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the jail, Jasper was there. (Dreiser)19. Susan Nipper stood opposite to her young mistress one morning, as she folded and sealed a note she had been writing. (Dickens)20. The whole party arrived in safety at the Bush before Mr. Pickwick

had recovered

his breath. (Dickens)21. He [Hugh] jumped to feel Ann's clasp upon his arm. She

had been saying

something to him. (Murdoch)22. He



had time

to form this conclusion, when a window above stairs was thrown up. (Dickens)23. The door was just going to be closed...when an inquisitive boarder, who

had been peeping

between the hinges, set up a fearful screaming. (Dickens)24. Mr. Pecksniff and his fair daughters

had not stood

warming themselves at the fire ten minutes, when the sound of feet was heard upon the stairs. (Dickens)25. He [Cowperwood]...




questions with a keen desire for an intelligent reply. (Dreiser)26. He turned off the electric light. The electric light

had been burning

all night. (Hemingway)27....she

would go on

discussing a book she said she had read but manifestly


or she

would break up

a dull conversation with some fantastic irrelevance for which everyone was secretly grateful. (Hilton) 28. When Katie


in the tea-tray, the boy


his eyes and

sat up

with a bewildered air. (Voynich)29. When we were boy and girl we


call each other by our Christian names. (Maugham)30. There were bits of the work that, because I

had been doing

them so long, I knew better than anyone else. (Snow)31. He

had sat down

with the child on his knees, and

was helping

her to put the flowers in order. (Voynich)32. He


ruminating about the matter for some time, when the voice of Roker demanded whether he might come in. (Dickens)33. He seemed to be quietly and carefully deciding what he

was going

to say. (Murdoch)34. There was no doubt that their arrival

had transformed

the factory for her. Rosa

had been working

in the factory for about two years. Before that she

had been

a journalist. (Murdoch)35. After dinner Ruby came and sat with us in the lounge. She remained even after the dancing

had started

. We

had arranged

to play bridge later, but we

were waiting

for Mark... and also for Josie. She

was going

to make a fourth with us. (Christie)36. She

used to

sit with him and his family a lot. He

used to

take her for drives sometimes. (Christie)37. George made no answer, and we found... that he

had been

asleep for some time. (Jerome K. Jerome)38. She talked and laughed and positively forgot until

he had come

in... that Pearl Fulton

had not turned up.

(Mansfield)39. Some years ago, when I was the Editor of a Correspondence Column, I

used to

receive heartbroken letters from young men asking for advice and sympathy. (Leacock) 40. 1 took the sculls. I

had not been pulling

for more than a minute or so, when George noticed something black floating on the water. (Jerome K. Jerome)41. The voice


no sooner


than the room was shaken with such violence that the windows rattled in their frames. (Dickens)42. The figure




from the gate, and

was running

back hastily to the mill. (Ch. Bronte)43. As he was in dinner dress, Fanny asked where he