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Sniper and his Mission

The sniper is a rifleman with special ability, training and equipment. He is designated to deliver discriminatory and highly accurate rifle fire against enemy targets, which, because of range, size, location, fleeting nature or visibility, cannot be engaged successfully by the average rifleman.

Obviously, the sniper must be an expert shot. He must be in excellent physical condition to withstand extended operations with very little sleep, food and water. He should have good eyesight – without the use of glasses that may become lost, damaged or reflect light. The sniper should be a non-smoker; smoke and the glow of a cigarette can be detected for great distances. The sniper must be capable of mental conditioning to successfully accomplish his duties. A successful sniper must also be intelligent and experienced in fieldcraft. He must be able to reach and leave his firing positions undetected. He should be an outdoorsman acting as a trapper and forest ranger with the cunning of a wild animal – all at the same time.

In combat, a sniper supports combat operations by delivering precision rifle fire from concealed positions to selected targets. He engages key enemy personnel, and by so doing weakens the enemy's resistance and morale. Consequently, the importance of snipers cannot be measured only by the number of casualties they inflict. Realization of a sniper's presence instills fear in enemy troops and influences their decisions and actions.

A sniper enhances a unit's firepower and augments the varied means for destruction and harassment of the enemy. Whether a sniper is part of the unit or attached, he provides additional supporting fire. He is the sole means by which a unit can engage point targets at distances beyond the effective range of the service rifle. His role may become even more significant if he is employed in terrain such as Europe or the Middle East where a large percentage of personel targets will be at ranges greater than 500 meters – well outside the maximum effective range of our standard rifle. The sniper can also engage enemy targets that are in fortified positions, or those using non-combatants for cover or as hostages. The fire from automatic weapons in such operations can wound or kill innocent persons, but the sniper can be highly selective.

Snipers can also be used as information-gathering agents of the commander. They can be employed in offensive and defensive combat operations in which precision fire is delivered at long ranges; in combat patrols, ambushes and countersniper operations; in perimeter defense, outguards of combat outposts and forward observations elements; and in retrograde operations in which snipers are part of forces left in contact or as stay-behind details.

The Army's Infantry Agency recognized the need for a sniper in the Infantry battalion and provided a comprehensive Sniper Capability Study to Department of the Army for review. This study, if approved, should authorize snipers for Infantry battalions throughout the Army.

Sniper's Equipment

In order to accomplish his mission, the sniper must have the most accurate rifle and sighting devices available. The rifle is the 7.62 mm, M14 National Match Rifle – specially modified to the NATO round. Designated the XM21 Sniper Rifle System, this weapon is equipped with an-epoxy-impregnated stock with components selected and hand-fitted by a gunsmith.

The rifle is equipped with a lightweight three-to-nine variable power telescopic sight with a ballistic cam to compensate for the trajectory of 7.62 mm, Ml 18 Match Ammunition. The cam is calibrated to the ranging capability of the scope, from 300 to 900 meters. In effect, the telescope incorporates a cross-hair reticle and provides stadia posts to determine the correct target range. It provides automatic internal adjustment for elevation when the telescope is in focus.

The XM21 system uses the AN/PVS-2 Night Vision Sight. This sight does not give the width, depth or clarity of daylight vision; however, it allows a sniper to analyze the tactical situation, detect enemy targets and place effective fire on them. The sight can be used when moving to pre-selected positions or alternate positions under cover of darkness. In search of a lighter weight sight that will magnify a greater range at night, the Infantry Agency has prepared a Qualitative Material Requirement, which CDC circulated for Army-wide comment.

A year later DA approved the Agency's Abbreviated Performance Characteristics for a Sniper Rifle System, based on the XM21's characteristics. It appears that the XM21 system will be type classified Standard В because the rifle has to be modified by a gunsmith. This and other problems, associated with the noise suppressor, bipod, and extreme weather performance, eliminated the system from Standard A classification.

Future Trends

In order to answer the question posed by the title of this article, it will be necessary to look into the future and to predict the outcome of various actions. Some type of classification for the XM21 Sniper Rifle System may eventually be made because of the emphasis given by DA and CDC. As previously mentioned, it appears that the system will be type classified Standard B.

It also appears that the Sniper Capability Study, being reviewed by DA, may soon be approved. Even if the conclusions and recommendations are modified, almost all knowledgeable people agree that current and future Infantry battalions need a sniper capability. In the event the study is not approved, the sniper capability within the US Army will remain at a very low priority.


Приложение 1

Теория перевода и реферирования иностранного языка

Учебно-методический комплекс по специальности: 031202.65 – Перевод и переводоведение


доктор филологических наук, профессор Л.Л. Нелюбин, кандидат филологических наук, доцент И.Н. Филиппова.


Предисловие. Учебно-методический комплекс

Учебно-методический комплекс (УМК) – совокупность материалов, регламентирующих содержание учебной и методической работы по организации преподавания учебной дисциплины, предусмотренной образовательной программой специальности.

Цель УМК – определить минимальный объем учебно-методических материалов, необходимых при введении учебной дисциплины на кафедрах МГОУ.

Задачи УМК:

1) дать общую характеристику документов и материалов, используемых для реализации учебной дисциплины;

2) обеспечить взаимосвязь компонентов учебной программы по дисциплине с необходимыми учебными и методическими материалами.


Выписка из государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования

Общая характеристика направления подготовки дипломированного специалиста 031200 – Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация.

1. Направление подготовки дипломированного специалиста утверждено приказом Министерства образования Российской Федерации от 12.01.2005 г. № 4.

2. Перечень основных образовательных программ специальностей, реализуемых в рамках данного направления подготовки дипломированного специалиста:

031201.65 – Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков и культур 031202.65 – Перевод и переводоведение

031203.65 – Теория и практика межкультурной коммуникации.

3. Квалификации выпускника: «Лингвист, преподаватель»; «Лингвист, переводчик»; «Лингвист, специалист по межкультурному общению».