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I’d thought from the beginning that something was off with that man. I just never imagined this could be it. His body was so much different, while about the same height, the officer in prison was pudgy with a belly that protruded. Rocky was lean and muscular. The officer had green eyes, while Rocky had brown. The officer had no facial hair, while Rocky was covered with a beard and mustache, not to mention he had long hair while the officer had short.

As far as looks were concerned, nothing was similar, and I hoped to God I was wrong about that voice. I needed to make sure. I needed to know. My mind began formulating a plan, and thank God Casey decided to stay two extra weeks after everything went down to be here for us… for me. I was gonna need her help if I was gonna pull this off.

* * *

The rest of the night, I laid next to Cruz trying to control my breathing, not wanting to wake him. Today was such a big day for our family. I didn’t want to fuck with any of the brothers’ heads. They needed all their shit together, and this would fuck them up. The good thing was that Cruz mistook my uneasiness for nerves about what he was going to go do. While I was coming up with all kinds of scenarios of what could happen, I needed to screw my head on straight and get my end together.

For the first time in a week, I asked Ma to watch Cooper. It scared the shit out of me, not having Ma watching him, per se, but having anyone watch him that wasn’t me. I gave Ma another gun and told her to shoot first and think later. I wouldn’t lose my boy again.

After a quick text to Casey telling her, I needed her help and to be at the club at three o’clock, I pulled myself together before the guys left. Earlier this morning I asked Cruz, who was staying back with us, and when he said Buzz and Rocky, I was relieved. I needed Rocky here. I needed answers.

“Babe, you sure you’re okay?” Cruz asked while lacing up his heavy boots.

Walking over to the chair, he was sitting in, I kneeled down in front of him. “Yeah. Just be careful, okay?”

“Always. I’ll be home in a couple of hours and all this shit will be over.” I wanted to believe him. I really did, but what I was about to do… if I was wrong, the brothers would have my ass on a stick. I’d be dead, but I needed to know for the club and myself.

Leaning up, I wrapped my arms around his neck threading my fingers through the back of his hair. Staring into his beautiful blue eyes, my lips fell to his. He instinctively pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. I hoped this wouldn’t be the last time I did this, because if I were wrong about Rocky, it just might be. That fear almost held me back from doing what needed to be done, but I couldn’t let it. If it were true, the guys needed to know.

“I’ll be back soon.” Nodding, we both stood.

“Daddy!” Cooper yelled from his room. Cruz smiled, shaking his head. After lots of hugs and rough manly kisses, Cruz handed Coop off to me as he left.

Liv had been staying here in the same room that Stella and Moxie were privileged to a while back. I never went to see her and stayed very clear of the room as it was very tempting to go in and beat the living shit out of her, but I didn’t. I wanted to at times… but didn’t, only because Cruz said no. They needed her; in turn I actually needed her.

After a half hour, the sound of revved-up Harleys filled the room. I listened as they left the clubhouse. Gathering Coop, I handed him off to Ma, who eyed me as if she knew I was up to something, but didn’t say a word. I left in search of my target.

He was here; I just needed to find him. I grabbed my bag that looked like an oversized purse because I needed to make sure everything I packed was with me and well hidden. Walking through the clubhouse, Buzz was behind the bar cleaning it up as two of the club mamas were mopping the floors. “Hey, Buzz. You see Rocky?”

“I think he’s out at the shop.” Perfect. I’d planned on doing this in the basement of the clubhouse, but the shop would be even better. Off the backroom, where Sting was kept for so long, was a small room about eight by eight with mainly storage inside. Sending out a quick text to Casey, I made my way out into the sunlight.

Walking into the shop, the first man I came across was Greg, the man I had hurt the first day I was here. Even though I’ve apologized to him, I still felt a bit bad. Poor guy was just protecting my bike. Walking up to him, I said, “Hey, Greg.” He smiled broadly.

“Hey, Princess. What’s going on?” he asked while wiping his hands on the shop towels next to him.

“Just out for one of my walks. Hey. I’m gonna go look for a couple of things for Sting in the back. I’m thinking of tuning him up.” I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

“You and that man of yours.” He smirked. “Sure thing. Go on back and get what ya need.”

“Thanks. Hey, you seen Rocky?”

“Yeah, in the office.”

“Could you ask him to come back? I need to talk to him about something.”

“Sure thing, Princess.”

“Thanks!” I smiled my most sultry smile at the guy. Flirting always worked around this place. One thing a man couldn’t deny was pussy.

Making my way to the back room, I took in all my surroundings. Three men were working in the shop, but seemed to have their heads stuck in their work. It looked as if Rocky was the only one inside the office, at least from what I could see through the mini-blinds.

“Hey, Bitch!” Casey called from behind me as she waved to all the guys. I was so gonna miss her.

“Hey, Babe. Come to help me look for parts?” I winked taking in the oversized purse she was carrying, as well. Men never seem to give a second thought to the purses, man, what they didn’t know.

“Absolutely.” Since giving Casey a quick rundown early this morning about why we were going to be doing what we were about to do, I felt calm with her by my side. I had to give her a hell of a reason, or she wouldn’t want any part of it. It was too dangerous, and I couldn’t help that feeling lingering in the back of my head saying, what if I’m wrong.

Shaking myself out of those thoughts, we headed towards the back. Casey instantly went to work, clearing a small space in the center of the room and placing a chair in the center. I knew if I were gonna do this, it would have to be fast and methodical… no mistakes. The guys have already been gone for an hour, and if everything went okay, Cruz said he’d be back in two. I needed to get to work.

“You ready?” My eyes focused on hers. She may not have become the gun-toting girl that I did, but she still had her father in her, and when he came out to play, it was game on.

“Let’s see who this fucker is.” Nodding, I made sure my guns were loaded. I gave Casey a taser and stuck mine in my side holster. It was made to look just like a gun and was gonna be my tool of choice for this inquisition. We were as ready as we were gonna be.

I wasn’t as nervous as I was last night. Having that extra time to think and not react helped keep my head on straight. Now if this shit was confirmed, I couldn’t say it’ll stay that way. I was playing that one by ear.

Going out into the connecting room, we began looking for parts for Sting, always keeping our eyes attached to the door. When it slowly creaked open, I glanced over at Casey who nodded.

“Hey, Rocky. Can you help me find some plugs for Sting?” He grunted, but hearing his boot steps getting closer, I turned and smiled at him. His eyes were still the same brown as they’ve been every other time, but this time I imagined them green, and as I did, an elusive chill ran down my spine. I didn’t let it show, instead; I gave him a very vibrant smile. “Thanks.”

Casey walked up on the other side of Rocky as he turned to look at her, appraising her up and down. That was just what I suspected he’d do, with her long legs and painted-on jeans; no one could resist her. “Hey, Rocky, you know Casey, right?” He nodded his head.