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I grabbed her ass cheeks, digging deeply into the silky firmness of the most impeccable ass I had ever had the pleasure of laying hands on.

My cock was throbbing now, wanting to release the aggression she had successfully built up within me. I began chipping away at her core, letting go of one of her ass cheeks and placing my fingers on her clit instead.

"Ahhhhh… Alex, fuck me!" she screamed, stroking my ego with every word.

I rubbed furiously, continuing the torture, seeking more and more desire from her with every stroke.

"Look at me, Blondie," I harshly whispered, needing to look into her eyes when I finally came.

She didn't look right away, her eyes firmly shut as she tried to bravely take everything I was giving to her.

I removed my hand from her clit and smacked her ass as hard as I could, jolting her eyes open with a loud shriek from her pretty little mouth.

"I want you to see what you do to me," I told her.

She didn't respond, but I didn't need her to. I grabbed her waist with both hands, bouncing her up and down as I worked my way to coming. As it built, moving with thunderous speed, I fucked her with the speed and tenacity of a jackhammer, hammering away as her tits bounced and swayed in front me, my tongue out, licking and catching any piece of them that I could.

"I'm fucking coming," I breathlessly moaned.

Moans and shrieks were her response, no words filtering out as I stalled inside of her, violently filling the condom. When the last few spurts emptied out of me, I crashed my head on her chest. Her hands wrapped my head, holding me close as I listened to her heart beating rapidly as she breathed softly, trying to slow it down.

"You are a beast, Sgt."

I shook my head, hating the use of my rank, but seeing it as a flirtatious gesture on her part.

She stood, allowing me to stand as well. I marched into the bathroom and removed the filled condom, tossing it into the toilet and flushing it down. When I turned around, she was lying in the bed, twirling her hair around one of her fingers. I walked over and lay down with her, resting my head on her chest and nibbling on her tits.

"So what is this?" she asked, filling the silence that had overtaken the room.

"What is what?"

"This. Us."

I paused. I wasn't sure how she was expecting me to respond.

"No labels. It's us. We enjoy each other, so that’s what it is."

I looked up to her after answering, wanting to see her thoughts splayed all over her face. She showed them, nervous contentment seemed to be shining through.

"I know I definitely want to see what the next month holds for us," I threw in, feeling the need for her to know that I was interested in much more than just fucking her and running.

"Me too."

We lay in silence for a while, my head to her chest before I realized that her breathing had slowed, and she had fallen asleep. I sat up and stared at her for a minute, taking note of what seemed to be perfectly crafted features making up one impeccably gorgeous face. I placed a very light kiss on her lips before getting up and throwing on some shorts and leaving the room.

I found Riley back in the office, staring at the papers that he had come home from base with. He smirked at me. He had definitely heard every bit of what had taken place in my room, and I couldn't have been more proud.

"Oh, Alex, ooohhhh…." he mimicked, bouncing in the chair and rolling his eyes to the back of his head.

"Fuck off, Riley."

"Damn, dude. I thought one of you were going to come flying through the wall. Did you fucking kill her?"

"No, shithead. She's sleeping."

"Sounds like you put her to sleep. How are you feeling?"

"Don't worry about me. Tell me what you've got in these papers."

He went from all jokes to being serious. I knew there was something there that would benefit me greatly.

He sifted through them, pulling out one in particular.

"Alright. You ready for this? Because it's a fucking doozy."

He slid the paper over to me, my eyes landing on the heading. Humboldt County. I continued to read on, my interest in the contents growing with every written word. 

Chapter 14


Alex since we had been desperately trying to get at one another, it was that he always found a way to keep at me.

But in that second he wanted Laying around with Dalton all Sunday long was exactly what I needed after such a physically and emotionally exhausting Saturday. The run-ins with Castillo, Ruiz, and Smith had me on edge, leaving me gasping for air, even if my demeanor came off as completely calm and collected.

 I was anything but.

Everywhere I turned, I was waiting for the hammer to drop. Smith walking through the door, while absolutely terrifying, was a relief. I had been praying hard that Jensen was not the person standing on the other side of the door. He just didn't give off a warm vibe where I was concerned, and I was near certain that he wouldn't have responded so diplomatically to me standing in his home.

Now, I had to figure out how to keep all of these sharks out of my space. Alex and I had definitely jumped as he'd said, and there really was no turning back. Sex has a way of furthering things emotionally, and what I already felt for him was now solidly held down inside of me. His protective nature, his domineering attitude, his Greek god of a body, all of it had me completely trapped and mesmerized with no way out.

After looking back, it's astounding and somewhat baffling that we had managed to get intertwined with one another in such a passionate way. I had thought that if I got a taste of him-- that would be it, but it was so much more. And now, my fears were elevated because with all of the joy and happiness comes secrecy and hiding. Our relationship, if that's what we want to call it, could be our lifelong demise. A discharge from the Corps for fraternizing would follow and hinder the both of us no matter what we embark on. Yet, even with that knowledge, I couldn't see myself turning away from him.

"Hey. You back from cloud nine?" Dalton's pretty smile was in my face, his hands waving in front of me as well.

I was floating. My day with Alex had been so invigorating that I couldn't seem to focus on anything else besides his body. But more so, his warm, compassionate, and soothing words in my moment of panic. His actions were completely opposite of what I was expecting, and the joy of it all was beginning to shine through me.

"I'm good. Just happy to have a day off."

"We had a day off yesterday. Where were you anyway?"

I tensed up. I hadn't planned on being asked that question, so I had no answer readily available. I blurted out the first thing that came to mind, praying that Dalton couldn't argue against it.

"I was in the library most of the day, studying.” My stomach twisted into a few tightly wound knots as I waited for his response.

"Oh, okay. I couldn't find you. After I was done babysitting Allen, that is."

"Allen? Why?"

"Beats me," he said, shrugging his shoulders. "I just know that he got into some shit in the wee hours of the night, and somehow I got called in to be a calming effect for him." He smiled apathetically.

Guilt instantly flooded me, filling me from head to toe. No one should have to spend unwanted time with Allen, and the only reason Dalton had been made to do it was so that Alex and I could carry on with what we were doing. I felt bad for my friend. I felt bad for what I was becoming, but eerily I couldn't feel bad for what I was doing.