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25 Squadron, Map 192,95,9? 200 2Q7 215, 228,

32 Squadron, 176. 227; Map 26, Fjg] % ^,88

41 Squadron, Map 192 2O3; M]72,92 ptate 3Q

43 Squadron, 195; Map 192 6j5 ^uad,76 207< 225-6;

54 Squadron. 160, 171. 174, u~*,9,

176, 177. 208, 209 229 242, tfytf ^ 222 263

254. 261-2, Wap 72 192 R, ^ Force Trajnj

^Ual9T' Command, 51, 144, 187, 289

64 Squadron, 167, 176, 304; R ya' Air For<* Volunteer j IQ, Reserve, 56, 57, 194, 195, Map 192

65 Squadron, 176. 207, 214; l!" 8

Map \72 192 Royal Canadian Air Force, 259

66 Squadron, 164 Royal Flying Corps, iff World

72 Squadron, 220 War- First

73 Squadron, 151, 222 Royal Navy, xii, xvi, xvii, 32, 33,

74 (Tiger) Squadron, 101, 181, 309; Fleet Air Arm, 32, 173, 194, 212; Map 192 263, 303; German attacks and

convoy escort, xvi, 32, 119,

167, 173, 176, 176-7, 187,

188, 189, 190-1, 209-10, 309;

radar, 50. 115, 119, 123.;

see also Admiralty Rubcnsdorfler, Hauptmann

Waiter, 203, 207; Map 204 Rudorffer, Erich, 263-4 Rye: radar station, 205, 262; Map

Saul, Air Vice-Marshal Richard,

Schlcich, Eduard Ritter von, 200 Schnell. Siegfried, 198 Scotland, 221; Luftwaffe activity,

168,215.216, 221; Map 219 "Sea-lion' (Seeldwe). xv-xvi,

xvi-xvii, 7, 32, 33–40, 158,

Sceckt, Gen. Hans von, 18, 30 shipping, German attacks on, xiv,

xvii, 134, 157–201,205,

209-10, 253, 291, 292. 309;

Shircr, William, 8 Sholto-Douglas, Air Vice-Marshal

W." 49, 238, 287, 288 Short, Oswald {Short factory), 82,

Sims. E. H." 298 n. Sinclair, Sir Archibald, 62. 153,

239, 304

Smith, Pilot Off. 1. S." 212 Sopwith aircraft, 77, 83, 151 South Africa/ South Africans, 56,

179, 298 and n. Spain: Civil War, xii, 22, 28–31,

138, 149, 167, 169, 175, 180;

Speer, Albert, 149; Plate 14 Sperrle, Feldmarschall Hugo, 11,

28, 30, 149-50, 150. 266;

Plate /6. Air Fleet, 3, 8, II,

28-9, 144, 149, 150, 232,

247. 269, 299; Map xxi;

caricature of, by Udet, ill us

150 Spitfire, xiii, 69, 78." 84, 138,

185, 215; Fig. 94,96, 106 advantages and disadvantages,

54,97-8. 103, 104, 105, 106,

107, 225. 226, 234-5; Fig. 96 armament, 98-103 passim. 225;

Fig. 96, Plate 32 in combat, 59, 105-6, 158,

160-1, 164. 167, 168, 171.

172, 176, 181, 189, 203,207,

209, 214, 215, 222, 224, 235,

244, 254, 260-2, 266-7, 273,

279; Map 192, Plates 32. 48 development of, 31, 50, 51, 83,

94-5. 97-8, 104-5 production of, 132, 185, 204,

210-11,215, 235; Plate 26 Stalin. Josef, 3, 5 SteinhofT, Oberlt. Johannes

("Macky'), 279

Stringfellow, John, 73, 77; Fig. 79 Stuka, see Junkers Ju 87; Junkers


StumpfT, Gen. Hans-Jurgen, 221 Supermarine aircraft company,

94.98. 204. 211; see also

Spitfire Supermarine 5.6, 78, and." 94;

Tangmere airfield, 52, 254, 268;

Map 188, 192. 241 Taylor, A. J. P." 62, 183,290 Taylor, Charles, 73; Fig. 79 Tizard, Henry, 108 Tobin, Pilot Off. E. Q. ("Red'),

200-1; Plate 43 Townsend, Sq. Ldr. Peter, xx, 162,

163-4, 195, 249,259, 260,

261,264; Plate 60 Trautloft, Oberlt. Hannes, 169 Trenehard, Lord, xi-xii, xiii Tuve, Merle, 110

