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Anthony made faces at me as I looked to him for help. He knew all about her kind of crazy and loved to see me miserable whenever possible.


Grabbing her arms, I peeled her off me. “Tammy, we’re nothing. You need to get some help.”

Her mouth gaped open as she gasped for air.

Holding her firmly I quietly said, “I don’t want to see you or get another text from you. Forget I ever existed.” I pushed her body away from mine.

She glared at me. “How could you say that, Michael? We’re engaged.” Holding her hand in front of my face, she wiggled her finger. A very large diamond ring sparkled on her finger.

She’s fucking crazier than I thought.

Shaking my head, I tried to remain calm. “I don’t know who gave that to you, but it wasn’t me. We. Are. Not. Engaged.”

Anthony doubled over in a fit of silent laughter, his body shaking as he grabbed his chest.

Her eyes grew wide, covering her mouth with her hand, as she shook her head.

“Seriously, Tammy, get some fucking help. I didn’t give that ring to you. Don’t ever say those words to anyone. We. Are. Nothing. You hear me? Nothing.” Gritting my teeth, my jaw ached as I tried to keep myself from screaming.

She shook her head vigorously. “Don’t say such hurtful, mean things, Michael.”

Reaching out to touch me, I grabbed her wrist and stopped her. “I got too much shit going on right now to deal with your crazy bullshit.” Releasing her wrist, I stepped back and glared at her. “Stay the hell away from me.”

I smacked my brother on the back of the head as I walked by him and away from Tammy. I needed to get the fuck out of here.

“But I’m having your baby!” she yelled, her voice echoing through the cafeteria.

I stopped dead, my body stiffening as my blood turned cold.

What the fuck did she just say?

Bitch just played her last damn hand and I sure as fuck wasn’t going all in.

I turned around pointing at her. “I have to go, Tammy. I’ll deal with your ass later. Don’t call me, I’ll call you when I’m ready.” I dropped my hand to my side. I squeezed my hands into hard fists before leaving her in the dust.

Chapter 13


Walking into the bathroom I saw the nosey nurse who pointed out my hickey in tears. It was too late to turn around without looking like a total asshole.

Just my fuckin’ luck.

She leaned on her hands, bending over the sink, her tears plopping into the bowl.

I sighed, wanting to walk away.

I really didn’t give a shit what made her sad, but my humanity won.

Asshole conscious.

“Are you okay?” I asked, as I approached.

“No,” she said, sliding the back of her hand across her face, wiping the tears.

“Sorry, I’ll leave you be.” I stepped back and reached for the door handle.

“No, don’t go,” she said, turning toward me. “Everyone leaves me,” she wailed, her body almost collapsing against the counter.

“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath as I rushed to her side.

How in the hell do I get involved in these situations?

“I’m here. What can I do?” I asked, sounding thoughtful, surprising myself.

“There’s nothing anyone can do.” She hiccupped as she cried.

“Everything is fixable.” I patted her back and stared at the ceiling. “I only have another moment between patients. I’m sorry.”

“My fiancé left me and I’m pregnant.” She choked on her words, starting to fall forward again.

I held her, pulling her upright. “That’s horrible,” I said, trying to be horrified.

“How could he be so mean? He acted like we never meant anything to each other.”

I had the words on the tip of my tongue but I bit my tongue. “Maybe he’ll change his mind.”

If the man had any sense, he’d run for the hills or go into witness protection.

“I have to win him back.” Standing up, she looked into my eyes. “He needs to understand all he’s giving up by walking out on us.”

“Oh, I’m sure he has no idea.” I know I sounded snarky, but whatever.

“I can do it, you’re right.” She blotted her cheeks with her fingers and smiled. “Thank you so much.” Her tears vanished.

Coo Coo.

Wrapping her arms around me, she squeezed so hard I thought my ribs were going to crack.

“I have to go,” I said, pulling away.

“Oh sorry,” she said with a half-smile. Mascara had smeared down her cheeks and her eyes were red and swollen. “You helped me more than you’ll ever know.” Her smile grew wider.

“Don’t give up the fight,” I said, walking out the door.

“I won’t,” she yelled, as the door swung shut.

I shook my and wondered what the hell happened to my normal stressful day at the hospital. Today had been one for the record books.

* * *

The night had been relatively calm compared to the nutty nurse and thinking Michael had been seriously hurt.

His brother was in ICU for the night due to his injuries and the surgery. When I looked at his chart earlier it stated that he would be moved to a regular room tomorrow if he did well through the night.

The ICU was quiet and the lights were dim as the sounds of the ventilators, heart monitors, and other machines filled the hallway. I wanted to check in on him and see if he needed anything.

Michael’s brother crouched in the hall outside his room, leaning against the wall, typing on his phone. Looking up at me, he smiled. “Hey,” he said, trying to stand but fell over, catching himself on the wall. “Fuck,” he mumbled.

Rushing to his side, I reached for him. “Hey, are you alright?” I asked.

Waving me off he said, “Yeah, just exhausted. This has been a day from hell.” His shoulders slumped as he sighed.

“Why don’t you try and catch a couple hours sleep in the visitor’s lounge? He wouldn’t want you to make yourself sick.”

“I will soon. You looking for Mikey?” He grinned, making the bags under his eyes more pronounced.

Laughing at the nickname, I replied, “Yeah, is he still here?” I looked around.

“He’s inside but he was asleep when I came out here,” he said, pointing to the room behind him.

“I’ll just text him. Everyone may be sleeping and I don’t want to disturb anyone.”

He laughed. “My family is the disturbance. They’re loud and obnoxious in the most loving way, but I don’t blaming you for not wanting to go into the lion’s den.” He shook his head. “At least not armed.”

I barely knew any of them but I wanted to. They seemed loving and playful, just my kind of people. The funny smartass personality must be hereditary.

“You make them sound horrible.” I said, shaking my head, laughing.

“Nah, just Italian.”

“Don’t wake him. Just tell him I stopped by and have him text me in the morning. I’m going to try and get some rest while the ER is slow.”

“Okay, Doc. I hope to see you again soon.” The sides of his eyes crinkled as he smiled at me.

I nodded and walked away, leaving Michael to rest. I wanted to catch a few minutes rest in the doctor’s lounge while I still could. I thought about the Gallo boys as I made my way down the corridors. They were all handsome, but Michael was heart stopping.

I flipped off the light in the lounge before I collapsed on the couch. My head began to spin from exhaustion when I closed my eyes. Lying on the lumpy couch, I covered my face with my arm and thought about Michael.

“What?” I asked as someone touched my shoulder. “My eyes were closed for only two seconds. Jesus,” I mumbled.

“It’s been an hour, Doctor, and someone is at the desk asking for you.”

“I’m coming,” I said rubbing my eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the harsh fluorescent lighting. I grabbed the Visine from my pocket, dropping the liquid in hoping to alleviate the stinging.

I prayed I didn’t look like the walking dead. I sure as hell felt like it.