Grithnir The elder of Tъrin’s guardians on the journey to Doriath. 127. See Gumlin.

Gruir River in Tol Eressлa, joining the Afros at the bridge of Tavrobel (see 288). 284, 287

Guarded Plain of Nargothrond See Talath Dirnen.

Guilwarthon See I·Guilwarthon.

Guiрlin Invaders of Tol Eressлa. 294

Gully of the Rainbow Roof See Cris Ilbranteloth, Teld Quing Ilon.

Gumlin The elder of Tъrin’s guardians on the journey to Artanor. 74, 76, 92–3, 127. See Grithnir.

Gumniow Apparently an alternative name for Tevildo’s doorkeeper (see Umuiyan). 24

Gurtholfin ‘Wand of Death’, Tъrin’s sword (later Gurthang). 83, 85, 90, 99, 107–8, 112, 119; earlier form Gortholfin 119

Gwar, Gwвr = Mindon Gwar (Kortirion). 291, 313; hill of Gwar 313; Prince of Gwar 313, 323. Gwarthyryn 307. See Caergwвr.

Gwarestrin ‘Tower of Guard’, one of the Seven Names of Gondolin. 158

Gwasgonin ‘Winged Helms’, earlier name for the Forodwaith. 334

Gwedheling Queen of Artanor; name replacing Gwendeling in the Tale of Turambar. 73, 76, 94–6, 119, 244; Gwedhiling (replacing Gwendeling in the Gnomish dictionary) 50, 119, 244. See Artanor.

Gwendelin Queen of Artanor; name replaced by Gwenniel in the Tale of the Nauglafring. 228, 231–5, 237, 239–40, 243–4, 246, 249–50. See Artanor.

Gwendeling Queen of Artanor; name replacing Wendelin in the Tale of Tinъviel. 8–10, 12, 14–15, 17–19, 22–3, 30, 33, 35–7, 49–51, 63–4, 66, 119, 243–4. See Artanor.

Gwenethlin Queen of Artanor; name replaced by Melian in the typescript text of the Tale of Tinъviel. 51, 244, 259

Gwenniel Queen of Artanor; name replacing Gwendelin in the Tale of the Nauglafring. 223, 225, 227, 230, 243–4, 249. See Artanor.

Gwindor Elf of Nargothrond, companion of Tъrin (earlier Flinding). 62, 123–4. See Flinding.

Hador, House of 120, 126

Hжgwudu See Great Haywood, Heorrenda.

Half-elven 130, 215, 265–6, 293

Hall of Play Regained In Mar Vanwa Tyaliйva. 4

Hall(s) of Iron Angamandi. 166, 264; halls of darkness 169

Hammer of Wrath Name of one of the kindreds of the Gondothlim. 174, 176, 179, 183, 218. See Rog (2), Stricken Anvil.

Happy Mariners, The (poem) 273–6

Harbourless Isle(s) 317–18, 324–5, 331–2; Isle of the Old Man 322; other references to the Isles 5, 7, 311, 315–16, 333

Harbour of the Lights of Many Hues In Tol Eressлa. 321; Haven of Many Hues 322, 333

Harp, The Name of one of the kindreds of the Gondothlim. 173, 182. See Salgant.

Hasen of Isenуra Uncle of Ottor W

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fre (Eriol); alternative to Beorn. 291

Haudh-en-Elleth The Mound of Finduilas. 130. See Finduilas.

Haven of the Moon 269

Haven of the Sun 266, 268–9

Haven of the Swans See Swanhaven.

Havens of Sirion See Sirion.

Heath of the Sky-roof, Battle of the 284–5, 287, 293; Battle of the High Heath, of the Heaven Roof 287. See Dor-na-Dhaideloth, Ladwen-na-Dhaideloth, Withered Heath.

Heavenly Arch, The Name of one of the kindreds of the Gondothlim; also the Arch of Heaven, the Arch, the Rainbow. 173, 176, 179–83, 215. See Egalmoth.

Heaven Roof, Battle of the See Heath of the Sky-roof.

Heborodin The Encircling Hills about the plain of Gondolin. 166. See Encircling Mountains.

Helcaraxл 209

Heligoland 290–2

Helgor Earlier name for Жlfheah. 334. (Replaced by Gelimer.)

Hell Angamandi. 239

Hells of Iron Angamandi. 45, 61, 77, 157, 159, 161, 196, 206; Hells of Melko 187. See Angamandi, Angband.