Udet, Generaloberst Ernst. 23-5, Watson-Watt, Robert, 50, 59,

26-7, 28, 30, 87, 112, 135, 108, 109, 113, 116, 116-17,

310-11, 312; ill us 24,"Plate 118, 119; Plates 6, 61

17 weather: during Battle of Britain,

caricatures by, ill us 149, 150, 164, 175, 187, 188, 193, 202,

173 211,212,213,217,218,244,

and Göring, 23. 24, 25, 28, 146, 248, 276, 280

310, 311, 312; Plate 58 Luftwaffe: electronic equipment,

Luftwaffe (and Air Ministry), 245, 246, 247, 248; Fig. 246;

25-6, 28, 30, 3r, 87, 93, 146, reconnaissance, xx, 164, 188,

and Milch, 26, 28, 146, 147, 152, Map xxi, Plate 52

252, 310-11, 311. 312; ill us RAF Fighter Command:

"7. armament, 102; bases.

Union of Soviet Socialist operation of, 53, 64; cloud

Republics, 29; and Germany, Aye, anj repOrting of enemy

3, 5, 30; Map 6; German aircraft, 65, 122, 125-7, 276;

invasion of, xv, xvii. 264, 281, flying training hampered,

290 and n." 307, 311] 86_7; Spitfires and altitude.

United States, 5, 110-11 102, 244

aeronautics and aircraft design, Wellington bomber, 61, 185, 215,

24, 30, 69, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78 220

and." 79, 80, 82-5, 83." Wendel, Fritz, Plate 25

110, 185, 308; Fig. 79 Westhampnett airfield. Map 188,

and Great Britain, xviii, 5, 33, 192

177-8, 185, 307-8; pilots in West Mailing airfield. Map 241

RAF, 200-1, 298; Plate 43 whitlty bomb,… 6I, 222

United States Army Air Force, xi, wick M. H,g0,99

29,138,141,243,297, i99; Plate 21"?1 *., Wietersheim, Gustav von, 9

United States Army A.r Serv.ee, Windsori Duke of, 4 '.. a.. Wissant airfield. 181, 188, 189,

University Air Squadrons, 56 200Map 188

Women's Auxiliary Air Force

Vansittart, Robert, 308 <WAAF>- 240; Pla" 8

Ventnor: radar station, 189, 206, Wood- Sir Kingsley, 60, 184;

209, 210, 213, 223-4; Map Plate I

204 World War, First, 9, 13; air war,

Vickers-Armstrong, 75, 94, 270; *' xiv26- 76- 174- 296-?.

also Supermarine aircraft 297= Fit79< French air force company; Wellington bomber 26< 76- 79- i59< German

Army Air Service, 12, 19, 42, 76,79, 149, 159,200,212,

War Cabinet. 3, 4. 40, 61-2, 63, 312; Plates 18. 58; Royal

185,243,305 Flying-Corps (Royal Air

Warmwell airfield, 228; Map 188 Force), 48, 76, 79, 83, 142-3,


169; U.S. Army Air Service 76, 79

Wright, Orville and Wilbur, 48, 69, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77 and n." 78, 79, 109; Fig. 79

X-Gerat, 248, 286 and." 292; Fig. 246

Y service, 202, 277


The Ipcress File

Horse Under Water

Funeral in Berlin

Billion-Dollar Brain

An Expensive Place to Die

Only When I Larf


Declarations of War

Close-up Spy Story

Yesterday's Spy

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Spy


Action Cookbook

Basic French Cooking (revised and enlarged from Oil Est le Garlic?



Len Deighton

The True Story of the Battle of Britain

With an Introduction by A.J.P. Taylor


Published in 1979 by Triad/ Panther Books Ltd Frogmore, St. Albans, Herts AL2 2NF

isbn 0 586 04611 9

Triad Paperbacks Ltd is an imprint of

Chatto, Bodley Head & Jonathan Cape Ltd and

Granada Publishing Ltd

First published in Great Britain by Jonathan Cape Ltd 1977 Copyright < Len Deighton 1977, 1978 Introduction copyright C A.J.P. Taylor 1977

Published in 1979 by Triad/ Panther Books Ltd Frogmore, St. Albans, Herts AL2 2NF Reprinted 1979

Printed in the U.S.A.