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The Investigation of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: Performance of the Intelligence Agencies. Book V. - Washington, 1976.

Garrison Jim. On the Trail of the Assassins. - Penguin Books, 1992.

Halpern S., Peake H. Did Angleton Jail Nosenko? // Internatinal Journal of lutelligence And Counterintelligence. Vol. 3. No. 4. - N. Y.: Jntel Publishing Croup, Inc., 1989.

Hinckle W., Turner W. The Fish is Red. The story of the secret war against Castro. - N. Y.: Harper and Row Publishers, 1981 (пер. с англ. М.: Прогресс, 1983).

Hougan J. Secret agenda. Watergate, Deep. Throat and the CIA. - N.Y.: Random House, 1984.

Kessler R. Inside the CIA. Revealing the Secret of the World's Most Powerful Spy Agency. -N. Y.: Pocket Books Adivision of Simon & Schuster Inc., 1992.

Knightley Ph. The Life and Views of the K.G.B. Masterspy. Andre Deutsch. М.: Республика, 1992.

Lifton D.S. Best Evidence, Disguise and Deception in the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. -N. Y.: Carrol & Graf Publishers, 1980.

Marrs J. The Plot that killed Kennedy. - N. Y.: Carrol & Graf Publishers, Inc., 1989.

McDonald H., Moore R. L.B.J, and the J.F.K. Conspiracy. - Westport, Connecticut: Washington: Condor Publishing Company Inc., 1978.

McMillan P.J. Marina and Lee. - N. Y.: Hagerstown: San Francisco: L.: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1977.

Meagher S. Accessories after the Fact The Warren Commission // The Authorities, and the report Vintage Books. - N. Y.: Adivision of Random Flouse, Inc., 1992.

Olgesby C. The J.F.K. Assassination. The facts and the Theories. - N. Y.: A Signet Book, 1992.

Ostrovsky V., Hoy C. By Way of Deception. - N. Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1990.

O'Toole G.J.A. The Encyclopedia of American Intelligence and Espionage from the Revolutionary War to the Present Facts on File. -N.Y.: Oxford, 1988.

The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary / By Marcus Wheeler Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1972.

Phillips D.A. The Night Watch Atheneum. - N. Y.: 1977.

Prouty L.F. The Secret Team. The CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the World. -N. Y.: Prentice-Hall, Inc.: Engle-wood Cliffs, 1973.

Report of the Select Committee. On Assassinations V. S. Flouse of Representatives Ninety-Fifth Congress Second session // Union Calendar № 962. Flouse Report № 95-1828. Part 2. March 29. - Washington, 1979.

Report of the Warren Commission. On the assassination of President Kennedy // Bantam Books. - October 1964.

Rusell D. The man who knew too much. — N. Y.: Carroll & Graf Publishers / Richard Gallen, 1992.

Sauvage L. The Oswald affair. An Examination of the Contradictions and Omissions of the Warren Report. - Cleveland: N. Y.: The World Publishing Company, 1966.

Smith J. B. Portrait of a Cold Warrior. - N. Y.: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1976.

Stone O., Sklar Z. J.F.K. The Book of the Film. The Documented Screenplay. - N. Y.: Applause Books 211 West 71 Street, 1992.

Summers A. Conspiracy. - N. Y.: Paragon Flouse, 1989 (Paperback ed.).

Summers A. Official and Confidential. The secret life of J. Edgar Floover. - L.: Victor Gollancz, 1993.

Ungar S.J. FBI. - Boston: Toronto: An Atlantic Monthly Press Book Little, Brown and Company, 1975.

Webster's New World Dictionary / David B. Guralnik (Gen. ed.) — Oxford & JBFI Publishing Co., 1975.

Wise D. Molehunt. The Secret Search for Traitors that Shattered the CIA. - N.Y.: Random Flouse, 1992.

Woodward R. Las guerras secretes de la CIA. - Mexico, S.A.: Editorial Grijalbo, 1988.

Периодические издания

Кто такой Юрий Носенко?// Совершенно секретно. — 1992. - № 6.

Газеты «Правда», «Известия» за ноябрь — декабрь 1963 г.

Отдельные статьи советских и зарубежных периодических изданий по проблеме убийства президента США Джона Кеннеди.

А также архивные материалы Службы внешней разведки Российской Федерации, Министерства безопасности Российской Федерации, КГБ Республики Беларусь.