Rфs (1) Promontory of the Great Lands; Battle of Rфs. 283–6, 293, 302. (2) Capital of Tol Eressлa. 302. (3) Name of Tol Eressлa? 302. (4) See the Appendix on Names, p. 347.

Rothwarin Earlier name for the Rodothlim. 117, 119, 135–6

Rыm Rome. 196, 203, 315, 330; Rome 203. (The form of the name with u is found in Old English; see 315.) See Magbar, Micelgeard.

Rъmhoth Romans. 294, 304, 306, 309. See Romans, Men of the South.

Rъmil 149, 209; Alphabet of Rъmil 69; book of Rъmil 217

Rъsitaurion ‘Son of the weary forest’ (Eldarissa), name given to himself by Turambar. 89. See Dhrauthodavros.

Saeros 121–2, 142

Saksani Saxons. 306

Salgant Lord of the people of the Harp in Gondolin. 173, 175, 177, 182, 190–1

Salmar Companion of Ulmo, called also Noldorin. 219, 279

Sandyman, Ted 333

Sarnathrod ‘Stony Ford’. 236. Later form Sarn Athrad 249. See Stony Ford.

Sarqindi ‘Cannibal-ogres’. 254

Sauron 53–5, 57; Wolf-Sauron 55; Mouth of Sauron 67

Saxons 306. See Saksani.

Scarlet Heart, The Emblem of the King’s House in Gondolin. 172, 200

Sea-wing See Eдrrбmл.

Shadow-folk of Hisilуmл 64, 215, 249

Shadowy Seas Region of the Great Sea west of Tol Eressлa. 256, 275, 286, 324–5; the great (sea-) shadows 260, 272; the Shadows 316

Shining Isles Dwelling of the Gods and the Eldar of Valinor as imagined by the Ilkorins. 142

Shipmen, Ship-folk, of the West The Ythlings. 319, 322, 325, 331, 334. See Eneathrim, Ythlings.

Shippey, T. A. The Road to Middle-earth, 57

Shoreland Pipers 42; pipers of the shore 8; shoreland Elves 304. See Solosimpi.

Shores of Faлry See Faлry.

Sigurd Fafnisbane 125

Silent Pools, Battle of the 278–9. See Pools of Twilight, Umbothmuilin.

Silmarillion, The 50, 52–9, 61–6, 68, 119–21, 123–31, 134–5, 137, 139–42, 145, 204, 206–14, 216–17, 245, 247–9, 251, 257–9, 261–2, 264–5, 292, 300, 305, 324, 328

Silmaril(s) 13, 30, 33–4, 36–40, 53, 56–8, 95, 136–7, 223–4, 227–8, 238–41, 245–6, 259, 265; Lamp of Faлry, Lamp of Fлanor 238

Silpion The silver tree of Valinor. 33, 215, 285

Silver Bowl, Fall of the 101, 105–6, 110–11, 115, 130, 132–5, 140

Sindarin 50

Singoldo Replaced Tinwл Linto. 41, 51. Later form Singollo 50

Sirion 41, 47, 53, 62, 77, 81, 91, 123, 137, 141, 153–7, 161–2, 165, 195–6, 198, 201, 207–9, 211, 214, 217, 242, 249, 252; Doriath beyond Sirion 249. References to the Mouth(s) of Sirion and the dwellings there (Sirion often = ‘the dwellings at the Mouth of Sirion’) 196, 205–6, 209, 214–15, 217, 252–6, 258–63, 265, 276, 279; Isle(s) of Sirion 254, 262

Sirius 282. See Bee of Azure, Nielluin.

Sleeper in the Tower of Pearl 254, 256, 263, 274, 276. See Tower of Pearl.

Solosimpi 8, 42, 50, 253, 255, 258, 278, 281, 303; Solosimpл 261. See Shoreland Pipers.

Song of Eriol, The (poem) 298–300

Sons of Fлanor 44, 65, 220, 241–2, 245, 248, 250–1, 259

Sornontur The house of Tuor at the Mouth of Sirion. 201

Sorontur King of Eagles. 192, 203. (Replaced Ramandur.) See Thorndor.

Sorrowful City, The (poem) 295, 298

Spell of Bottomless Dread See Melko.

