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I looked around and found him sitting inside his truck with the phone up to his ear. Dalton looked at me wide eyed and full of curiosity.

“I’ll catch you later,” I said, tapping his arm and walking off in the opposite direction. When I found myself away from any other living soul, I brought the phone back up to my ear. “What’s gotten into you?”

“You’re coming with me this weekend. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.”

“Whoa. Slow down.”

“No. You listen to me. Your fucking roommate is a psychotic bitch, and I know she put the scratches on your forehead. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I’m a big girl and I handled it, okay?”

“No, it’s not okay. She is a different kind of crazy. She’s got a record, and I don’t want you staying anywhere near her while I’m away. I don’t give a shit if you don’t want to spend the weekend with me. You’re at least going to let me get you away from her.”

“That’s what crawled up your ass this afternoon?”

“Don’t get condescending, Blondie.”

“I was going to tell you that I would go away with you, but you are making me want to change my mind.”

“Then it’s settled. Be ready to go Friday afternoon. And trust me, I knew you were coming with me all along.” I could hear his smile through the phone. He was a cocky son of a bitch and didn’t make any qualms about it. “Lay low, please. I don’t need any more blemishes on your beautiful face.”

He hung up.

I was a bit peeved by his assertions. He had just demanded that, one way or another, I leave with him for the weekend. Of course, he was coming from a good place, but still. I didn’t want to be ordered around—not unless it was work related or in the bedroom. Then thoughts of Alex and me, alone for a whole weekend, his commands on every sexual position his kinky mind could think of, came fluttering in. I quickly lost the up-in-arms demeanor and plastered a giddy grin on my face at all of the wondrous thoughts of a naked Alex floating around in my head.

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Friday morning came without any more occurrences. Angelica had distanced herself from me, which was a welcomed move, and Allen didn’t say anything else. Surprisingly, Castillo hadn’t been lurking around either. The week finished on a definite upswing.

We were released at noon, hoards of overly excited students crashing out of the room with probably nowhere to go. The mere fact that they could get away from school and instructors was probably more than enough of a reason to celebrate. Dalton and I played it off as if we were heading off somewhere together. Angelica didn’t ask any questions, but when she was around, I knew the wheels were turning in her head.

Alex had told me to just take a taxi over to his place whenever I was ready. He’d slipped some cash into my hand the night before during Field Day inspections, even though I was more than capable of paying for a paltry cab ride myself, but my argument fell on deaf ears. He wanted to hear none of it. Instead, he griped about how my pretty little mouth was always running, and how he couldn’t wait to shut it for me. I hated the way his words transformed me from a boisterous adult to an obedient child waiting to be spanked. And for as much as I hated it, I loved it.

“You ready to go?” Dalton asked, helping me gather my bags. I had no clue where Alex was taking me because he wouldn’t give anything away. I was only told to pack light and bring a sweater. Nothing more, nothing less.

“I believe so.” I looked around the room, finding nothing left out of place. I double checked my wall locker, made sure my bed was made, and took a picture of it all just in case Angelica decided to be a little bitch while I was away and pull something. Seemed very childish, but I wasn’t willing to put anything past her.

I sent a quick text to Alex, letting him know that I was on my way before lugging my bags down the stairs to the awaiting cab. Lane and Hutchins said goodbye as we drove off. I felt kind of bad leaving them behind, but they said they would occupy each other for the weekend, making me feel a little better. I gave the cabbie the address to Alex’s house and sat in silence as we drove off the base and into the vast stretch of desert.

“You nervous?” Dalton asked, breaking the silence and placing his hand on top of mine.

“A little bit.”

“Good!” He wiped his brow, even though near arctic air was blasting through the cab as we blazed down the sun scorched road.

“Why are you nervous? You already know Ben.”

He blew a small breath. “I know. It’s just that everything was done in secret at home. We never spent as much time together as we will this weekend. I think this will really cement things. See what we really want out of each other.”

His words could have come out of my own mouth. I had yet to look at it that way, but his anxiety slowly creeped into my own body. Alex and I had been interacting under a cloak of secrecy, stealing away bits and pieces of time here and there. This weekend was a chance for us to truly get to know one another and be a real couple out in the real world. The idea frightened me more than I wanted it to. I grew silent once again, the thoughts clouding my head with the fear that things would not go well.

“Hey. You are going to have a kick ass time. Stop thinking so much.” He rubbed the top of my hand, easing some of the tension that had embedded itself within me.

“I guess I should be telling you the same thing.”

 A few turns later and we were pulling onto Alex’s street. I looked out the window as we pulled up, Alex’s truck sitting in the driveway with him leaning up against it. His muscles rippled from his cut off shirt, his shorts hanging low while a pair of black sandals outfitted his feet. He was so casual, yet so delectable.

I paid the driver then hopped out, Dalton exited as well and helped me grab my bags from the trunk. Alex’s face was fixed in a stern mask, greeting Dalton with pure formality.

“Hello, Pfc. Dalton.”

“Hello, Sgt.” Dalton tried to smile, looking very nervous as he handed my bags over to Alex.

The thick, heated air was beginning to choke me. I didn’t like the way this was playing out, and I didn’t want it to fester.

“I hope you have a great time this weekend, Dalton. Remember, just enjoy it.” I hugged him tight and saw him off. Dalton got back into the car, and I watched it drive off before turning around to Alex. He stood to the side, holding my bags in his hands.

“So you told Dalton?” he asked, glaring at me.

“Yeah. You told Riley. I needed someone to lean on, too. And besides, he’s known for a bit. Like you say, he’s in my corner.”

He blew out a long breath, then walked past me, up the driveway. I quickly followed behind.

“He’s not going to say anything.” I tried reassuring him, seeing that the sight of Dalton had rubbed him wrong.

“I just don’t want too many people knowing. Speculating is one thing, but knowing is another.”

I stopped him, then kissed his lips, biting on the bottom a couple of times and licking the marks. “Simmer down. We are fine.”

He smiled and continued the walk, leading me into the house. When I walked in, the aroma of freshly baked pizza hit me, sending my stomach gurgling with the need to be fed. I had been so anxious about getting out and getting my weekend started that I had forgotten to eat. Alex walked in behind me, stopping to kiss my cheek.

“Make yourself at home. Pizza should be about ready. I’m going to put your bags in our room.”

“Our room?” I asked, looking over at him.

“Yes. Our room.”

I walked further into the house, hearing voices and a female giggle. My stomach churned, and not with hunger. When I stepped into the kitchen and looked over at the living room, Riley was sitting on the couch with a very petite blonde sitting on his lap. He was whispering things into her ear and had his hand down her shirt. I didn’t want to interrupt whatever they had going on. He looked up and saw me walking away.