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“I’m from Sumner. I love working on cars and that’s about it.” I dig back into my pizza.

He grins. “I’m sure there’s more to it than that, but I’ll go with it.” He pauses. “I’m from here actually. Started school last year at the insistence of my father, I worked for him as a paper pusher so he thinks he can boss me around. Well, I guess he can.” He chuckles. “I run quite often, love to watch football and am an all-around great guy.”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. “You sure think highly of yourself there.”

He chews the pizza and swallows. “Nah. Nothing like that. Just thought I’d get to hear you laugh, and I’m glad I did.”

I turn away quickly at his flirtation, filling my mouth with more pizza.

He holds his hands up in surrender. “Sorry. I’ll stop. I’m making you uncomfortable and it’s the last thing I want.”

I wipe my face and slowly stand. “I really appreciate you bringing dinner, but I’m really tired.”

“And there’s my cue to get-the-hell-out,” he grumbles as he slides off the stool. I can’t deny his words. “Thanks for letting me eat with you. I’m sure we’ll see each other around.”

“Thank you again for helping with the box and bringing dinner. It was very nice of you.”

“What every guy wants to hear. It was nice.” He laughs. “It’s really no problem. If you need anything, I’m in 306. Come by anytime.”

I nod as I move quickly towards the door and open it. “Thank you. See ya Casey.” He smiles his eyes squinting in mischief. It’s best for him to go. He needs to go.

“Bye.” I shut the door and lock the deadbolt, clean up the remnants of dinner and head to bed. I wasn’t joking, I’m beat. I need sleep, now and it consumes me as soon as my head hits the pillow.

Chapter 2—Casey

The first week of school flashes before my eyes and the second is almost over. I really like my classes and my professors seem alright. My job, on the other hand, not so much. Work is rough. Finding my place in a male dominated industry is a challenge and Foster’s Garage is no different and it’s what I expected. Back in Sumner, I paid enough dues and demonstrated my abilities daily to all the guys, and for that I am respected. Here… not so much.

The guys make their dumb ass comments about my ass, but I let it roll off my back. If I let that shit get to me then I’m in the wrong business. What gets me is the condescending tone some of them have when I talk engines. In reality, I can walk circles around them when it comes to an engine and more than likely take apart and rebuild one faster than they ever thought possible. Again, it’s all about paying my dues and I accept that, I just don’t have to like it.

Luckily, I only work two days a week for a couple of hours. I really don’t need to work at all. Bam left me enough money to survive on for quite some time and I’ve skimped and saved over the years. Bam taught me well when it came to money. Never live above your means and if you want something you work for it. That is exactly what I’m doing now. Plus it doesn’t hurt I love being under an engine and am not quite ready to give it up yet.

One of the best things that happened is meeting Bella. She’s really the only friend I’ve made here at school. We met in the two classes we share. She sat next to me one day and I couldn’t keep my damn eyes off of her. Her hair was so unique, dark black, but its silkiness is caught my attention; I wanted to touch it to see if it was real. And that was the first thing I asked her. She laughed replying yes. After talking more, we found out we have a ton in common and have been friends since. We began hitting up the coffee shop down the road to chat after class.

Bella lost her dad about a year ago, in talking about our experiences our bond formed instantly. We also have the same major which made us a match made in heaven. She actually lives in the next building over from me, which was a happy surprise.

When I walk into the coffee shop, Bella is instantly noticeable. Her long jet black hair flows uncontrollably down her back. Her eyes are blue, but they have a purple tint to them making them utterly unique. To say she looks exotic is an understatement. Add in a rocking body, smarts and kick ass personality, the guys at the club would eat her alive.

“Hey! So how’s it been going?” Bella asks as I slide into the table next to her.

Wrapping my hands around the mug of coffee she so generously had waiting for me, I smile. “Great. You?”

“Alright. Absolutely nothing exciting going on what so ever.” She grunts staring at her mug.

“You still seeing that guy…” My voice trails off as I wave my hand not remembering his name.

“His name was Ethan and no. He’s gone. I don’t have anyone at the moment.” Her evil smirk graces her pouty lips.

“You’re kidding me.” I egg her on smiling. In the short time that I’ve known her, I’ve learned quickly that Bella always has someone she’s with and someone waiting in the wings to take their spot. So far, she’s been through two.

Her laugh breaks out of her lips. “Nah. Need a break. This last one was too much of a pussy. I need a man… A real one.” The wiggle of her eyes up and down instigated my full out laugh.

“You sure you could handle that?” I say between breaths of fitting giggles thinking of all the brothers in the club.

“I’m tougher than you think. Why don’t you hook me up with one of your biker men?” Her tongue darts out running across her top lip. Telling Bella about my home life went so much smoother than I imagined. I am always apprehensive of telling people how I grew up especially with how others reacted in grade and high school.

I’ve been called everything from a biker brat to a biker slut and everything in between. Most of my classmates’ parents told them to stay clear of Harlow and myself; we were bad news, bad eggs, and bad seeds. Now that I look back on that, everything turned out for the best. Harlow and I didn’t have to deal with the superficial friendships that seem to be part of the high school experience for most people. But that didn’t mean our time was easy.

Even now as an adult, I still get weary, but Bella’s only reaction was the utter desire to come to the club and meet the guys. But there is no way I’m letting her turn into a club momma. Not going to happen.

“Girl, they’d eat you alive.”

“Maybe that’s what I need. To be eaten… hard.” The mug that almost made it to my mouth slams down the table as a roar of laughter bellows out of me uncontrollably. This is why I love hanging out with Bella, her mouth.

“Well, that’s sure a beautiful laugh.” My eyes gaze into the chocolate brown ones that were in my apartment. I have seen him a few times, but never enough to talk to him since our pizza night. He’s either coming in or going out of his apartment. I smile slightly, but never engage in conversation and to my surprise he just smiles back and goes on his way.

“Hey Jace. How are ya?” I ask turning to look at Bella whose eyes are bugging out of her head. Jace is a very attractive man from his toned muscular arms and legs to his sharp nose and cheekbones. I smile knowingly.

“I’m good. How’s school going for ya?”

“Good. This is my friend Bella. She lives in the apartment building next to ours.” He smiles politely to Bella.

“Hi there.” To my utter shock, his eyes jet right back to mine, not giving Bella his attention. My first thought is what the hell is wrong with him and the second is damn. I look over at Bella, who shrugs her shoulders, but no words escape her lips.

“You wanna hang out Saturday night? My friends and I are going to this bar, Dixie’s and I’d love for you to come with us. Bella’s welcome to come too.”

Before the words can leave my mouth, Bella answers for me. “We’d love to. What time do you want us to meet you?”

My mouth drops to the floor and I stare into her beautiful blue eyes wanting to strangle her. Her knowing smile only infuriates me more; she knew I’d say no. Damn her.