Square of the Folkwell In Gondolin. 181; Place of the Well 179, 182

Square of the Palace In Gondolin; also called Square of the King, King’s Square, Place of the King. 160, 179, 182–6, 212, 216 The king’s hall(s), house, or palace 160, 183–7, 199–200, 207; the king’s tower 160, 180, 185–7, 200, 207–8, 212; the king’s fountain 162, 176, 182–4, 189, 215

Staffordshire 292, 328

Stapledon Magazine 273

Stars Selected references: 274–5, 281, 317

Stony Ford 236–8, 250. See Sarnathrod.

Stricken Anvil, The Emblem of the people of the Hammer of Wrath in Gondolin. 174, 179

Sъlimo See Manwл.

Sun, The Selected references. First rising of 9–10, 20, 65–6, 116, 208; accounts of sunset 261, 320, 325; ship of 281–2, 286; haven(s) of 266, 268–9; recall of 285–6; imprisonment of 286; Melko’s attack on 281, 286; dwelling of 255, 276; Sun-dwellers 261; beyond the Sun 162, West of the Sun 271–2; an emblem of the King’s House in Gondolin 172. See Magic Sun, Urwendi.

Sundering Seas 264

Swallow, The Name of one of the kindreds of the Gondothlim. 173, 176, 178–83, 193. See Duilin (2).

Swan As emblem of Tuor and of his men in Gondolin (swanwings on helm and shield). 152, 164, 172, 193, 205, 210, 276; house of the Swan 160. See Alqarбmл, Swanwing, Wing.

Swanhaven 258; Haven of the Swans 11, 65. See Cуpas Alqalunten, Kуpas.

Swanwing Tuor’s ship. 253–5, 260, 263, 265. See Alqarбmл.

Taimonto = Telimektar. 281, 328; Taimondo 328

Talath Dirnen The Guarded Plain of Nargothrond. 61

Talceleb See Idril.

Tale-fire In Mar Vanwa Tyaliйva. 144–5, 197, 221, 252. See Room of Logs, Tфn a Gwedrin.

Tale of Years 208

Taltelepta See Irildл.

Tamar Lamefoot Son of Bethos of the Woodmen. 101, 103, 106, 108–11, 130, 132–4, 215. (Replaced by Brandir.)

Taniquetil 77, 141, 161, 163, 171, 202, 257, 262, 265, 271–2; Mountain of the World 77

Tanyasalpл ‘Bowl of Fire’. 138. See Fauri, Faskalan, Fфs ’Almir.

Tarnin Austa 172. See Gates of Summer.

Taruithorn, Taruktarna Gnomish and Eldarissa names of Oxford. 292–3

Tasarinan The Land of Willows. 140, 225, 248, 278; the Battle of Tasarinan 70, 140, 154, 219–20, 278–9. See Land of Willows, Nan-tathren.

Taurfuin The Forest of Night. 34–5, 47, 62, 78. Later form Taur-nu-Fuin 62, 123. See Forest of Night.

Taurossл, Tavaros(sл) Eldarissa forms for Tavrobel. 292

Tavrobel 145, 283–4, 287–9, 292–3, 307, 310, 323, 326; Tavrobel the Old 310, the New 310; tower of 287; bridge and joining rivers at 288–9; Golden Book of 285, 310; Tales of 290. See Gilfanon, Great Haywood, Pine of Belaurin.

Tavrost = Tavrobel. 292

Teiglin 130, 132, 135, 140, 249; Crossings of Teiglin 127, 130, 132; ravines of 132–4

Telchar Dwarf smith of Nogrod. 58, 129

Teld Quing Ilon ‘Rainbow Roof’, earlier name for (Cris) Ilbranteloth. 202

Teleri The first kindred of the Elves (afterwards called Vanyar). 4, 253, 255, 278, 307

Telimektar Son of Tulkas; Orion. 281–2; Telumektar 302, Telumaith 302. See Taimonto.

Tevildo Prince of Cats 15–17, 21–33, 35, 45, 49, 51, 53–6, 58, 281; Tevildo Vardo Meoita 15, Meoita 54. See Tiberth, Tifil.

Thames 295, 297

Thingol 42–3, 45–6, 50–2, 63, 65, 69, 127–9, 245–6, 251; Elu Thingol 50; Thingol of the Woods 43, 251. (Replaced Tinwelint.)

Third Age 216, 327

Thompson, Francis 329

Thorndor Gnomish name of Sorontur King of Eagles. 192–4, 202. Later form Thorondor 251

Thornhoth ‘People of the Eagles’. 192–3