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Liv screamed as Cruz, and the brothers came barreling through the doors from every direction. I aimed my gun directly at Liv. “Give me my boy.”

“Fuck you. I’ll kill him before you have him,” she snarled, clutching the gun that just shot Mel.

Cruz didn’t waste any time. Shots rang out as Cooper fell to the hard ground screaming. I ran grabbing him tightly pulling him away from everything that was about to happen.

“Mommy!” he cried, grabbing on to me tightly. I clutched him hard, not wanting to let go of him, ever.

“It’s all right, Baby. Mommy’s got you. You’re safe.” I rocked him back and forth as his tears poured into my shirt. I heard shuffling and Liv’s screams but ignored them clinging onto my boy.

“Babe?” Cruz knelt down to the ground in front of us, wrapping his arms tightly around us. “He okay?”

“I haven’t looked him over yet, but he feels it.”

“How about you?”

“Better now. She gone?”

“No,” he said kissing Cooper’s head and standing up.

“What?” I yelled shocked. “Why the fuck not?” I picked Coop up off the floor and stared at the woman lying on the ground in a puddle of blood. From the rise and fall of her chest, I knew she was alive. The few shots on her legs were not life threatening.

“Club business,” he clipped as I glared at him. Normally I’d let that shit slide, but this time, it was taking everything in my power to hold it together.

Liv laughed, lying on the ground in her puddle of blood and dirt. “What the fuck are you laughing about?” I asked as Coop’s head buried into my neck.

“You killed Babs, now someone will kill you.” G.T. slammed his fist hard into her jaw. I could hear the bones cracking at the contact.

“Wh… what’s she talking about Cruz?” My voice was unsteady. I thought this shit would be over, but it was becoming to be far from it.

Cruz looked across the room at the brothers who all nodded to him. “Babs put a hit on you if you killed her. Right now the only one that can place it is Rabbit. So we need to get to him before he finds out. We’re gonna use Liv here. She, after all, has been fucking his ol’ lady.”

Liv’s body went still, all the cockiness from her little confession gone at those words. “You can’t tell Rabbit. He knows nothing about me.” Her voice shook.

“That’s what I was banking on,” Cruz said as he nodded to Dagger and G.T. They tied her arms and legs and gagged her, dragging her off.

“Cruz, what’s gonna happen?” I knew that in our world having a price tag on my head meant everyone would be after me. Everyone would want the chunk of the money. I’d be a sitting duck just waiting to die.

“I take care of you. Trust me.” I nodded my head because if anything was certain, it was that I trusted this man.

“Thank you,” I whispered to him.

“For what?”

“For getting my boy back,” I said, squeezing his little body into mine.

“Babe, you did this. You brought him home. I’m just here for back up.” I smiled up at him knowing he was only partially right.

“Can we go home?”

Cruz looked over at Diamond, who nodded to us. “Yeah, Babe. Let’s go.”

Chapter 15—Harlow

Lying in bed next to Cruz, I thought over the week I’d had. The whirlwind of emotions was tearing me up. Tension around the club was through the roof with everyone on edge about the meeting with Rabbit tomorrow night. Cruz has been in meetings non-stop, and I haven’t been privileged to the information. Part of me wanted to know badly what the hell was going on, but the other part wanted to distance myself as far away from it as possible.

I made it my life’s mission to keep Cooper in my sight at all times. I kept him attached to my hip, not letting anyone watch him. I knew that Ma didn’t intend on him getting taken, and she’d have done anything to protect him if she could have, but I just couldn’t risk it.

Trusting someone else with him was incredibly hard. Just the thought of someone else watching him kicked up my anxiety. I hadn’t been back to X, and as far as I knew Becs was running the joint.

I didn’t even have the urge to go there right now, or leave the clubhouse for that matter.

Shutting my mind off tonight was proving to be more difficult than I thought. Even having a couple of shots before bed hasn’t relieved the uncertainty of tomorrow. The horrible part of not knowing what was gonna happen was… I didn’t know what to do to help. They didn’t want me to. Cruz was on edge, but he’s been doing everything he can to be calm and collected for Cooper and me.

He’s doing a great job at it, considering at times I wondered if he was affected at all.

After about an hour of lying there, I couldn’t take it anymore. Sliding slowly out of Cruz’s grasp, I needed another drink. The clock on the nightstand read 1:37 a.m. and I knew someone would be up in the clubhouse, and there were no parties going on.

Walking into the main room of the clubhouse, the place was dead silent, my plan was ruined. I guess 1:30 a.m. on a Monday morning was not party-central. Grabbing a bottle of Jack, I headed down to the kids’ media room in the basement. It was quiet with all the families being gone, and it was peaceful.

Walking slowly down the hall, I made my way to the movie room, thinking some Vin Diesel would be a good pick-me-up. Passing through, rough moans began to invade my ears. As I passed the last bedroom door, the voices became more intense. Rolling my eyes, I kept moving along. Hearing this was nothing new in the club, it was actually quite normal.

“You like that pretty little asshole fucked. Don’t you?” The voice. The voice made me stop dead in my tracks as I listened unmoving. “You dirty little whore.” A loud slap followed by a woman’s moan and the slapping of skin had memories that I buried deep down coming to life right before my eyes. Making my feet move, I peeked inside of the door needing to see the face behind the voice.

Looking through the small crack, my body shuddered as my hands clenched tightly. Rocky was pounding away on the blonde that tried to give Cruz a lap dance a while back. This couldn’t be. It couldn’t.

“You fucking little whore. Doing this for daddy, huh?” My breath left me so fast it was as if I was a balloon, and someone just popped me with a needle. I was suffocating inside my body, but not wanting to make a sound for fear he would hear me. My mind raced faster than I could catch up. It was him. It truly was him. Was it?

I needed to get out of here. Needed to get away… get away from him. He couldn’t be here. Rocky… no. It just couldn’t be. Racing as fast as I could, I ran back up to the main clubhouse and locked myself in the bathroom.

Bracing my hands on the counter, my head hung as if my neck decided to take a vacation. This just couldn’t be. It couldn’t. First off, the brothers would have checked Rocky’s background. There’s no way they would let someone like him Prospect for the club. They couldn’t know. It’s the only explanation.

His words kept ringing through my head over and over again. “You fucking little whore. Doing this for daddy, huh?” He said those exact words to me over and over again, night after night. A memory I wanted to stay locked up forever was dredged up like vomit in my mouth. I focused on the mirror in front of me as my own eyes stared into each other. Whore. That’s what I am. That’s what I did in there for this club… to protect this club. Between him and Babs, the one thing I never wanted to be was being proven, I truly felt like a whore.

The wheels in my head turned quickly. I needed to protect this club again, but I needed to make a hundred percent sure it was him. In prison, he was the guard who provided me with the supplies to take care of some of the women giving the club troubles. But he always wanted payment, regularly. But Rocky, didn’t look like him… it’s the voice. The voice was his; I knew it.