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My calm snaps. “I didn’t do that to you. If you’ll give me a chance I’ll explain about my parents.”

“Mom!” Beth screams and her mother

flinches. “Keys. Now!”



“Okay,” she says and shuffles down the


Beth whirls and her nostrils flare. “Get out, Ryan.”

“Not without you.”

Her fists curl and she smacks her leg with the words. “My. Mom. Is. An. Alcoholic. And a heroin addict. Her boyfriend’s favorite pastime is beating the shit out of me and if I’m not around he has no problem taking his

aggressions out on my mother. I have maybe minutes to get her out before he comes back and kills us all.”

An eerie calm courses through me. Nobody

hurts my girl. “He hits you?”

“Yes, Ryan. He hits me and kicks me and

slaps me. I’m his own personal violent video game. If I don’t get my mom out of here he’s going to kill her and if he doesn’t, then the heroin will.”

Every word Beth says is probably true, but I don’t care about her mother. Beth is my only concern. “What’s going to happen to you if I let you walk out this door with your mother?

Do you honestly think that getting in a car and driving to a different town is going to make HC TITLE-AUTHOR


anything better?”




“YES,” I AUTOMATICALLY ANSWER, but a voice in the back of my head screams no. “It has to.”

Looking out of place in his baseball

uniform, Ryan takes up almost the entire living room thanks to his large body. “You know

what I think?”

“I think you lied to me.” He did and I try desperately to hold on to that.

“I screwed up. I’m not perfect. I lied to my parents about us, but I’ve owned up to dating you. They know I love you.”

It’s the right words, but… “You’re too late.”

“Bullshit!” Anger blazes out of his eyes.

“For months I thought you were the most

courageous person I knew. You’ve never

apologized for being yourself, but standing here right now, I realize you’re a coward.

You’re so terrified of feeling anything that HC TITLE-AUTHOR


you’d rather give up everything good in

Groveton in order to feel safe.”

My head jerks to the side and my eyes

narrow. “Safe? I’m standing here in a fucking drug den trying to save my mother from a

boyfriend who will be thrilled to kill me, then torture her. There is nothing safe about this.”

“This is your safe. You’d rather struggle in this life than live in Groveton.” He glances at the squalor of the apartment. “You feel in Groveton. In this life, you don’t have to feel a thing and that makes you a coward.”

I drop the bag in my hand and raise a shaky hand to my forehead. He’s wrong. He has to be. That’s not why I’m running. I need to save my mom because if I don’t, who will?

Ryan closes the gap between us. My heart

stutters when he places a hand on my waist. “I wish I could say that I’m the one that drove you away, but I’m not. I don’t have that power.

You’ve been running from the moment I met you and I’d bet you were running before that.

“You’re a lot like that bird in the barn.

You’re so scared you’re going to be caged in forever you can’t see the way out. You smack yourself against the wall again and again and HC TITLE-AUTHOR


again. The door is open, Beth. Stop running in circles and walk out.”

His other hand brushes the hair from my

face and my lower lip begins to tremble. “If I leave her she’ll die.” My gut twists and my eyes burn.

He cups my face with his hands and I lean into his touch. Ryan can always do this—make me feel safe. He continues, “If you stay it’ll kill you. Maybe not physically, but you’ll die on the inside. If you don’t want me, I’ll give you your space, but you have built so much more in Groveton besides me. Give up on us if you need to, but don’t give up on you.”

The instinct is to flee. Instead, I grab on to his arms. Fear claws at me and I don’t like how naked it makes me feel. “I’m scared.”

Ryan lowers his forehead to mine. “So am I, but I’ll be less scared when we leave here.”

The front door opens. Bright sunlight blazes through the door and a gust of cold air

announces the entrance of the devil. Trent’s looming figure stalks into the living room.

Losing control of my body, I feel my hands drop to my sides as my heart jumps to my

throat. Ryan edges his body in front of mine.



Trent slams the door behind him and

chuckles when he sees me. His eyes dart to the bag by my feet. “You should have stayed


Behind me, I hear the soft shuffles of my mother. “Elisabeth was just leaving.”

Urging me in the direction of the door, Ryan presses his hand into my back. My mind

screams run. My feet cement to the floor. It doesn’t matter if I move or not. Trent won’t let me walk out that door again.

“Let Ryan go.” I say it as a plea and Trent flashes a smile. It’s the first time I’ve asked anything of him and the bastard enjoys it.

Trent opens a box of cigarettes, puts one in his mouth, and lights it. He sucks in a long drag and blows out the smoke as he stares at me. I shiver as I watch the glowing ashes. The last time, Trent enjoyed listening to me scream when he burned holes in my arms. “Go ahead, boy. Get out. My problem isn’t with you.”

“Not without Beth.” Rage shakes Ryan’s


I love Ryan despite everything, and if it weren’t for me, he wouldn’t be here. Shoving my hands against his chest, I push him away.




Ryan sizes Trent up and Trent does the same to him.

“Walk out the door, Beth,” says Ryan. “He’s not going to touch you.”

Trent laughs. Ryan is sturdy, strong, and young. Trent is larger, older, and a mean bastard. Last year, Isaiah and Noah took him on and the two survived because my uncle

threatened Trent with a gun. My uncle isn’t here and I’m not lucky enough to own a gun.

Ryan inches toward me and the door. His

eyes never leave Trent. “Let’s go.”

My pulse pounds in my ears. Maybe we can

walk out. “Mom?”

“Don’t you dare move, Sky,” Trent says.

I hold my hand out to her. “Come with us.”

Ryan yells my name as his arms fly out in front of me. Pain slices my head. The ground rushes toward my face. A combination of

darkness and light flickers from behind my closed lids. Noises blend into a high-pitched buzzing as warm liquid trickles from above my eyebrow to the bridge of my nose. I lick my lips and flinch at the salty taste of blood.

My eyelids flutter and I fight to keep them HC TITLE-AUTHOR


open. The room shifts and spins. Forcing

my eyes to focus, I see the shattered remains of Mom’s table lamp on the floor next to me.

The buzzing fades and I turn my head to the sound of a struggle and grunts. Ryan shoves Trent into the front door by tackling him at the waist. Trent quickly responds by punching Ryan in the stomach.

Ceramic cuts into my hand as I crawl toward them. “Stop.” My voice comes out soft and hoarse. Ryan stumbles but is able to block a hit, then buys himself seconds by socking Trent in the jaw. I force pressure onto my legs so I can stand, but I fall.

Sitting in the fetal position on the other side of the room, Mom rocks back and forth on the floor. I swallow and force words out of my raw throat. “Help Ryan, Mom.”

“I can’t.”

“He’s going to kill us!”

Mom lowers her head to her knees and

continues to rock.

“Mom!” I scream. “Please!”

Mom hums loudly and my heart breaks

open. She’s never going to change. No matter what I do. No matter how I try. My mom will HC TITLE-AUTHOR