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Pevensey: radar station, 205, 262; Map 204

Pile, Gen. Sir Frederick, 47, 289, 303

Poland: German invasion and occupation. 9, 42, 60, 289; Map 6; Luftwaffe, 60, 129, 132, 136, 138, 146, 158, 170, 175, 259; Map 131

Poling: radar station, 205, 210; Map 204

Polish air force, 60, 198; pilots in RAF, xix, 198, 280. 298, 299, 304; 303 Squadron. 198, 277-8, 296, 300

propaganda: British, 4. 60, 215, 223, 292, 294, 295; Plate 38; German, 37, 137, 149, 186, 189, 215, 269, 293. 294-5; Plates 47. 49

radar, 110-11, 145

radar (Ger.), 111-12, 128, 138,

144, 188, 189,202n. radar (radio direction-finding radio-location; G.B.), 305 n.

airborne, 51, 125-6, 208, 247 Battle of Britain, 158, 159-60, 162, 163, 168, 187, 189, 193, 203, 209, 210. 213, 220, 237, 250, 264, 272, 277, 306; Map 241; Luftwaffe attacks. 202, 205,206,207,209, 213, 223, 224, 254, 260, 262, 285,291; Map 204, Plate 10 beginning and development, xiii xx, 50-1, 59, 109–116 passim, 117, 118-20, 121, 277, 303 and IFF, 60, 118, 120-1, 151 jamming and counter measures,

117, 264, 277

Royal Navy, 50, 115, 119, 123/t.

system and reporting network, 115-21 passim, 123-5, 125-7, 201-2, 288; Fig. 114, Map xxi, 115, \24; Plates 7. 8. 9. 10; Chain Home (CH)/ Chain Home Low (CHL), 51,

118, 119, 120, Map xxi, 115, 124, 241; Plate 7. and HF/DF, 110, 122-3;

Map 124; see also Observer Corps radio and electronics (Ger), 29, 33, 110, 130, 168,232; jamming by, 303; jamming of. 245. 247, 286, 292, 303; Knickebein. 245, 247, 249, 292; Fig. 246; Lorenz blind-landing system, 245, 246; Luftwaffe Signals Service, 144, 202, 212, 277; monitoring by, 35, 201-2, 209; X-Gerat. 248, 286 and n." 292; Fig. 246; Y service

monitoring of, 202, 277; see also Enigma radio and electronics (G. B.): HF/DF, 110, 122-3, 125-7, 240; Map 124; IFF, 60, 118, 120, 151; jamming by. 245, 247, 286. 292, 303; jamming of, 303; Luftwaffe monitoring of, 202-3, 209; two-way, 64, 82, 109-10. 113, 122-3, 125-6, 201. 278; Map 124; Y service, monitoring by, 202-3, 277 Racder, Grand Adm. Erich, xvi.

reconnaissance: Luftwaffe, 128, 129, 133, 164, 168, 188, 191, 202, 211, 213, 214. 217, 219, 233; Fig. 152, Map xxi, 219; Plates 44. 49. 52.

54; RAF, 245

rescue (air-sea): Luftwaffe, 160, 165, 181, 190. 267; RAF, 163-4, 165, 190, 267 Rhodesia/ Rhodesians 56, 288 Richthofen, Baron Manfred von, 12–13, 15, 23, 29, 159, 199, 312 Richthofen, Gen. Wolfram von,

29-31, 189, 191

Rieckhoff, Maj. Hans-Jurgcn, 218 Ring. Hans, 223

Rochford airfield, 171, 227, 249; Map 172, 192, 241; Plate 35 Rolls-Royce: engines, 78 and n." 211, 302; built in U.S." 185; Condor, 77; Kestrel, 27; Merlin (PV 12), 77, 78 and n." 83 n." 84. 89. 95,97, 103, 17?. 211, 302; Figs. 62. 79, Plate 26 Roosevelt, Franklin D." 33, 178,

307, 308,

Royal Aircraft Establishment, 101 Royal Air Force (RAF), xii, 31, 60, 245

and aircraft design, 78, 80-2,

90, 226, 303

airfields, attacks on, 209, 214-15, 218, 222, 223, 231. 303 Civilian Repair Organisation,

182-3, 184. 186, 216 command system, 51, 52,

128 n." 129 n. intelligence, 173, 202, 244, 245,

255; Plate 41 pilots, 139; training, 51, 56,

141-2, 187, 289

Schneider Trophy, 78 and n." 94 see also Air Ministry (G.B.); radar (G.B.); World War, First, Royal Flying Corps (Royal Air Force) Royal Air Force Apprentice

School, 195 Royal Air Force Bomber

Command, xx, 34,40, 51, 53, 60, 130, 194-5, 202 n." 215, 263, 287, 293, 303 casualties and losses, 60, 112,

