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“I’m coming,” she moaned, a highly erotic whimper accompanying it. Her hands moved to my head, trying to push me away, but I held strong, ready to take her orgasm on head first. “Ahhhh… ahhhh… I’m coming, Alex.”

“Come baby. Come for me.”

And almost on command, she came, hard and hot. Her deliciously sweet release coating my mouth like a glazed donut. Her body went limp as her chest moved up and down. I slowly made my way up, licking the release of her from my mouth, before pulling her up and kissing her. She took me, my head in her hands as our tongues gently overlapped one another. We pulled away, her eyes glossed as she looked at me with lustful admiration.

“So will you come with me this weekend?”

She stood from the desk and attempted to pull her pants up, but I beat her to it, squatting down and taking hold of them as I placed my nose in between her legs. She tapped my head, signaling for me to dress her.

“I don’t know yet. It’s risky.”

“Everything is risky. Me talking to you is risky. Me smiling at you is risky. Me tongue fucking you is risky.” I pulled her panties and pants up, then stood nose to nose with her. “I’m telling you now. You. Are. Worth. The. Risk. You understand that?”

A spark went off in her eyes. It was like she finally realized that even though I could be insanely stupid at times, she meant everything to me.

She tucked her t-shirt back into her pants, the bottom hem wet and wrinkled from acting as a gag for her loud moans and outbursts. She fastened her belt and smoothed down her hair. “I’ll let you know.”

“Don’t make me wait. I’ll come get you, and you know it.”

She smiled, then kissed my cheek and opened the door, looking out before stepping outside and walking away. Her taste lingered on my lips. Getting my fill of her was better than any meal that I could have eaten. She was the best thing to ever touch my tongue.

I straightened my uniform then stepped out of the office. The lunch hour was coming to an end, and the students were beginning to file back into the schoolhouse courtyard. Cassie had found Dalton and those other two students she seemed to hang out with. I walked by, and eye fucked her, knowing that the others were probably curious, but I didn’t care. When it came to Cassie, I already knew the consequences could be severe, but the possibilities were also endless. The risk with her would always be worth the reward.

A sense of accomplishment washed over me as I walked into the schoolhouse building. All of that joy was carried away when I passed by Ruiz who blatantly tried to avoid my gaze. I didn’t care that she wanted to avoid looking at me. Hell, I didn’t want to look at her either. But something stood out when I looked at her. There were scratches along her cheek. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what had happened. She was the culprit who had marked Cassie.

Newsome came marching out of the building, and I took it as my opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

“Hey, Pfc. Ruiz. Are you okay?”

Her guilt riddled eyes cautiously coasted over to me, apprehensively landing on a wrathful stare. She knew exactly what I knew, and her expression told on her long before she ever opened her mouth. Newsome now stood next to me, looking like the concerned instructor that I couldn’t be.

“I’m okay, Sergeant.” Her cheeks flushed a bright shade of red.

“What’s going on?” Newsome asked, trying to gauge the situation.

“Our student has some scratches on her face, so I was just making sure she was alright.”

Newsome’s eyes swung from me to Ruiz. Her breathing began to pick up as I smirked at her, but I could tell she was working diligently, trying to keep it under control.

“I took a sparring class at the gym. Got a little rough, that’s all.” Her eyes told a different story as she fixated on Newsome, wholly avoiding me altogether.

 Newsome nodded his head, then continued on his way. I stood there a moment longer, wanting to see her sweat. She was a feisty little bitch, I would give her that. But where Cassie was concerned, none of it was going to be tolerated.

“You’re walking on thin ice, Ruiz. Don’t make me help you fall,” I gruffly whispered into her ear. Not only did I now confirm what I had known all along, but I’d hopefully, for the last time, put this girl on notice. She looked away, averting the intense heat from my searing gaze. I turned, looking back to find Cassie laughing with her friends, and Ruiz looking like she was about to vomit. Flashes of what may have happened between the two them hit me again, bringing a double dose of wrath with it. I was infuriated by what I’d discovered, and I could have chewed through concrete with that bit of news. 

Chapter 20


Class had a very strange vibe to it after the lunch hour. Alex, with his brazen acts of sexual goodness, had all but convinced me that I needed to take him up on his offer and run off with him for the weekend. His very capable tongue proved once again that I had a weakness for all things physical when it came to him. But when we came back into the classroom, the looks he gave off were nothing but menacing, even in my direction. Something had happened between his meal and class, and it worried me, leaving me anxious to find out.

Dalton waited for me outside in the courtyard as the day came to a close. Alex was inside, speaking to a few more instructors, so he wasn’t easily accessible for me to pull away and figure out what had crawled up his ass. Angelica rushed by us, not stopping to say a word. Caring about her mood swings was the last thing on my mind. She had become a bothersome fly to me, and I couldn’t wait for the next time that I’d get a chance to swat her.

We began our trek to the barracks, Dalton going on and on about Data and all of the wonderful things the he was learning. Unfortunately, my mind was occupied with thoughts of Alex. I had become a horrible friend to Dalton, always thinking or speaking of Alex, but I couldn’t help it. The man had embedded himself inside of me, and was making it damn near impossible to get rid of him.

“So, you gonna go with Cruz this weekend?” Dalton asked, abruptly switching topics, fully aware that this would finally make me pay attention.

“I don’t know. What are you doing? I don’t want to just leave you here.”

“Don’t worry about me. This guy from back home, Ben, is flying out to see me, so it’s you I’m worried about.”

I ribbed him a bit. “Ohhh, a boyfriend, huh?” Do tell.”

Dalton laughed, the kind of laugh that soothed the soul. “He isn’t my boyfriend. Although, I’d like him to be. We’ll see. We had just started to get know one another when I left for bootcamp. We’ve been keeping in touch.”

“That’s sweet. I hope you have fun.”

“Me too, but I’m worried about you. I won’t be here, and I don’t want you staying behind with Ruiz and Allen for a long weekend. I can only imagine how nerve wracking that will be. Please go with Cruz. For me?”

He batted his long lashes, his face softening and his eyes exuding puppy dog innocence. I laughed at him, but the reality of spending the weekend with Ruiz and quite possibly running into Allen did set my radar off, knowing that some fireworks would surely explode if that were to happen. As much as I wanted to go with Alex, I didn’t want him to think that with one lick of his tongue he had me. But the alternative was much more cringe-worthy than stroking Alex’s ego.

“You’re right. I’ll go with him.”

“Thank you. Good times for the both of us.”

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, seeing Alex’s name light up on the screen. It was odd that he called instead of texted.


“Ditch Dalton and go somewhere where you can be alone,” he said. His voice had irritation swirling through it, making me anxious.