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“Hey, Rocky.” Casey’s voice was a soft purr, very seductive and inviting. This woman rocked.

Rocky kept his head turned towards Casey as I began to creep a bit closer. Casey amped it up by moving closer to Rocky, giving him the fuck-me eyes that men fell for every time. Rocky was no different. Taking the taser out of my holster slowly, I placed it behind my back waiting for the perfect time. Casey leaned in close to whisper in his ear. Keeping herself far enough away, to avoid the shock she knew would be coming. Reaching around, I placed the taser on Rocky’s neck, hitting the trigger hard, he fell to the ground shaking and mumbling some garbled up shit that I couldn’t understand. Tasers only gave you a short period of time, and we had a lot of work to do.

“Now. Come on.” Casey grabbed one of Rocky’s arms while I grabbed the other, dragging him into the room. Picking the big lug up, I dug in Casey’s purse finding the rope and duct tape. At first I thought of using the rope to bind him, but then thought better of it, duct tape would work just nicely, and it’s harder to break out of.

Quickly, I taped his hands behind his back and then taped them through the slats on the chair. Moving his knees up the side of the chair, I taped them to the back chair poles. There was no way he could stand and swing the chair at either of us if he got the chance. I then taped his thighs and torso just for good measure.

Casey searched through her bag, finding an old sock. “Perfect for now. I’ll get it all done; then we’ll have to take this out to do the rest.” Taping the sock into Rocky’s mouth, he began to come back from the shock.

“Hey there, big guy. Remember me?” I asked as his eyes grew wide, and he began shaking his head. “Well, I think I know you from somewhere, so I’ve gotta check some things out.”

He tried to move in the chair, but realized if he did the only place it would get him was the floor, and for me that’d be just as good as where he was. Reaching into my purse, I grabbed the battery-operated shaver and flipped it on. Rocky began squirming. “What’s wrong? Have something to hide under all that hair?”

He shook his head repeatedly, but his body was tensing up, as he was trying to move his arms out of the binding. I would hit him a few times in the face, but just wanted to make sure I was correct before I completely fucked myself. Gripping his head, I held on tight to the top of it as my buzzer cut his hair. Rocky tried moving to get away from the cutters, but didn’t put up too much effort.

I began swiping through his hair, cutting every last bit off, giving him a military short haircut. This looked more like the officer. Next I moved to the beard and mustache.

I moved the cutters closer to his face as his eyes got wide, and he started thrashing around. This was no good. “Casey, tase him.” After she did, I cut the length of it off. Casey went and grabbed the razor, water bottle, and soap out of her purse. After the first few strokes, my heart was beating out of my chest. My hands became sweaty, and my eyes saw red. I shaved around his gag; there was no need to take it off. I ripped the tape when needed to go around, placing it back, but kept the gag in place.

With him still out from the taser, I opened his eyelid placing my finger on the colored part of his eyeball. When my finger moved to the side, it revealed a brown contact that I slid out of place. I did the same to the other. The green eyes I dreaded stared back at me.

Stepping back, Officer Macaffe sat in front of me. The one man I never wanted to see or think about again. The only man inside that I fucked, repeatedly, and not by choice, the one man that could truly call me a whore.

As he began shaking his head getting whatever fog out from the taser, I stared him down.

“This him?” Casey asked, already knowing the answer.

“This is Officer Macaffe. He and I got really cozy in the joint. Didn’t we?” He didn’t say a word as his head dropped down to his chest. “I’d let you talk, but I don’t give a flying fuck what you have to say.”

Grabbing the gun from my back holster, I slammed the butt of it into the side of his face repeatedly giving him a few kicks to the ribs as Casey held the chair. It was like she knew what I was doing before I did it. I loved how that worked.

It wasn’t enough, though. I wanted him to know what it felt like. What it was like to have something rammed in your ass over and over again.

He was gonna feel it.

Chapter 16—Cruz

Rabbit agreed to meet with us in a large cotton field just outside of Sumner. We cased out the spot earlier in the day and didn’t find anywhere where men could hide. With the cotton, just getting picked, even staying low they would be exposed. We had Tug and Breaker in the cages fully armed with autos and everything else we might need, and of course, Liv.

As we rolled up, we parked our bikes methodically in a row, with Diamond’s first. How the old man still hung with everyone like he was thirty was beyond me, but he made me damn proud to be at this side.

Rabbit’s crew stood next to him, guns in their hands at their sides. We expected this to be heavy, but were hoping for the best, and with the amount of firepower we all had, we hoped smoothly. When Diamond talked to Rabbit on the phone, he didn’t want to meet, but in pure Diamond fashion, he worked it out.

“Princess killed my girl, and you killed three of my men,” Rabbit stated matter-of-factly while Diamond stood in front of him, each of us flanking his sides, guns in hand.

“No, she didn’t. Your ol’ lady was a cheat. As for your men, they were selling blow in our business, you knew that was a no-go.”

“Bullshit!” Rabbit’s hand on his gun was starting to pulsate. He wanted to shoot.

Diamond held his hands up in front of him as he was the only one of us who didn’t have a gun in his hand. “Gonna pull an envelope out of my rag.” When Rabbit nodded flippantly, Diamond pulled out the manila envelope that was delivered earlier this morning by Deara’s connections. She really came through for us.

Diamond pulled out pictures of Babs and Liv fucking like animals in Liv’s apartment. He showed Rabbit picture after picture as his jaw ticked. “So you see, Rabbit, your girl was a lying slut. Playing you. And lucky for you, we have the bitch who shot your ol’ lady.”

Just as we suspected, Rabbit’s eyes flared at the betrayal. Without the pictures though, this would have never worked.

“What about my men?” He glared, becoming twitchier with his gun.

“That was circumstance. You knew not to sell blow at Studio X, my establishment.” Diamond said casually.

“Fuck. I should take out three of yours.” Rabbit’s eyes were focused on the cage in front of him. “Give her to me,” he demanded.

Diamond wasn’t just going to hand Liv over; we had our own demands. “If we do, Princess is free and clear, no hits on her, and everyone leaves her the fuck alone. Also, no retaliation for the clean kills of your men.”

“Fuck,” He thought a bit longer than expected. “Deal, I ain’t got no beef with your girl. That was all Babs that fucking little whore. But my men were good men.” Rabbit paused. “Fine. Hand her over.” Diamond stepped forward holding out his hand, which Rabbit took in turn, shaking the deal closed. I couldn’t help but feel a little relieved. This was easier than I expected.

“Pull her out!” Diamond called to Tug and Breaker. As they dragged her body out of the cage, her eyes widened, and she started thrashing against the men. She knew exactly who Rabbit was. Too bad for her he didn’t give a fucking shit who she was. With the gag in her mouth, we only heard muffled pleas as her head shook profusely.

The thing was; there was no way we could let her go with them alive. If he didn’t kill her immediately, we’d have to take her out. Her mouth was too much of a problem that we didn’t need. If she were to confirm that Princess did, in fact, kill Babs, we didn’t know for sure what way Rabbit would sway, even with the betrayal.