65. DE to Doud, 1/31/47, EP.
66. DE to Milton Eisenhower, 5/29/47, EP.
67. Note 1, DE to Watson and Milton Eisenhower, 6/14/47, EP.
68. DE to Watson, 11/17/47, and to Smith, 7/3/47, EP.
69. DE to Parkinson, 6/23/47, EP.
70. DE Diary, 11/12 and 12/15/47; DE to Hodgson, 10/30/47, EP.
71. The document is in EL, dated 2/7/48.
72. McCann, Man from Abilene, 154 — 55.
73. DE to Simon, 7/31/46, note 1, EP.
74. See introduction to 1977 Da Capo Press edition of Crusade.
Глава девятая
1. Robinson memo 4/1 /48, and Robinson to Leo Perpen, 6/12/48, EL.
2. DE memo to Harron, 7/5/48, EL; Lyon, Eisenhower, 386 — 87; DE to Lindley, 6/19/48, EL.
3. DE, At Ease, 339 — 41; DE to Hazlett, 8/12/48, EL.
4. DE to Hazlett, 2/24/50, EL.
5. Kirk interview, EL.
6. John Krout interview, EL.
7. DE Diary, 11/14/50.
8. Neal, The Eisenhowers, 251.
9. Ibid., 249 — 50.
10. DE to Hazlett, 1/27/49, EL; DE Diary, 1/8/49.
11. DE Diary, 1/8/49.
12. Ibid., 1/7/49; DE to Eberstadt, 9/20/48, and to Forrestal, 11/24/48, EL.
13. DE Diary, 3/19/49.
14. Ibid., 6/4/49.
15. Ibid., 10/14/49.
16. Interview DE; DE, At Ease, 554 — 55; DE to Roberts, 5/3/51, EL.
17. DE, At Ease, 358 — 60.
18. Adams to DE, 6/21/49, and DE to Adams, 6/23/49, EL.
19. DE Diary, 7/7/49.
20. Ibid., 9/27/49.
21. Ibid., 6/30/50.
22. Ibid., 7/6/50.
23. Ibid., 10/28/50.
24. Ibid., 7/6/50.
25. Ibid., 10/28/50.
26. DE to Hazlett, 11/1/50, EL.
27. DE Diary, 11/6/50.
28. Ibid., 12/5/50.
29. DE, At Ease, 371 — 72; DE, Mandate,
14; DE to Marshall, 12/12/50, EL.
30. DE, At Ease, 366.
31. Interview Lauris Norstadt, EL.
32. Memcon, 1/17/51, EL.
33. Memcon, 1/24/51, EL.
34. Memcon, 1/11/51, EL.
35. Press conference notes, 1/20/51, EL.
36. DE to Lodge, 4/4/52; DE to Woodruff, 8/27/51; and DE to McConnell, 6/29/51, EL.
37. DE to Lovett, 9/25/51, EL.
38. DE to Bermingham, 2/28/51, EL.
39. Interview Andrew Goodpaster.
40. DE Diary, 10/10/51; DE to Lovett, 9/25/51, EL.
41. DE Diary, 3/17/51.
42. DE to Paley, 3/29/52, EL.
43. Quoted in History JCS, Vol. IV, 195.
44. DE to Marshall, 8/3/51, EL.
45. DE Diary, 6/11/51; DE to Harriman, 6/30/51, EL.
46. DE to Pleven,.12/24/51, EL.
47. Robinson notes on Eisenhower speech, EL; New York Times, 7/4/51; Churchill to DE, 7/5/51, EL.
48. DE to John Eisenhower, 9/27/51, EL.
49. DE to Hazlett, 9/4/51, EL.
50. Krock, In the Nation, 194 — 95; Krock, Memoirs, 267 — 69; DE Diary, 9/25/51.
51. DE, Mandate, 18.
52. Clay to DE, 9/29/51, EL.
53. DE to Clay, 10/3/51, EL.
54. Smith, Dewey, 579.
55. DE to Duff, 11/13/51; DE to Leithead, 11/18/51; DE to Robinson, 11/8/51; DE to Milton Eisenhower, 11/20/51, all in El.
