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He dug deeper, sending lightening through my core and making me dip further into the mattress with each thrust. My hands were pulling from the bar, but his words came crashing back and I tried hard to hold them steady, fearing I would fail at proving that I did have some restraint about me.

His balls slapped my ass with every movement, sparking me to cry out with every smack. His tortuously slow pace gave way to harder, more commanding blows, shaking my resolve and sending my arms barreling down with force, breaking the hook on the end of the band.

"I knew you couldn't do it," he mocked, pulling out and taking me up with him. "Look what you've done to my beloved boot bands. I think you deserve to be punished."

"These things are--," I defended through hard breaths.

"Shhh…" he cut me off, laughing in the background.

He took my hands and placed them on the headboard, my fingers gripping it tight. I sat upright on my knees, waiting for whatever it was that he was planning to do to me. And before I could turn around, he was nibbling at my ass, causing me to flinch with the overwhelming sensation that his teeth elicited.  His mouth covered the spot where he bit, soothing it with smooth, sweet sucks before he removed it and sent his hand powering down in a thunderous slap right on the sensitive spot.

I cried out, feeling such passionate tingles with the meeting of his hand to my ass. He did it again, the entire routine before grabbing hold of my breasts from behind and burying himself into me. This time, he didn’t go slowly. He got right to business, pounding away at my core, sending all of the blood in my body racing straight for my clit. My screams and his grunts filled the room as he drummed away at me, making my head fall back, taking my ability to counter him with it. He let go of one breast, instead grabbing hold of my hair as he pounded harder and harder. That monstrous cock of his did not let up, controlling every movement while slowly burning down every wall inside of me.

"I'm so close, Blondie. I'm not coming without you."

His words undid me, all of the nerve endings in my body short circuiting, leaving me in a convulsing, shrieking mess in his hands. He pounded even harder, growling out his release as I screamed my own, the sweat now coating our skin and leaving us slipping against one another while our orgasms ripped through and dismantled us.

I fell forward, Alex falling with me. We lay quietly, trying hard to catch our breaths.  His cock still lay inside of me, occupying his conquest.

When we finally came down from our highs, Alex rolled off of me, lying on his back while pulling me to him on mine. He rested his nose on the top of my head, inhaling slowly as he worked his hands over my breasts. I lay my hands on his cock, still somewhat erect, feeling like he could go another round.

"Alexander the Great, that's what I'll call you," I whispered, finally breaking the silence.

"My name is Alejandro, but I'll take it. It fits me since I just conquered you and your body."

He continued playing with my breasts, squeezing my nipples while doing so.

"Alejandro Cruz. Has a nice ring to it. Why do you go by Alex?"

"It's easier. I've been going by Alex my entire life. The only people who call me Alejandro are my mom and my grandma. Everyone else gets the shortened version."

I lay quiet, not sure of where to go with this conversation, so I went with what naturally came to me.

"Are you close with your mom?"

"Yes," he quickly responded. "But I don't want to talk about my mom with my dick in your hands. If you don't mind?"

I laughed, remembering where we were and how ridiculous that conversation must have felt for him.

"You hungry?"

"I ate at Subway, but I could always go for more. You worked me into an appetite."

"Don't worry, I'm not finished with you yet. But first, you need some sustenance."

He sat up, easing his way out of the bed and reaching his hand down for me.

"Can I get a shower first?" I asked, gawking at his naked body standing before me.

"Why? I’m going right back in there as soon as we're done eating."

"I'm sticky as hell, and I'd rather not be," I quipped. Taking hold of his hand and moving out of the bed.

He led us over to the bathroom and started up the shower. Pulling off the used condom, he tossed it into the trashcan, then immediately ripped open another and slid it onto his stiffened cock.

Holding out his hand, he led me into the shower. I stepped in and immediately stood under the showerhead, allowing the water to pour down over me. Alex stepped in and took me from behind, dropping wet kisses down my neck as he snaked himself back inside. I held on to the sides of the walls, gripping as best I could on the slippery surface as he prepared to go for round two.

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Alex finished me off in the shower, completely breaking me while alternating between hard and slow. In the past, I usually got the short end of the stick, left to my own devices to achieve an orgasm while they got off and moved on. Not with Alex. He alerted me to when he got close, then worked me to his level so that we could come together. It was amazing.

Sitting at the kitchen island where we’d had our heated discussion, the mood couldn't have been more different. Two sated people, sitting side by side, enjoying a home cooked meal, basking in the satisfaction of releasing all of our sexual tension.  Alex, among his many talents, also happened to be a very good cook. He threw some chicken on the grill, sautéed some onions and peppers, made his very own salsa from scratch, then put it all over a bed of Spanish rice. My astonishment at his abilities shocked him.

"You don't know too many guys that cook, I take it?"

"Nope," I said, trying hard not to speak with a full mouth. I didn't want to stop eating.

"Well, welcome to the wonderful world of Alex. I have a feeling I'll be shocking you with quite a few things." He winked at me before taking his plate over to the stove and filling it with seconds.

I studied him for a minute, the hands and cross tattoo on his back glaring at me. The names showing more clearly this time, but one was blackened out.

He turned around and caught me staring. His eyes darkened as he made his way back over to the stool and sat down, never taking his them off of me.

"What are you staring at?" he asked softly.

"Nothing," I lied, shaking my head.

He caught my face in his hands, gently smiling before saying, "don't lie to me, Blondie. There are questions swirling around in there. Ask them."

I cleared my throat and smiled, feeling like a chastised child for a second.

"I just noticed your tattoo."

He let go of my face, still turned and watching me.

"My cross?"

"Yes. Who are the names of those people?"

"Well, Guadalupe es mi abuela." He stopped and smiled at me. "Or, my grandma."

"I know what that means," I responded, laughing at him.

"That's right. You're from Arizona. You should know some Spanish."

I lowered my eyes at him.

"How did you know I was from Arizona?"

"Do you really have to ask that?" He winked at me again. "Imelda is my mom. And Adriana is my sister."

I noticed an accent in the pronunciation of their names. It was cute and added a bit more sex appeal to him if that were even possible.

"They mean a lot to you."

The statement came out more like a question. A large smile spread across his face, clearly giving me his answer.