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35.Twigg, “Differential Demographics: Russia’s Muslim and Slavic Populations,” Center for Strategic & International Studies PONARS Policy Memo, no. 388 (December 2005): http://csis.org/files/media/csis/pubs/pm_0388.pdf.

36.Khristina Narizhnaya, “Russia’s Xenophobia Problem,” GlobalPost, April 29, 2012, http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/europe/russia/120427/russia-xenophobia-racism-putin-immigration-reform.


38.“Russians Favor Immigration Restrictions—Poll,” Interfax, December 14, 2012, http://russialist.org/russians-favor-immigration-restrictions-poll/.

39.“Racist Attacks Wound 200 People, Including 18 Lethally, in Russia in 2012—Rights Activists,” Interfax, December 29, 2012, http://rbth.ru/articles/2012/12/29/racist_attacks_wound_200_people_including_18_lethally_in_russia_in_2_21605.html.

40.Narizhnaya, “Russia’s Xenophobia Problem,” GlobalPost, April 29, 2012, http://www.globalpost.com/dispatch/news/regions/europe/russia/120427/russia-xenophobia-racism-putin-immigration-reform.

41.Alexander Verkhovsky, “The Ultra-Right in Russia in 2012,” SOVA Center Report, December 2012, http://www.sova-center.ru/en/xenophobia/reports-analyses/2012/10/d25539/.


43.Charles Clover, “‘Managed Nationalism’ Turns Nasty for Putin,” Financial Times, December 23, 2010, http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/046a3e30-0ec9-11e0-9ec3-00144feabdc0.html#axzz2KtFLqYoI.

44.Owen Matthews and Anna Nemtsova, “Fascist Russia?” Newsweek, August 7, 2011, http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2011/08/07/why-the-kremlin-aids-the-rise-of-russia-s-far-right-hate-groups.html.

45.Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Doklad o Sostoyanii Grazhdanskovo Obshestva v Rossiyskoy Federatsii za 2012 god[Report on the state of civil society in the Russian Federation for the year 2012] (Moscow: OPRF, 2012), 73.

46.Nadezhda Krasilova, “Moda Na Ksenophobiu [Fashion for Xenophobia],” Noviye Izvesitiya, February 26, 2013, http://www.newizv.ru/politics/2013-02-26/178323-moda-na-ksenofobiju.html.

47.Gordon Hahn, “The Perils of Putin’s Policies,” Journal of International Security Affairs, no. 10 (Spring 2006): http://www.securityaffairs.org/issues/2006/10/hahn.php.

48. Presidential Decreeno. 849 (May 13, 2000), as cited in Laura Belin, “Politics and the Mass Media under Putin,” in Cameron Ross, Russian Politics under Putin(Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2004), 158.

49.Gordon M. Hahn, “Reforming the Federation,” in Stephen White, Zvi Gitelman, and Richard Sakwa, eds., Developments in Russian Politics6 (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), 148–67.

50.Michael L. Bressler, “Politics,” in Michael L. Bressler, ed., Understanding Contemporary Russia(Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2009), 119.

51. Federal’nyi Zakon, no. 168 (December 20, 2004), as cited Sarah E. Cox, “Reverse Revolution: Russia’s Constitutional Crisis,” Washington University Pacific Rim Law and Policy Journal22, no. 1 (2013): http://digital.law.washington.edu/dspace-law/bitstream/handle/1773.1/1213/22PRLPJ179.pdf?sequence=1.

52. Federal’nyi Zakon, no. 107 (July 12, 2006), as cited in Cox, “Reverse Revolution.”

53.Yevgeny Volk, “Russia’s NGO Law: An Attack on Freedom and Civil Society,” Heritage Foundation WebMemo, no. 1090 (May 24, 2006): http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2006/05/russias-ngo-law-an-attack-on-freedom-and-civil-society.

54.Ibid.; Zbigniew Brzezinski, “Putin’s Choice,” Washington Quarterly31, no. 2 (2008): 95–116.

55.Hahn, Russia’s Islamic Threat, 19.

56.Alexei Malashenko, “The Dynamics of Russian Islam,” Carnegie Moscow Center, February 1, 2013, http://carnegie.ru/2013/02/01/dynamics-of-russian-islam/f890.