Hendor Servant of Idril who carried Eдrendel from Gondolin. 190, 216

Hengest Son of Ottor W

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fre (Eriol), with his brother Horsa conqueror of Tol Eressлa. 290–4, 304, 323

Heorrenda (1) Son of Eriol, born in Tol Eressлa. 145, 197, 290–4, 323, 328, 334; Heorrenda of Hжgwudu 290, 292, 328; the Golden Book of Heorrenda 290. (2) In the Old English poem Dйor 323

Hiding of Valinor 317, 324–5, 332

High Faroth Highlands above Nargothrond. 124

High Hay 328

High Heath, Battle of the See Heath of the Sky-roof.

Hill of Spies 128–9. See Amon Ethir.

Hill of Watch 158; hill of vigilance 161, 208. See Amon Gwareth.

Hills of Iron See Iron Mountains.

Hirilorn ‘Queen of Trees’ in Artanor. 18–19, 46, 51, 54. (Replaced Golosbrindi.)

Hisilуmл 10–11, 13, 17, 21, 23, 31, 38, 43, 45, 47, 51, 61–6, 70, 88, 92, 102–3, 115, 117, 119–20, 126, 138, 140, 204, 215, 222, 234, 240, 243, 248–51, 280. See Aryador, Dor Lуmin, Hithlum, Land of Shadow(s), Mathusdor.

Hithlum 61, 71–2, 74–7, 87, 120–2, 126–7, 131, 142, 204–5, 218, 238, 240–2, 248–52. See Hisilуmл.

Horsa See Hengest. 290–4, 304, 323

House of a (the) Hundred Chimneys The house of Gilfanon at Tavrobel. 283–4, 310

Huan Called ‘lord of the Hounds of Hisilo л’ (47), ‘Captain of Dogs’ (21, 231), ‘Huan of the Dogs’. 21–3, 26–7, 30–1, 34–6, 38–9, 41, 47–8, 53–9, 62, 68, 231, 233–4, 239, 243

Hungry Sands On the coast of the Isle of the Ancient Mariner. 318

Hunthor Companion of Turambar in the attack on Glaurung. 133

Huor 214

Hъrin 52, 118, 120, 126, 128, 131, 135, 137, 210, 216, 245. See Ъrin.

Iceland 261

I·Cuilwarthon The dead that live again. 41, 51, 245, 249. (Replaced i·Guilwarthon.)

Icy Seas 254

Idril Wife of Tuor, mother of Eдrendel. 130, 162, 164–5, 167–70, 174, 177, 185–93, 199–201, 209–16, 219–20, 253–6, 260, 262–7, 276; Idril Talceleb, Idril of the Silver Feet 165, 199, 210, 216. See Irildл.

I·Guilwarthon The dead that live again. 51, 233, 243, 245; the Guilwarthon 240. (Replaced by i·Cuilwarthon.)

Ilbranteloth See Cris Ilbranteloth.

Ilfiniol Littleheart, 5, 50, 144–5, 201, 221, 244. (Replaced Elfriniol, replaced by Ilfrin.)

Ilfrin Littleheart. 7, 50, 201. (Replaced Ilfiniol.)

Ilfrith Littleheart. 276

Ilinsor Spirit of the Sъruli, steersman of the Moon. 259

Ilkorindi Elves ‘not of Kфr’ (see especially 64). 9, 64–5, 70; Ilkorin(s) 74, 122, 285

Ilъvatar 8, 42, 163, 209, 219, 223, 247, 283–4, 287; the Lord for Always 163, 209

Ilverin Littleheart. 201–2. (Replaced Elwenildo.)

Ilwл The middle air that flows among the stars. 281, 328

Incomers Easterlings. 126

Indor Father of Peleg father of Tuor. 160, 217. See Gon Indor, Indorildo.

Indorildo, Indorion Name of Eдrendel, great-grandson of Indor. 217. See Gon Indor.

Indrafangs The Longbeard Dwarves of Belegost. 46, 68, 223, 230, 232–5, 243, 247–8; Indrafangin 234, Indravangs 19, 68. See especially 247.

Ing (1) Ing, Ingwл King of Luthany; many references are to his kin, sons, or descendants. 301–10, 312; on the relationship between Ing and Ingwл see 305. (2) Earlier name of Inwл. 305. (3) Ing in Old English legend. 305