56. DE to Robinson, 11/24/51, EL.
57. Clay to DE, 12/7/51, EL.
58. Hoffman to DE, 12/5/51, EL.
59. DE Diary, 10/29/51.
60. DE to Roberts, 12/8/51; DE to Burnham, 12/11/51, EL.
61. DE to Lodge, 12/12/51, EL; DE Diary, 12/11/51.
62. Clay to DE, 12/21/51, EL.
63. Robinson memo, 12/29/51, EL.
64. DE to Roberts, 1/11/52, EL.
65. New York Times, 1/8/52.
66. Jacqueline Cochran interview, EL.
67. Parmet, Eisenhower, 54 — 55.
68. DE to Robinson, 11/24/51, EL.
69. DE to Sloan, 2/21/52, EL.
70. DE to Milton Eisenhower, 4/4/52, EL.
71. DE to Clay, 5/20/52, EL.
72. DE to Lodge, 5/20/52, EL.
73. DE to Roberts, 5/19/52, EL.
74. DE to Clay, 2/20/52, EL.
75. Interview Milton Eisenhower.
Глава десятая
1. Lyon, Eisenhower, 439.
2. Parmet, Eisenhower, 57.
3. DE to Gerow, 6/28/52, EL.
4. New York Times, 6/5/52.
5. Ibid., 6/14/52.
6. Ibid., 6/15/52.
7. Ibid., 6/27/52.
8. DE, Mandate, 45.
9. Nixon, Memoirs, 87; Milton Eisenhower, The President Is Calling, 249 — 50.
10. Parmet, Eisenhower, 97 — 98.
11. New York Times, 7/11 — 13/52.
12. Ibid,
13. DE, Mandate, 49 — 50.
14. New York Times, 8/25/52.
15. DE to Dulles, 4/15/52, EL.
16. Interview DE.
17. Reeves, McCarthy, 436 — 37.
18. Hughes, Ordeal, 22 — 25.
19. Interview Sherman Adams, Columbia University.
20. Nixon, Memoirs, 96; New York Times, 9/23/52.
21. Nixon, Memoirs, 97.
22. Ibid., 97 — 98.
23. Ewald, Eisenhower, 55.
24. Nixon, Memoirs, 105 — 06; DE to Nixon, 9/25/52, EL.
25. DE, Mandate, 69.
26. Nixon, Memoirs, 106.
27. Hughes, Ordeal, 41—42.
28. Ewald, Eisenhower, 62 — 63; interview Sherman Adams, Columbia University.
29. New York Times, 10/4/52; Reeves, McCarthy, 440.
30. New York Times, 10/4/52.
31. Reeves, McCarthy, 440.
32. DE, Mandate, 318.
33. New York Times, 10/25/52.
34. Interview DE; Hughes, Ordeal, 46.
Глава одиннадцатая
1. Richardson, Presidency of Eisenhower, 25.
2. Hughes, Ordeal, 251.
3. Warren, Memoirs, 260.
4. Lyon, Eisenhower, 466 — 67; Geelhoed, Charles E. Wilson, 19.
5. DE Diary, 2/7/53.
6. New Republic, 12/15/52.
7. Slater, The Ike Г Knew, 39.
8. West, Upstairs at the White House, 130.
9. DE, Mandate, 95.
10. Robinson memo, 1/5/55, EL.
11. DE Diary, 2/13/53.
12. DE, Mandate, 101; Truman, Mr. Citizen, 15.
13. DE to Truman, 1/23/53, EL.
14. Murphy to DE, 12/30/52, EL.
15. PP (53), 1 — 8.
16. Parmet, Eisenhower, 166.
17. DE. Mandate, 102.
18. DE Diary, 1/21/53.
19. Truman, Year of Decisions, 19.
20. Neustadt, Presidential Power, 9.
Глава двенадцатая
1. РР (53), 67.
2. DE, Mandate, 267.
3. DE to Draper, 3/16/53, EL.
4. NSC notes, 2/11/53, EL.
5. DE, Mandate, 181.
6. PP (53), 42 — 55.
7. Crawford interview, EL.
8. DE Diary, 2/7/53.
9. Interview Milton Eisenhower.
10. DE to Robinson, 3/12/54, EL.
11. DE Diary, 4/1/53.
12. Griffith, Politics of Fear, 200.
13. PP (53), 63.
14. Ibid., 56 — 57.
15. ML, 81 — 83; Mmnich, LLM, 3/9/53, EL.
16. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/6/53, EL.
17. PP(53), 116—17.
18. Minnich, Cabinet, 3/20/53, EL.
19. DE, Mandate, 113.
20. West, Upstairs at the White House, 155.
21. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 32.
22. West, Upstairs at the White House, 175.
23. Slater, The Ike I Knew, 33.
24. DE Mandate, 211 — 72.
25. Whitman Diary, 2/7/53, EL.
26. West, Upstairs at the White House, 157 — 58.
27. DE to Phillips, 6/5/53, EL.
28. Bullis to DE, 5/9/53, and DE to Bullis, 5/18/53, EL.
29. Bischof, "Before the Break", 144.
30. PP (53), 413 — 15.
31. Dulles memo, 6/15/53, EL.
32. PP (53), 427 — 37.
33. Mmnich, Cabinet, 6/26/53, EL.
34. DE Diary, 5/1/53.
35. Ibid.
36. Minnich, LLM, 5/12 and 5/19/53, EL.
37. PP (53), 209 — 10.
38. Ibid., ЪЪ1.
39. Minnich, Cabinet, 5/22/53, EL.
40. Ibid.
41. Hughes, Ordeal, 103 — 05.
42. PP(53), 179 — 88.
Глава тринадцатая
1. NSC notes, 4/8/53, EL.
2. Dulles to DE, 5/22/53, EL.
3. DE, Mandate, 183.
4. DE to Rhee, 6/6/53, EL.
5. Minnich, Cabinet, 6/19/53, EL.
6. DE to Rhee, 6/18/53, EL.
7. Parmet, Eisenhower, 314.
8. PP (53), 520 — 22; New York Times, 7/28/53.
9. DE, Mondate, 190.
10. Roosevelt, Countercoup; Cook, Declassified Eisenhower, interview Goodpaster.
11. Parmet, Eisenhower, 315.