57.Damir hazrat Mukhetinov, “Nabludenie Nad Tekushimi Protsesami v Rossiyskoi Musulmanskoi Obshine (Chaste 7) [Observations on the current processes in the Russian Muslim community (part 7)], November 7, 2012, http://damir-hazrat.livejournal.com/66143.html/.



1.An early version of this chapter appeared in the Spring/Summer 2011 edition of the Journal of International Security Affairsunder the title, “The Caliphate Comes Home.”

2.Gordon M. Hahn, Russia’s Islamic Threat(New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007), 31.

3.For an in-depth account of this trend, see Paul Murphy, The Wolves of Islam: Russia and the Faces of Chechen Terror(London: Brassey’s, 2004).

4.Hahn, Russia’s Islamic Threat, 36.

5.Ibid., 36–37.

6.Ibid., 38–39.

7.Jim Nichol, Stability in Russia’s Chechnya and Other Regions of the North Caucasus: Recent Developments(Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, January 27, 2010), 10–11, http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RL34613_20100127.pdf.

8.See, for example, Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshtinsky, Blowing Up Russia: The Secret Plot to Bring Back KGB Terror(New York: Encounter Books, 2007).

9.“Obituary: Chechen Rebel Khattab,” BBC, April 26, 2002, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/1952053.stm.

10.“Chechen Rebel Chief Basayev Dies,” BBC, July 10, 2006, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/5165456.stm.

11.Tony Halpin, “Chechen Rebellion Has Been Crushed, Says Kremlin,” Sunday Times, April 17, 2009, http://www.times-online.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article6108444.ece.

12.“Russia,” American Foreign Policy Council, World Almanac of Islamism, http://almanac.afpc.org/Russia.

13.Simon Shuster, “Chechen Terrorists, Despite a Schism, Come Back Ferociously,” Time, October 21, 2010, http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2026737,00.html; Charles Reckangel, “Assassination of Daghestan’s Sufi Spiritual Leader Raises Specter of New Violence,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, December 29, 2012, http://www.rferl.org/content/daghestansufi-leader-suicide-bombing-/24692153.html.

14.Matthias Schepp, “Anarchy in Dagestan: Islamists Gain Upper Hand in Russian Republic,” Der Spiegel, July 30, 2010, http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,709176,00.html.


16.“Sotseologi: 30 percent Molodezhi Dagestana Khotyat Zhite v Religioznom Gosudarstve [Sociologists: 30 Percent of Dagestan’s Youth Wants to Live under a Religious Government],” Regnum, January 11, 2011, http://www.regnum.ru/news/polit/1363203.html.

17.Nichol, Stability in Russia’s Chechnya and Other Regions of the North Caucasus: Recent Developments(Washington, D.C.: Congressional Research Service, January 27, 2010), 13, http://assets.opencrs.com/rpts/RL34613_20100127.pdf.

18.Author’s interviews, Kazan, Russia, December 2010.

19.Rafael Khakim, Ternistuy Put k Svobode[The Thorny Path to Freedom] (Kazan: Tatarstan Book Press, 2007).

20.Yana Amelina, “Djihad v Tatarstane [Jihad in Tatarstan],” Zvezda Povolzhya(Kazan), December 2, 2010.

21.“Alleged Islamic Extremists Detained in Bashkortostan,” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, February 8, 2011, http://www.rferl.org/content/bashkortostan_islamists/2301430.html.

22.Hahn, Russia’s Islamic Threat(New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007), 213–214.

23.“Hizb ut-Tahrir,” American Foreign Policy Council, World Almanac of Islamism, July 14, 2011, http://almanac.afpc.org/hizb-ut-tahrir.

24.Shiv Malik, “The Conveyor Belt of Extremism,” New Statesman, July 18, 2005, http://www.militantislammonitor.org/article/id/803.

25.See, for example, Ivan Gladilin, “Tatarstan Prevrashayetsa v Odnu iz Gorachikh Tochek Rossii [Tatarstan is becoming one of Russia’s flashpoints],” km.ru, December 26, 2012, http://www.km.ru/v-rossii/2012/12/26/prava-i-tsennostirusskogo-naseleniya-rossii/700628-tatarstan-prevrashchaetsya-v; see also “Russia Eliminates Terrorist Cell in West Siberia,” RIA Novosti, May 14, 2010, http://en.rian.ru/russia/20100514/159013389.html.