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Do something mingle with our younger brown, yet

ha’ we

A brain that nourishes our nerves, and can

Get goal for goal of youth. Behold this man.

Commend unto his lips thy favouring hand;

Kiss it, my warrior.

Scarus kisses Cleopatra’s hand

He hath fought today

As if a god, in hate of mankind, had

Destroyed in such a shape.


I’ll give thee, friend,

An armour all of gold. It was a king’s.


He has deserved it, were it carbuncled

Like holy Phoebus’ car. Give me thy hand.

Through Alexandria make a jolly march.

Bear our hacked targets like the men that owe them.

Had our great palace the capacity

To camp this host, we all would sup together

And drink carouses to the next day’s fate,

Which promises royal peril. Trumpeters,

With brazen din blast you the city’s ear;

Make mingle with our rattling taborins,

That heaven and earth may strike their sounds


Applauding our approach.

Trumpets sound. Exeunt

4.10 Enter a Sentry and his company; Enobarbus follows


If we be not relieved within this hour

We must return to th’ court of guard. The night

Is shiny, and they say we shall embattle

By th’ second hour i’th’ morn.


This last day was

A shrewd one to’s.


O bear me witness, night—


What man is this?


Stand close, and list him.


Be witness to me, O thou blessed moon,

When men revolted shall upon record

Bear hateful memory, poor Enobarbus did

Before thy face repent.




Peace; hark further.


O sovereign mistress of true melancholy,

The poisonous damp of night disponge upon me,

That life, a very rebel to my will,

May hang no longer on me. Throw my heart

Against the flint and hardness of my fault,

Which, being dried with grief, will break to powder,

And finish all foul thoughts. O Antony,

Nobler than my revolt is infamous,

Forgive me in thine own particular,

But let the world rank me in register

A master-leaver and a fugitive.

O Antony! O Antony!

He dies

FIRST WATCH Let’s speak to him.


Let’s hear him, for the things he speaks

May concern Caesar.


Let’s do so. But he sleeps.


Swoons, rather; for so bad a prayer as his

Was never yet for sleep.


Go we to him.


Awake, sir, awake; speak to us.


Hear you, sir?


The hand of death hath raught him.

Drums afar off

Hark, the drums

Demurely wake the sleepers. Let us bear him

To th’ court of guard; he is of note. Our hour

Is fully out.


Come on, then. He may recover yet.

Exeunt with the body

4.11 Enter Antony and Scarus with their army


Their preparation is today by sea;

We please them not by land.


For both, my lord.


I would they’d fight i‘th’ fire or i’th’ air;

We’d fight there too. But this it is: our foot

Upon the hills adjoining to the city

Shall stay with us. Order for sea is given.

They have put forth the haven—

Where their appointment we may best discover,

And look on their endeavour.


4.12 Enter Caesar and his army


But being charged, we will be still by land—

Which, as I take’t, we shall, for his best force

Is forth to man his galleys. To the vales,

And hold our best advantage.


4.13 ⌈Alarum afar off, as at a sea fight.⌉ Enter Antony and Scarus


Yet they are not joined. Where yon pine does stand

I shall discover all. I’ll bring thee word

Straight how ’tis like to go.



Swallows have built

In Cleopatra’s sails their nests. The augurs

Say they know not, they cannot tell, look grimly,

And dare not speak their knowledge. Antony

Is valiant, and dejected, and by starts

His fretted fortunes give him hope and fear

Of what he has and has not.

Enter Antony


All is lost.

This foul Egyptian hath betrayed me.

My fleet hath yielded to the foe, and yonder

They cast their caps up, and carouse together

Like friends long lost. Triple-turned whore! ’Tis thou

Hast sold me to this novice, and my heart

Makes only wars on thee. Bid them all fly;

For when I am revenged upon my charm,

I have done all. Bid them all fly. Be gone.

Exit Scarus

O sun, thy uprise shall I see no more.

Fortune and Antony part here; even here

Do we shake hands. All come to this? The hearts

That spanieled me at heels, to whom I gave

Their wishes, do discandy, melt their sweets

On blossoming Caesar; and this pine is barked

That overtopped them all. Betrayed I am.

O this false soul of Egypt! This grave charm,

Whose eye becked forth my wars and called them home,