The passion we share makes me weep

hot, helpless tears of joy …

Teren let her hands wander down Alex’s back, as she moved her lips back to her lover’s mouth. Alex moaned as Teren’s fingers slid beneath her sweater, holding her firmly. As Alex reached under Teren’s shirt, she pulled back to see the blue eyes.

Those amazing eyes, so cold and forbidding

when shuttered against the world,

are clear, warm and wide open to me …

Alex reached for the buttons of Teren’s shirt, only to find her hands caught and restrained in a firm and loving grasp.

You lift me up, holding me gently,

touching deep places

with an almost painful intensity …

“No, Alex, relax. We’re not on a schedule, here. There’s just us. No train, no one chasing us, and no one we have to go meet.” She kissed her and pulled back. “Let’s just take our time, okay?”

Alex saw the desire in Teren’s eyes, a soft passion that aroused her more than anything ever had.

Now your touch is firm, commanding.

I know your need; it matches mine.

What we share is white hot, intoxicating …

It also frightened her, and she had to swallow as once again Teren leaned in to kiss her. She pushed against her, working her way into Teren’s mouth, but her dark lover simply pulled away, and moved her lips to the area behind Alex’s ear. Her hands —

Your hands are everywhere,

your lips capture mine and your kisses are deep …

slid up Alex’s back once again, as her tongue gently traced the sensitve skin of her neck.

our bodies tangled, our heart beating as one.

I want more of you, I cannot get enough.

Alex moaned softly, aching to feel more of Teren. She reached again for the buttons, but Teren stopped her once more, looking softly into her eyes.

She could see the need in the younger woman’s eyes, and knew that if she didn’t cool things just a bit, they’d never make it to the bedroom. And she really wanted that.

She knew that up until then she’d been mostly passive in their sexual encounters. Alex had begun most of them, and taken control more often than not. They had been more than a way to relieve tension, but none of them would be called ‘making love.’

Which was what Teren wanted to do tonight.

She smiled and reached for the wine glass, offering it to Alex, who took a healthy swallow from it. Teren did the same, keeping her eyes locked on the green ones that flickered in the glow from the floor lamp.

“Are you alright?”

Alex nodded, not trusting her voice. She licked her lips, and reached up to stroke Teren’s cheek.

They kissed again, slowly. This time when Alex requested entance, Teren allowed it, staying with the kiss until Alex was pushing her back against the arm of the sofa. Then she gently disengaged, wrapping her arms around the blonde woman and holding her.

“I think it’s time we moved this, don’t you?”

Alex chuckled. “Yes, please.”

She stood, offering Teren her hand. Leaving the music on, they walked to the bedroom, hand in hand. Alex stopped at the doorway and reached back to turn off the light in the living room. Teren found the small light by the bed and turned it on, only to illuminate one orange and white cat, curled comfortably around himself in the middle of the bed.

Only to illuminate one orange and white cat curled comfortable around himself in the middle of the bed.

“Okay, Cat, move.”

He didn’t even look at her.

“I said move. Shoo, even.” She motioned with her hand. He opened his eyes and for a moment, she thought he’d raised an eyebrow at her.

“Come on, get. Outta here, go on.” Teren reached down and pushed him that time. Appleby raised his head and looked at her indignantly.

Alex laughed. “Shall I come save you, Ter?”

“No, but you might wanna move him before I do something nasty and cruel.” She tried to sound tough, but it wasn’t possible as she stared down an opponent that wasn’t even a foot tall.

“Okay, buddy.” Alex picked Appleby up and moved him out to the living room, placing him on the couch. He looked annoyed at her, and she smiled, rubbing his chin and throat. After a moment he began to purr. She smiled at him. “Now, you just be a good boy and stay out here, okay? Otherwise, Mommy might let Teren turn you into cat sausage for breakfast tomorrow. ‘Kay?”

He sighed, and blinked at her.

“Yeah, I don’t believe me either.” She stood, moving back to the bedroom, closing the door till only an inch of light spilled from the bedroom to the living room.

She find Teren stretched out on the bed, leaning against the headboard, with one leg out in front of her and the other bent at the knee.

“You look comfy.”


Alex walked over to her, and Teren turned, putting her feet back on the floor. Alex moved to stand between her legs, and then bent to kiss her.

They stayed like that for several minutes, with Alex’s hands on Teren’s shoulders, and Teren’s hands curled around Alex’s waist. Time and time again, their mouths separated, only to come back together, balancing on a fine edge between hunger and control.

Finally, Alex reached for Teren’s buttons, and this time she wasn’t stopped.Button by button, she opened the shirt and pulled it away from Teren’s jeans. Finally, the last one slipped through, and she pulled her head up and stared into the blue eyes as she pushed the shirt from Teren’s shoulders.

“Hey, that’s not fair, you’ve got a tank top on.”

Teren laughed, and pulled Alex in for another kiss. She slid her hand up under Alex’s sweater, letting her hands caress soft skin as she lifted the material. With Alex partially bent to kiss her, it didn’t take much to pull the sweater over her head, and off her arms. It joined Teren’s shirt at the foot of the bed.

Teren teased Alex’s sides, brushing her fingers against her ribs, until she squirmed.

“No tickling, Ter.”

“Why not?”

“Cause.” She looked into the blue eyes again.

“Cause why?”

“I — ” Alex stopped. “I don’t know, just cause.”

“Okay.” Another kiss.

Alex’s hands lifted the edge of the tank top, gently drawing it up. Teren held the kiss as long as she could, pulled back and raised her arms. Alex pulled the tank off and dropped it, not caring as it slid to the floor.

“Oh, and a bra underneath two shirts. Tsk.” She reached for the hook in the front of Teren’s sports bra, but her hands were held to her sides. Teren leaned in and kissed her stomach gently, looking up into the fiery green eyes.

“I love you, Alex.”

Alex swallowed. “I know.”

Teren frowned. It wasn’t the answer she’d been expecting, or hoping for. “How did you know?”

“You told me. In Germany. When you were lying in that hospital bed. You whispered it just as you fell asleep.”

Startled blue eyes widened. “I don’t remember that.”

“I didn’t think you did. That’s why I didn’t say anything. I figured it could have been real, or simply a response to almost dying. I didn’t want to get my hopes up.”

Teren smiled at her. “How could I not love you? Everytime I’d get crazy, you’d be there.”

“And everytime I’d have nightmares, you’d hold me.”

“I couldn’t do anything else. I wanted to take them away, but I couldn’t.”

Alex nodded. “I know. I loved you for that.” She smiled back. “And for everything else as well.”

She leaned down again, feeling Teren’s strong arms go around her, hands warm against her back.



“Why do you wear bras without hooks?”

Alex laughed. “They’re more comfortable.”

“Yeah, but they’re harder for me to take off.” Teren finally stood, pulling the offending garment over the blonde head and tossing it to the floor. “Better.”

She sat down again, and caught Alex’s hand as it reached for the hook on Teren’s bra. Wrapping one arm around Alex’s thighs, and the other just above her waist, Teren turned, pulling the smaller woman with her. Alex landed on her back, directly into the center of the bed.