215, 220, 222. 293 German targets, 60, 61, 242,

270, 286, 293, 308 Royal Air Force Coastal

Command 51, 130,214.263 Royal Air Force College, 52, 238 Royal Air Force Fighter

Command, 51,52, 53, 300-1, 309

aircraft; armour-glass, 54; Fig. 96; Plate 32; armour plate, 104, 258, 303; 'available' and 'serviceable," 130-2; Fig. 152; biplanes and monoplanes, 31, 50, 55, 82-3, 95; maintenance and repair, 85-6, 107, 132, 183, 184, 186, 187, 196-7, 208, 216, 229, 240, 242; strength, xiv-xv, 130-2; Fig. 152; see also armament (G.B.); Hurricane; Spitfire

airfields, 53, 227; attacks on, 157, 202, 205, 207, 210, 218, 223, 224, 228, 237, 238, 240, 242, 248, 254, 259, 260, 261-2, 265-9 passim. 272, 275, 285, 293, 303; Map 204, 219, 241, 271. Plate 54; accommodations, 139, 227-8; Plate 39; patrol of, 229-30, 238, 239-40, 266, 276; operation and bad weather, 53, 64; see also individual fields casualties and losses, 63, 143, 167-71 passim. 176, 177, 181, 186-7, 191, 197, 199, 200; 214, 215, 222, 223. 224,

228, 229, 235, 242, 244, 259-65 passim. 269-70, 279. 293-6, 299, 304; Plate 44

defence system, 210, 239; Controllers, 54-5, 64, 122, 125, 126, 214-15, 229, 239, 264, 273, 294; Map 124; Controllers' friction with pilots, 164, 227, 239-40, 244, 268, 278, 288; Filter Room, 120-1, 123; Map 124; Operations Rooms, 53, 64, 121, 123, 125, 126, 262; Map xxi, 124, Plate II; see also airfields above; Observer Corps; radar (G.B.)

forced landings and parachute descents, 55, 260-1; see also rescue formations and tactics, 106, 165-6, 167, 169, 174, 175, 207, 226-7, 229-30, 236, 238, 239, 254, 255, 266, 273, 288, 293-4, 296-7, 303, 304; "big-wing", xiv, 164, 221, 222,

229, 239, 240, 273, 274, 277, 280, 289, 309

in France, xiv, 61-2, 63, 104, 151, 153, 164, 186, 195, 258

ground crews, 229, 240, 242 intelligence. 243, 255; Plate 41 morale, 144, 165, 228-9, 237,

242. 278-9 pilots, 57-8, 107, 142-3,

174 5, 186, 187, 257-8, 262, 263, 297, 304; Plate 39; American, 200-1, 298; Plate 43: Australian, 289-9, 298.; Auxiliary Air Force, 56-7, 142, 143, 144, 168, 194, 203, 208: Plate 35; Belgian, 298; Canadian, 164, 298, and n.; Controllers, friction with, 164, 226-7, 239, 244, 268, 278, 288; Czech, 198, 280, 298, 299. 300; fatigue and strain, 187, 208-9, 227, 228-9, 263, 265, 279, 294; from Fleet Air Arm, 263; flying equipment, 174-5, 267-8; Plates 30. 40; French, 298 and n.; Irish, 298 and n.\ medals and honours, xviii, 160, 195; NCO, 56-7, 194-6; Plate 30; New Zealand, 298-9; Polish, xix, 280, 298. 304 (see also 303 Squadron below); Rhodesian, 298; shortage of, xv, 58, 235, 263, 270, 304, 305; South African, 179-90, 298 and n.\ training (incl. Operational Training Units), 55-8, 141, 187, 236, 263, 265, 270, 304, 305; Volunteer Reserve, 56, 57, 194, 195, 197, 198 see also Dowding, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh; radar (G.B.); radio and electronics (G.B.); rescue Royal Air Force Fighter

Command structure: Bentley Priory (headquarters), 51, 120, 123, 125-7, 274; Map 124, Plate 11

Groups, 53. 64, 121. 123, 125, 85 Squadron, 162, 195, 248-50,

188. 239, 274; Map 124 259-60, 264; Map 192

10 Group, 123, 211. 265, 274; 87 Squadron, 151

Map xxi, 188, 219, 271 92 Squadron, 260, 279

// Group, 52, 151, 216, 220, HI Squadron, 31, 169, 176,

Map xxi, 188, 192, 219, 241, 1*5 Squadron, Map 188, 192

271 151 Squadron, 212, 227; Map

/2 Group. 52, 188, 216, 221. 192

239, 265, 274; Map xxi, 219, 152 Squadron, 207

13 Group, 216, 218, 220, 221, 229 Squadron, 277, 278

222Map 219 238 Squadron, 213; Map 188

Sectors, 55. 65, 121. 122, 123. 2 Squadron, 164, 165, 239

125, 127. 214, 229. 265; Map 25i Squadron, 256. 261

,24 257 Squadron, Map 188, 192

303 (Polish) Squadron, 198,

Squadrons, 151,229-30; 277_8 2 % 3QQ

commanders 162 165 186 m Squadron> 196, 197, 255;

194. 227, 235, 236. 256 279; Map,92 plane $5

complement 176, 186-7; 60Q Squadron 208, 229, 247;

Eagle Squadron, 201; Plate MA 192

*-},a " a, 601 Squadron, 56; Map 192

/ Squadron. 104, 259; Map 192 605 Squadron, 266

3 Squadron. 195 605 Squadrorli 268, 296

/ 7 Squadron, Map 192 m squadron 236

/ 9 Squadron, Plate 32 OT Squadron. 56, 57, 143, 194,