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“Sexism will never die,” Suzy replied, patting Izzy on the leg.

“Not in this damn family - too many cocks for it to be equal. Having you ladies around helps, though. My ma and I have always been outnumbered.”

She made me feel like I was part of the family. I wanted to fit in and be a member of this tight knit group. Holidays, including Christmas, had consisted of my parents and me for the last couple of years.

“If you two bitches have kids they better have vaginas.” Izzy laughed. “The world isn’t big enough for anymore Gallo men.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about that for a while,” I said quickly.

“Yeah, not an issue,” Suzy said sitting up.

“Suzy, come on. Joey has your ass on your back more than a two-bit whore looking for her next fix. Your ass is going to get knocked up sooner or later.”

“We’re careful, Izzy.”

“Whatever. Someone better give my mother a damn grandchild. She’s already crocheting blankets and she’s going to get desperate and start bothering me if you ladies don’t come through. I’m entirely too young to ruin this body.”

“Oh, shut the hell up, Izzy,” Suzy said, as she slapped Izzy’s hand down.

“I’m just saying, Suzy. It’s your duty to carry on the Gallo Legacy.”

“Fucking great. Don’t let Joey hear you say that,” Suzy muttered, closing her eyes and pinching her nose between her fingers.

A shadow fell over us and I peered up to see Joe looking at us with curiosity.

“Let me hear Izzy say what?” Joe asked with a crooked smile.

Suzy looked up, a giant smile painted on her face. “Nothing, sweetie,” she said without flinching.

“Babies, Joe. Get on that shit,” Izzy said, smacking his good leg.

“I’m on that shit all time, aren’t I, sugar?

Her cheeks turned pink as she looked at him “There’s always room for improvement,” she said with a smirk.

I loved this family as much as I loved Michael. They had become my home away from home with my parents back in Minnesota. Suzy and Izzy were the sisters I never had and always wanted.

Michael was my savior.

Saving me from my nightmare, from the heart crushing sadness of the ER and giving me the greatest gift of all – happiness.

The End