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41. Homey Karen. New Ways in Psychoanalysis. Norton. New York, 1939.

42. Homey Karen. Our Inner Conflicts. Norton. New York, 1945.

43. Jacobi Jolan. The Psychology of Jung, trans. by K.W. Bash. Yale University Press. New Haven, 1943.

44. Jones E. Papers on Psychoanalysis. Wood. New York, 1913.

45. Jung C.G. The Theory of Psychoanalysis. Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series, No. 19. New York, 1915.

46. Jung C. G. Psychological Types or the Psychology of Individuation, trans. by H.G. Baynes. Harcourt, Brace. New York, 1926.

47. Jung С. G. Contributions to Analytical Psychology, trans. by H.G. and C.F. Baynes. Harcourt, Brace. New York, 1928.

48. KardinerA. The Psychological Frontiers of Society. Columbia University Press. New York, 1945.

49. KardinerA. and Ovesey L. The Mark of Oppression: A Psycho-Social Study of the American Negro. Norton. New York, 1951.

50. Klein Melanie. The Psychoanalysis of Children. Hogarth. London,1932.

51. Klein Melanie. A contribution of the psychogenesis of manic-depressive states. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 16:145-174, 1935.

52. Klein Melanie. The early development of conscience in the child. In S. Lorand (ed.). Psychoanalysis Today, p. 149-161. International University Press. New York, 1944.

53. Klein Melanie, Heimann P., Isaacs Susan and Riviere Joan. Developments in Psychoanalysis. Hogarth. London, 1952.

54. Lander J. The pubertal struggle against the instincts. Amer. J. Orthopsychiat., 12: 456-461, 1942.

55. Mullahy P. Oedipus Myth and Complex. Hermitage. New York, 1948.

56. Puner Helen W. Freud, His Life and His Mind. Howell, Soskin. New York, 1947.

57. Rank O. The Trauma of Birth. Harcourt, Brace. New York, 1929.

58. Rank 0. Modem Education, trans. by Mabel E. Moxon. Knopf. New York, 1932.

59. Rank 0. Will Therapy and Truth and Reality, trans. by Jessie Taft. Knopf. New York, 1945.

60. Reich W. Character-analysis, trans. by T. P. Wolfe. Orgone Institute. New York, 1945.

61. Sachs H. Freud, Master and Friend. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, 1944.

62. Spiegel L.A. A review of contributions to a psychoanalytic theory of adolescence. Psychoanal. Study of the Child, 6: 375-393,1951.

63. Sterba R. Introduction to the Psychoanalytic Theory of the Libido. Nervous and Mental Disease Monographs, No. 68. New York, 1947.

64. Sullivan H.S. Conceptions of Modern Psychiatry. William Alanson White Psychiatric Foundation. Washington, 1947.

65. Thompson Clara. Psychoanalysis: Evolution and Development. Hermitage. New York, 1950.

66. Wittels F. The ego of the adolescent. In K. R. Eissler (ed.). Searchlights on Delinquency. International Universities Press. New York, 1949.

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