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And princes not so doing are like gnats

Which make a sound but, killed, are wondered at.

Therefore to make his entertain more sweet,

Here bear this standing-bowl of wine to him.


Alas, my father, it befits not me

Unto a stranger knight to be so bold.

He may my proffer take for an offence,

Since men take women’s gifts for impudence.


How? Do as I bid you, or you’ll move me else.

THAISA (aside)

Now, by the gods, he could not please me better.


Furthermore, tell him we desire to know

Of whence he is, his name and parentage.

Thaisa bears the cup to Pericles


The King my father, sir, has drunk to you,

Wishing it so much blood unto your life.


I thank both him and you, and pledge him freely.

He pledges the King


And further he desires to know of you

Of whence you are, your name and parentage.


A gentleman of Tyre, my name Pericles,

My education been in arts and arms,

Who, looking for adventures in the world,

Was by the rough unconstant seas bereft

Unfortunately both of ships and men,

And after shipwreck driven upon this shore.

Thaisa returns to the King


He thanks your grace, names himself Pericles,

A gentleman of Tyre, who, seeking adventures,

Was solely by misfortune of the seas

Bereft of ships and men, cast on this shore.


Now by the gods I pity his mishaps,

And will awake him from his melancholy.

Simonides, rising from his state, goes forthwith and embraces Pericles

Be cheered, for what misfortune hath impaired you of,

Fortune by my help can repair to you.

My self and country both shall be your friends,

And presently a goodly milk-white steed

And golden spurs I first bestow upon you,

The prizes due your merit, and ordained

For this day’s enterprise.


Your kingly courtesy I thankfully accept.


Come, gentlemen, we sit too long on trifles,

And waste the time which looks for other revels.

Ev’n in your armours, as you are addressed,

Your limbs will well become a soldier’s dance.

I will not have excuse with saying this,

‘Loud music is too harsh for ladies’ heads’,

Since they love men in arms as well as beds.

The knights dance

So this was well asked, ’twas so well performed.

Come, here’s a lady that wants breathing too.

(To Pericles) And I have heard, sir, that the knights of


Are excellent in making ladies trip,

And that their measures are as excellent.


In those that practise them they are, my lord.


O, that’s as much as you would be denied

Of your fair courtesy. Unclasp, unclasp.

They dance

Thanks, gentlemen, to all. All have done well,

(To Pericles) But you the best.—Lights, pages, to


These knights unto their sev’ral lodgings.—Yours, sir,

We have giv’n order should be next our own.

PERICLES I am at your grace’s pleasure.


Princes, it is too late to talk of love,

And that’s the mark I know you level at.

Therefore each one betake him to his rest;

Tomorrow all for speeding do their best.


Sc. 8 Enter Helicanus and Aeschines


No, Aeschines, know this of me:

Antiochus from incest lived not free,

For which the most high gods, not minding longer

To hold the vengeance that they had in store

Due to this heinous capital offence,

Even in the height and pride of all his glory,

When he was seated in a chariot

Of an inestimable value, and

His daughter with him, both apparelled all in jewels,

A fire from heaven came and shrivelled up

Their bodies e’en to loathing, for they so stunk

That all those eyes adored them ere their fall

Scorn now their hands should give them burial.


’Twas very strange.

HELICANUS And yet but justice, for though

This king were great, his greatness was no guard To bar heav’n’s shaft, but sin had his reward.

AESCHINES ’Tis very true.

Enter three Lords, and stand aside


See, not a man in private conference

Or council has respect with him but he.


It shall no longer grieve without reproof.


And cursed be he that will not second it.


Follow me, then.—Lord Helicane, a word.


With me? And welcome. Happy day, my lords.


Know that our griefs are risen to the top,

And now at length they overflow their banks.


Your griefs? For what? Wrong not your prince you love.


Wrong not yourself, then, noble Helicane,

But if the prince do live, let us salute him

Or know what ground’s made happy by his step,

And be resolved he lives to govern us,

Or dead, give ’s cause to mourn his funeral

And leave us to our free election.


Whose death indeed’s the strongest in our censure,

And knowing this—kingdoms without a head,

Like goodly buildings left without a roof,