“Thank you.” Teren kicked the jeans the rest of the way off, then climbed into the bed.

Alex curled up at her side, gazing up at her. She reached up and gently touched the wound that still showed clearly on Teren’s head.

“Does it still hurt?”

“Nah. Not really.” She sucked in a breath at the feeling of Alex’s fingertips running across the still sensitive tissue.

“I thought it didn’t hurt.” Alex raised an eyebrow at her.

“Doesn’t. Just a little, um, tender, yet.”


Alex pulled herself up, laying on her side, next to Teren. She let her fingers trail down from the temple to Teren’s cheek, then on to her ear, and down her neck.

“You know, eventually, we’re going to have to talk about us.”

“I know.”

Alex licked her lips. “Teren?”


“I love you.”

Her dark lover smiled at her. “I know. I love you, too.”

Alex leaned forward and kissed Teren, pulling away and quickly going back for more. She did it again and again, each kiss lasting longer than the one before. Soon it was Teren breathing heavily, as Alex’s hands crossed her collar bones, and slid down, teasing her nipples to a painful tightness before wandering lower across stomach muscles that clenched as she stroked them.

“Relax, Ter.”

“I’m trying. You’re not making it easy.”

Alex smiled, and moved her kisses lower, following the line of Teren’s throat, and the curve of her neck. She ran her tongue along both collar bones, from the center to the shoulder area. After that, she went lower still, kissing the valley between Teren’s breasts, gently teasing her lover until she reacted with a sharp gasp.


The whispered word carried softly to her, and she raised her head and whispered back. “Easy, love.”

Teren felt her eyes roll back in her head, as Alex worked her way down to her stomach. Her hands curved around the blonde’s shoulders, needing to hold something. The intensity of this gentle exploration was beginning to get to her.

“Alex, please.” She heard a chuckle in response.

Her fingers searching for the velvet warmth of Teren, Alex raised her eyes, again, wanted to see Teren’s reaction. She smiled at the closed eyes, and the way Teren was biting her lower lip. She chuckled again, and started the long journey back up her lover’s body, once again leaving kisses in her wake. Her hand, though, found the warmth it was looking for, and she began stroking, keeping her rythm steady and relentless.

Teren was whimpering by the time Alex returned to kiss her lips. She was sweating, her forehead glistening, and a tremor had settled into her limbs. She pressed a hand against Alex’s head, holding her to their kiss.

Alex pulled back slightly, wanting to see the electric blue that she loved. Teren opened her eyes, locking them on the green in front of her.


“I’m here, Ter. I’ll catch you.”

And Teren let go, her eyes widening, then slamming shut as the spasms spread through her body, forcing the air out of her lungs in a great wild yell.

Alex slipped her free arm under Teren’s shoulder, sliding her hand under her neck. She leaned close to her ear, whispering softly, and planting tiny kisses on her lover’s cheek.

As the shudders began to subside, Alex pulled back, laying again on her side, her hand holding her head up. She stayed in contact with Teren, tenderly stroking her still quivering stomach.

She smiled as the blue eyes finally opened again.


“Hey. Did I ever tell you you’re amazing?”

“Not yet.”

“You are, Alex.”

Alex kissed her, and pulled her arm out from under her head. She stayed on her side, watching as Teren lazily rolled to face her. They pulled the blankets up to their shoulders.



“You okay?”

“Yeah. You?”

“Yeah.” Alex scooted closer, snuggling against her partner. “I’m good.”

Teren smiled, and reached up with one hand to switch off the light by the bedside table. The room was plunged into darkness.

Alex wrapped an arm around Teren’s waist. Teren responded by circling her shoulders, and kissing the top of her head.

“Sleep well, love.”

“Sweet dreams, Teren.”

A few moments later, their breathing settled into two steady rythms. They slept easily in each other’s arms.

Neither of them heard the soft footsteps that approached the door, or heard the door pushed slightly more open.

Appleby glanced around the darkened room, and then jumped lightly onto the bed. He approached his owner, and then her guest, sniffing delicately. Finally, he rubbed his head against her arm in a friendly manner. She pulled slightly away but didn’t wake.

He moved away from the two sleepers, finding a spot by their legs. Turning himself around once, twice, three times, he dropped down with a heavy sigh and closed his eyes.

A quiet peace stole over the apartment.

The End