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I've been wanting

to ask you ever since you came home." (Maugham)25. Years

have passed

since we began this life. (Dickens)26. I'

ve been making

some sandwiches. Won't you come up and have some? (Christie)27. I cannot imagine why I'

ve lived

thirty years with a man I dislike so much. (Maugham)28. "Antonia

has been telling

me about your flat," said Rosemary. "It sounds ideal. And there's a heavenly view over to Westminster Cathedral." (Murdoch)29. We'

ve been going

to pictures about twice a week ever since. (Maugham)30. I'

ve flown

a kite every Saturday afternoon ever since I was a kid and I'

m going

to fly a kite as long as ever I


to. (Maugham)31. I


this is an old story, I

don't understand

it myself and if I set it


in black and white it is only with a faint hope that when

I have written

it I may get a clearer view of if. (Maugham)32. Who

is coming

to tea? (Wilde)33. "I don't know what's been the matter with me. I'

ve been

so miserable, Eddie..." "You've

been crying

." (Maugham)

Exercise 30. Insert the Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I __ the bell for the last quarter of an hour, (to ring) (Maugham)2. I want to see how much he __ since I saw him last, (to change) (Voynich)3. __ you __ any word from her since she left here? (to have) (Dickens)4. I don't want to take a cure at all. I am perfectly happy. All my life I __ perfectly happy. (to be) (Hemingway)5. Signora Grassini greeted Gemma affectionately, exclaiming in a loud whisper: "How charming you __ tonight!" (to look) (Voynich)6. Here's my keys. I __ (to leave) (Gow and D’Usseau)7. I __ to Mr. Boldwood since the autumn. I want to explain. I __ to do it ever since I returned, (to speak — nej»tive, to long) (Hardy)8. I requested them to suspend their decision until they. __ my narrative, (to read) (Collins)9. Wait till you __ Moose and __ with him. (to see, to talk) (Aldridge) 10. "But what __ we __ ?" she asked. "I __ about it a lot. I __ about it all week. But 1 __ what to do." (to do, to think, to think, to know — negative) (Caldwell)11. I muet not let my eyes get all red and swollen, or Henry'll know I __ (to cry) (Maugham) 12. The sun __ with different degrees of heating power in different parts of the world, (to shine) 13. "Look," I said, "I __ Francis very well. I __ him since we were very young men." (to know,! to know) (Snow)14. "Well, I __ that Iris isn't going to be married," I said after a while, (to hear) (Maugham)15. He says he __ to the same tunes for fifteen years, (to listen) (Maugham)16. Cesare you and I __ friends for all these years, and I __ never __ you what really happened about Arthur, (to be, to tell) (Voynich)17. What are we going to say to the king when he __ ? (to come in) (Shaw 18. "Dear little Hans," cried the Miller, "I am in great trouble. My little boy __ off a ladder and __ himself." (to fall, to hurt (Wilde)19. "As I __ you for the past six months," he said, "business is bad." (to tell) (/. Shaw)20. "This other gentleman," cried Mr. Pickwick, "is, as you will see when you __ the letter... a very near relative, or I should rather say a very particular friend of your son's." (to read) (Dickens)21. Maude: You __ both ; __ forward to this moment ever since you met one another. Carol ine: And now it __ (to look, to come) (Maugham)22. But you ought to have been telling your tale. Now you begin and when you __, we'll go back and see what __ really __ (to finish, to happen) (Priestley) 23. What __ you. __ with yourself since I've been away? (to do) (Christie)24. You __ here two weeks. __ you __ your opinion of the South? (to be, to change) (Gow and D’Usseau)25. "1 am very hungry and tired," replied Oliver. "I __ a long way. I __ these seven days." (to walk, to walk) (Dickens)26. My good man, Signora Bolla __ head nurse in general to all of us. She __ after sick people ever since she was in short frocks, and __ it better than any sister of mercy I __ I needn't leave any directions if she __ (to be, to look, to do, to know, to come) (Voynich) 27. As Arthur mounted the stone steps leading to the street, a girl in a cotton dress and straw hat ran up to him with outstretched hands. "Arthur! Oh, I am so glad!.. I __ here for half an hour... Arthur, why __ you __ at me like that? Something __ Arthur, what __ to you? Stop!" (to wait, to look, to happen, to come) (Voynich)28. "Mr. Bithem here yet?" asked Miss Mass. "Oh, yes, dear," cried the chorus. "He __ here for ages. We all __ here for more than an hour." (to be, to wait) (Mansfield)29. "Are we alone now?" "The waiter __ and the door is locked." (to go) (Caldwell) 30. I __ happy. I __ always __ happy, (to be, to be) (Hemingway)

Exercise 31. Translate into English.

1. Ты уложила свои вещи? Такси уже десять минут ждет у дверей. 2. Теперь я поняла. 3. Он уже пять месяцев заведует лабораторией и многому научился за это время. 4. Я приду к вам, если только меня не задержат на работе. 5. Я всегда интересовалась естественными науками. 6. Кто взял мой словарь? Я уже полчаса ищу его. 7. Мы здесь уже с начала месяца, но не было еще ни одного солнечного дня. 8. Она вечно говорит по телефону.
