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“Ryder,” I breathed. Where had he appeared from so suddenly?

“Yeah, babe. I had to come see you.”

“Doesn’t your phone work? Why don’t you call me?”

He smirked. “I am calling you. Live and in person. It’s so much better than a damn phone call, don’t you think?”

“And what about the other two nights, huh?”

“Why, Princess? Have you been missing me?” He quirked an eyebrow, apparently amused. “My cock’s been missing you.”

“Ryder!” I gasped.

He crawled onto the bed then started kissing up my leg, till he got to my apex. Nuzzling his nose between my thighs, he licked the fabric covering my pussy.

“Hmmm . . . damp . . . sweet and salty . . . Just what I feel like tonight. The taste of you.” He shoved the fabric aside and lapped my clit in long strokes. My back arched off the bed as I tried to give him more of me. He pushed two fingers inside. “So fucking wet.” I whimpered, my need for him overtaking my common sense as he slid them in and out of me. “All of this is mine. No other man lays a finger on you. Is that clear?”

I nodded, willing him to keep up the work of his expert fingers. He slid the panties down my legs, and pocketed them. “A souvenir for my visit. I will add these to my collection.” He grabbed hold of the ends of my nightgown and pulled it over my head. His eyes were glowing as he sucked in a breath. “Jesus, I nearly forgot how fucking beautiful you are.”

Both hands glided up my torso, over my ribcage and cupped my breasts. He squeezed hard, making me wince, and then sucked a nipple into his mouth. He bit down on the soft flesh around the nipple, causing me to cry out. Then he did the same with the other breast, biting even harder. Teeth marks were left on both breasts.

“If Marcus comes near these tits—my tits—I will kill him. These are mine. Only mine. Got that, Princess?”

“God, Ryder. What are you doing?”

“Marking what is mine. Claiming ownership. Every part of this body belongs to me.”

He flipped me over so that I was lying on my stomach. His mouth was on my ass, as he sucked and nipped and finally sank his teeth into the soft skin, biting hard. “This mark will stay there. Every time you see it, you’ll remember whose ass this is.”

I gasped as I heard his fly unzip and the rustle of fabric as he kicked off his jeans. Then I heard the tear of foil, before moments later, he rubbed his gloved cock, slick with lube, between my ass cheeks, while pulling my hair so that my head jerked back. With his warm breath on my skin, he whispered in my ear. “And now I’m taking the part of you I haven’t owned yet. And you will give yourself to me. I know no other man has been there. I will be the first and the last to claim your ass.”

He reached between us and swiped his fingers from my clit all the way to my ass, lubricating my skin with my juices. “Fuck, you’re so wet for me, my beautiful bitch.” He placed his cock at the entrance of my ass, one hand on my breast, rolling the nipples between his fingers, the other circling my clit as he pushed in slowly, one inch at a time, allowing me to adjust to his cock before going deeper. “Relax, baby,” he crooned in my ear, sucking and licking my earlobe so that it sent shivers down my spine. Finally, he was balls-deep into my ass. I couldn’t believe how full I felt.

His ownership was never more real than now as he slowly, carefully, started thrusting inside me while squeezing both breasts with every downward stroke, his mouth on my neck, sucking my skin.

I stuck my ass out, wanting him as deep as I could take him, moaning loudly with pleasure and pain. Just as I thought I could take no more, his hand came down on my ass and smacked the skin so that the sound reverberated in the room. Shocked, I shoved backwards, only to feel my ass burn with a second slap. His fingers moved down to my clit, and as he touched me there, biting hard into my neck, I started coming so hard, I thought I’d pass out.

“Fuck, Princess, fuck,” Ryder rasped, “you’re fucking perfect.”

His balls slapped against my ass cheeks as he ejaculated, murmuring into my ear. “Mine. My pussy. My tits. My ass. All mine.”

I groaned. “Yes. All yours.”

He pulled out and I sank onto the mattress, exhausted, sore, and in ecstasy. I loved being so completely owned and possessed by Ryder.

Ryder spooned behind me, pulling my body against his so that I fit perfectly against him. His chest was heaving as he stroked my skin.

“Good girl,” he murmured in my ear. I could hear the pride in his voice, and my heart swelled with joy that I could please him so much.

Finally he settled behind me, cupping my pussy with one hand, the other cupping a breast, his mouth on my shoulder. This was perfect.

I belonged completely to Ryder. He was my man.

Chapter 22 ~ Jade

We spent the night like that, Ryder wrapped around me, holding every part of me against him, even as we slept. Exhausted, I wasn’t in any condition to ask the questions that were burning in my mind.

I gave in to sleep. It was comforting just being in his arms. I never wanted it to end. But it did—a few hours later, I woke, fully enveloped by Ryder. His fingers on my pussy had wormed their way into my wetness, his thumb rubbing my clit. It was the most delicious way to awaken.

“Baby,” I groaned as his fingers inside departed, instantly feeling the loss. But I needn’t have worried. His fingers were replaced by a rigid cock, stroking slowly inside me. His thumb on my clit heightened my desire.

The hand on my breast squeezed the nipple hard between dexterous fingers, sending ripples of delight straight to my core. My pussy clenched around his cock, squeezing him back.

Ryder moaned in my ear. “Fuck, baby, what you do to me . . .” He panted as his cock stroked me, the rhythm increasing the longer we were going at it.

My legs were hooked around his, my ass pushing backward, taking as much of his cock inside me as I could. Every nerve ending in my body was receiving pleasure signals, sending me over the edge. I shuddered against him as my orgasm took over, biting my lip so as not to shout out into the silence of the night.

Ryder kept fucking me hard until he exploded inside me with a feral groan, biting into my shoulder to muffle the noise.

First thing in the morning, I was finding that place of my own. The place Ryder could fuck me senseless and I could scream his name without worrying about being heard. It was time. I wanted it all. Every orgasm, every thrust of his cock, giving in to the pleasure with abandon, screaming without restraint.

It was time to find our place.

We lay like that, silent, spent, the cool breeze caressing our skins, the only light in the room from the moonlight as the curtains billowed. Ryder stayed inside me and I wanted him there so I lay very still, savoring the feeling of him surrounding and filling me.

This was pure bliss. I wanted it every day for the rest of my life.

“Ryder? Can we talk?”

He pulled out of me, fluid spilling all over my beautiful Egyptian sheets. But I couldn’t have been happier. I'd rather have Ryder’s cum all over my sheets than no Ryder at all.

I turned and buried my face in his chest, inhaling his scent deeply. I loved how he smelled—manly and deeply arousing. I was tempted to lick his nipple ring, but I managed to rein my renewed desire in so that we could talk, because if I started tasting his skin, I wouldn’t stop till I’d licked his cock clean.

“What’s wrong, Princess?” he murmured, as if he was afraid of my answer.

By now I knew that I had to get straight to the point with Ryder. There was no preamble or easing into a topic. “Tell me why you ended up in juvie. What happened?”

He sucked in a breath. I felt his heart racing beneath my fingertips. Oh God, what had I done? I'd ruined the moment . . .