“Much better.”

Alex grinned up at her, then closed her eyes as Teren lowered her mouth again.

Soft brushes across the sides of her breasts caused Alex to inhale deeply, as did the feeling of Teren’s mouth once again returning to her throat. This time, however, it didn’t stop there, but continued on, down to the hollow between her breasts, and back up the other side. Alex moaned, her fingernails trailing across Teren’s back.

Keeping her touches gentle, Teren slid her hands down and around Alex’s breasts, cupping them, holding them. Her mouth met Alex’s soft lips once more, then descended, this time trailing around the outside of her breasts, moving slowly.

Alex was beginning to squirm under this gentle attention, and her hands flexed time and again. Finally, she reached for the hook to Teren’s bra, this time opening it with a single twist, and letting Teren’s breasts fall slightly forward. She cupped them lovingly, pressing them up and squeezing gently.

Her grip got stronger as she felt Teren’s mouth finally cover her nipple.

“Teren — oh, please.”

She left one hand stroking Teren’s breasts, and used the other to run her hand through the dark hair, pressing down slightly. Teren refused to increase the pressure, and simply held her position, teasingly, until she heard Alex groan again. Then she moved to the other nipple to give it the same treatment.

She continued teasing Alex’s nipples, while her right hand slid down across the flat stomach, and slipped in between the jeans and skin. Using a fluttering movement of her fingers, she tickled her way from side to side, across the front of Alex’s belly.

Alex couldn’t think. All she knew was that Teren was driving her mad. It was frightening for a moment, the intensity of her need, and she gripped hard at Teren’s shoulders. Slowly, the blue eyes raised to hers, and Teren’s lips came willingly back to caress Alex’s.

Finally, her hand slid the button through the hole, and began to pull down the zipper in Alex’s jeans.

Alex lifted her hips, but Teren ignored her plea to take them off, instead easing herself down the smaller body, spreading more kisses across the soft skin. When she reached her lover’s navel, Alex reached to push her jeans off her own hips.

Teren looked up at the green eyes. “No. Let me.”

“Then do it, please?”

Teren smiled. “In a minute.”

Alex groaned.

Teren folded back the material, exposing blue cotton briefs. She smiled, and gently pulled them down. Then starting at Alex’s waist, she kissed her way to the bottom of the ‘V’ and back up. Only then did she give in and hook her fingers under the jeans, sliding the denim down Alex’s legs, taking her underwear with them.

Gripping the blankets with her hands, Alex panted, trying to get more air into her lungs. She had never felt so loved, yet so very vulnerable. As Teren’s hands stroked her hips, her lips kissed the inside of Alex’s thighs.

“Relax, Alex.” She trailed her tongue along a corded muscle in Alex’s leg. “Relax.”

Alex nodded, but couldn’t help jumping every time Teren touched her. She felt so open that it scared her, and for a moment she thought of stopping.

Teren saw the fright in her eyes, and pulled herself back up Alex’s body. She kissed her mouth again, gently, stroking her hair with one hand while leaning her weight on the other.

“Are you alright?”

She received a nod in reply, but frowned when the green eyes wouldn’t meet her own.


Her eyes closed, and Alex took a deep breath before opening them to stare into the electric blue she loved. She felt better with Teren next to her, and she calmed, her breath coming easier.


“Don’t be.” Teren sat back on her heels, pulling Alex up with her. “I’ve got an idea.”

She had Alex stay sitting up, then reached behind her to move the pillows. Sliding in behind her lover, Teren leaned her back against the headboard, and stretched her legs out on the bed, pulling Alex back between her denim clad thighs. She leaned forward slightly, her mouth close to Alex’s ear.

“Should I take my jeans off, first?”

Alex shook her head. “Not yet.” She gave Teren an embarrassed smile. “I kinda like the feel of them against me.”

Teren grinned and kissed her ear. “Okay, cross you ankles over mine. Yeah, that’s good.”

Reaching forward, Teren trailed her hands down from Alex’s collarbones, over her breasts and across her stomach. She stroked the soft skin inside her thighs, and kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear. Keeping her movements slow and tender, she followed the same trail again, this time coming closer to the area between Alex’s quivering legs.

Soon, Alex was panting again, practically begging. Teren’s touch, and her kisses, combined with the words she whispered hotly in Alex’s ear, were enough to drive her partner beyond anything but need.

Alex cried out as Teren gently entered her, stroking the velvet warmth she’d been slowly edging towards.

With one long arm wrapped around Alex, holding her arms still, Teren kept whispering, talking to her.

“That’s it, Alex, relax. You know I love you. Let me do this for you, give this to you. Just let go, love.”

“Teren, I —” Alex pressed her head back, driving her hips forward. Her hands wrapped around Teren’s strong arm, gratefull to have something to grab onto. She closed her eyes, letting Teren take her higher than she’d ever been.

When Teren bit gently into the corded muscle of her neck, it was too much, and she broke, crying out for a long moment as her body shook in Teren’s embrace. She felt Teren hold tighter, then relax as the wracking spasms became lingering shudders.

Teren stayed with her, holding her, whispering to her.

“I’ve got you, love. It’s alright. Shhh. You’re safe. I’m here.”

It took her a moment to realize that Alex was crying.

When she did notice it, she gently turned the woman in her arms, drawing her knees up. In that position, she cradled her, letting Alex rest against her shoulder and chest. Ever so gently, she began rocking her lover, her arms wrapped around the blonde woman.

It took several minutes, but Alex’s breathing finally calmed. She lay quietly, eyes closed, just enjoying the rocking.

“You okay?” Teren finally whispered.

Alex nodded. “Yeah. Sorry.” She raised her head to look in Teren’s eyes. “I didn’t mean —”

“Shhh.” Teren covered her mouth with a hand. “It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”

Alex put her head down again. “I’m not used to being out of control.”

“I know.” Teren’s voice was soft. “Thank you for trusting me.”

Alex kissed her throat. “Teren?”


“Why do we always make love on the outside of the blankets?”

Teren chuckled. “I don’t know. Good question.”

“Think we could get under them now?”

“Absolutely. Can you move?”

Alex looked up at her. “I don’t think so.”

Teren laughed again, and gently moved out from behind her, easing her backward onto the bed.

“Okay, you just stay still, and I’ll get the blankets out from under you.”

Alex smiled. “Okay.”

Teren pulled the covers down to Alex’s head, then lifted her friend into a sitting position. She pulled them down to her waist, then wrapped an arm around Alex and lifted. Using her free hand she pulled the covers down further, then deposited Alex onto the sheets. After that, it was a matter of lifting Alex’s legs, and sliding them under the blankets.

When it was done, Teren straightened. “There. All better?”

Alex shook her head. “No.”

“What’s wrong?”

“You’re not under here.”

“Oh.” Teren smiled and leaned down to kiss her. “We can fix that, I think. But first,” she reached for the button on her own jeans.

Alex sat up and moved her hands away. “I’ll do that.” She slipped the five buttons through their respective holes, and then slid her fingers inside the waist, pulling the jeans and white briefs over Teren’s hips.