how you're doing or just to talk. Anything, okay? Is there anything I can do, anything you need?”

“No, I think your mom and Mrs. Mac have thought of everything.”

And they have.

I owe those ladies big. But I know they did everything, not just for me, but also for my parents. They loved them too, and it was their way of showing it.

“Saturday. Six o'clock. Don't keep me waiting,” Danny says with a grin as he leaves.

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