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“Clear the room please,” The technician said standing in the doorway with the x-ray portable machine.

“After the films are taken, he can be prepped for surgery,” Dr. Patel said as we walked into the hall.

I felt useless.

I hated coming into a room late and feeling left out of the diagnosis, which usually happened at the start of the shift.

“He’ll need surgery to repair his leg and most likely his hand.” Dr. Patel rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

“I can go talk to the family while you handle the transfer papers if you’d like,” I offered.

I needed to see Michael if he was in the waiting room.

He nodded, giving me a small smile before going back into the room when the technician called out, “All clear.”

My stomach started to cramp as I walked toward the waiting room. I knew the other Gallo’s would be there.

This wasn’t the way I wanted to meet them.

When I pushed opened the door the first person I saw was Michael. My heart raced and I wanted to jump into his arms. I had the urge to kiss him and tell him how worried I was when I saw his name, but I couldn’t.

I needed to remain calm and do my job.

His pained eyes met mine, and the cocky grin he wore so well was missing.

“Gallo family?” I said staring in his eyes.

“Yes,” an older woman said, standing as she wiped her tear stained face.

I moved toward her, grabbing a chair, I positioned myself close to Michael.

“I wanted to let you know he’s being prepped for surgery. Although we don’t know the full extent of his injuries yet, we know his leg needs surgery being badly damaged in the wreck.” I looked at Michael and swallowed as my nose tingled. “His hand is broken and may also need to be repaired during surgery. We won’t know more until he’s in the operating room.”

“Was he awake, Doctor? Can I see him?” the older woman asked as she leaned forward, choking on her words.

“He’s been in and out of consciousness, ma’am. You can see him when he’s in the recovery room.”

“Will he live?” The blond at her side asked, clutching the woman’s hand.

“All I can say is that he’s currently stable but his injuries are serious.”

I could feel Michael’s eyes on me, almost boring a hole in my skin as I talked with the two woman.

Tears began to stream down the younger woman’s face as she choked out, “Just make my Joey alright.”

I patted her knee, trying to reassure her. “We’ll do everything in our power to help him.” I stood, looking at the entire family. “You can move to the surgery waiting room when you feel ready. Don’t hesitate to ask for updates and watch the monitor on the wall. It’ll show you when the surgeries begun and when it’s finished.”

Reaching out, the older woman touched my hand. “Thank you, dear.”

I nodded before I looked at Michael, giving him a weak smile.

“Come on, Mother, let’s go wait where the nice doctor told us for our boy,” the older gentleman that sat next to Michael, said to the woman. Grabbing her by the waist, he helped her walk, allowing her to lean on him for support.

I envied them. They loved each other. I smiled at them until screaming drew my attention toward the hall.

“Outta my fucking way,” a woman yelled as she walked into the room.

“Isabella, watch your mouth,” the woman said, her voice stern.

Frowning, she looked at the floor not making eye contact. “Sorry, Ma. What happened to Joe? Is he okay?” Her eyes glistened as a tear slid down her cheek.

The woman touched her face, wiping away the tear. “He’s going to surgery. We’ll know more soon, baby girl. I know you adore your brother. He’s strong and a fighter. He’ll be okay,” she said wrapping the girl in a loving embrace.

“He has to be, Ma,” she said, crying on her mother’s shoulder.

“There, there, baby. Come on, let’s go.” She rubbed her back to soothe her sobs.

The older man motioned for everyone to follow him as he walked toward the door.

I turned at looked at Michael, pleading for him to stay with my eyes.

“I’ll meet you guys in a second, I need to talk to the doctor,” Michael said to his father after everyone else cleared the room.

Chapter 12


“Don’t be too long,” Pop said, watching us with his head tilted, rubbing his lip.

Holding up my hand to him I said, “Five minutes tops.”

Nodding, he walked out, leaving us alone.

Mia threw herself in my arms with such force she almost knocked the wind out of me.

Wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck she said, “Oh my god, Michael. I was so scared it was you in that room.” Her voice broke as the words came out quick. “I wasn’t happy it was your brother, but I was relieved it wasn’t you.”

Leaning back, I put my finger against her lips, stopping her from going any further. She blinked, the corners of her mouth turning up.

“I’m fine, Doc. How’s my brother, really? Not the bullshit stuff you tell all the families, lay it on me.”

“Sorry,” she said wiping her eyes and swallowing. “It’s hard to say right now. He’s unconscious so it’s hard to determine the extent of his injuries until he’s been fully evaluated, Michael. Thank god he wore a helmet.” She slid down my body, resting her hands on my chest.

Holding her cheek in my palm, I caressed the soft skin. “Is he going to live?”

She leaned into my touch, closing her eyes. “I can’t answer that with certainty.” She didn’t open them as she spoke. “I know they will do everything they can, Michael.”

I inhaled and held my breath trying to not break down into tears.

Joe and I had a bond. He was my rock and my best friend. We busted each other’s balls for as long as I could remember. I couldn’t even begin to think about a day without him in my life.

I wouldn’t think about it.

I rested my forehead against hers. “Just keep me posted, Mia. If you hear anything or if you get any information before us, please don’t keep it from me. The waiting is driving me fucking crazy.”

She cupped my cheeks and whispered against my lips, “I will, Michael. I’m so sorry.”

We stood there for a moment, not moving, touching each other before I kissed her and let her go. “I better go before someone comes looking for me. I need to be there with them.”

“I wish I had met them under different circumstances.” She frowned, wiping the corner of her eye.

Tipping back her chin, I kissed her lips softly and smiled. “They won’t remember. It’ll be a blur after all is said and done.” I rubbed my nose against. “Message me when you get any information.”

“I will,” she said, before we walked in opposite directions.

* * *

After pacing for an hour and staring at the monitor that stated: Joseph Gallo – Surgery in Progress, my phone vibrated in my pocket.

Mia: They’re starting now. No internal injuries and he woke up before surgery.

I exhaled the breath I held in as I pulled out my phone. The sick feeling in my stomach and the lump in my throat subsided as I read her message.

I hated hospitals and wouldn’t feel at ease until he walked out of the front door.

Me: That’s good news, no?

Looking around the room at my family, I couldn’t keep the news to myself. They looked as shitty as I felt.

“I have news,” I said, as I stopped in the middle of the room.

Everyone looked in my direction with hope in their eyes.

“How?” Isabella asked, scooting forward in her seat. “Doesn’t matter,” she said shaking her head. “What is it?”

“My friend who works here said Joe has no internal injuries and that he woke up before surgery. They’re working on his leg and hand now.”

“Oh, thank god,” my ma said, as her body visibly relaxed in my father’s arms.

“He’s going to be okay?” Suzy asked, as she jumped from her seat and approached me.