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What was happening to me? Abandoning a post in combat could lead to deaths, and we practice like we play, making sure that our duty time is treated like a combat situation. Cassie was weakening me, and the power of her pussy was overcoming my resolve. I loved it and hated it all at the same time. As I looked down at my now bulging cock being worked furiously by my angry hand, I beat the side of the stall with my fist until I came with loud groans through clenched teeth. Finally… finally feeling some sense of relief but still needing it to happen inside the walls of a very enticing, skillful, blonde beauty that had me wrapped around her finger.

 I was fucked. 

Chapter 10


I woke up feeling like I had starred in my very own erotic dream, tasting and touching every inch of Sgt. Cruz-- Alex. The mere mention of his first name quickly reminded me that what I had experienced was no dream but, in fact, a healthy dose of pleasurable reality. I stood, making my way over to the bathroom when I noticed that Angelica still wasn't in her bed. Wherever she was, her absence was never more welcomed.

My legs felt like jello as I walked, so I slowed my steps to keep myself from falling over. Flashes of his tongue, his hands, those mesmerizing hazel eyes, and his incredibly demanding voice filtered through my mind as I finally made my way into the bathroom. His scent still lingered on me, that husky, manly, possessing scent that captivated me from the second I took a whiff of it. He had me, and I think by the smug smiles he kept throwing my way, he knew it.

My breasts ached, but with an ache that I had so desperately longed for. It wasn't long ago that I was hoping he would take me in and manhandle me, and it seems those wishes and hopes had become my reality.

Looking at my breasts in the mirror, I noticed that my normally pink nipples were a light shade of red with what looked like slight hints of teeth marks over them. He was an animal, and lucky for me, I hadn't been completely devoured just yet, so there was much more to come my way.

The ache between my legs brought on by Alex's swift exit didn't leave, even after I’d tried releasing the pent up aggression myself. My fingers were no substitute for his tongue, his large, thick, skillful fingers, or even the tip of his thunderous cock that was locked and loaded, ready to unleash tremendous amounts of fury on me.

He had me wrapped around his finger, his cock, his tongue...

And I knew...

I just knew that it would be a long fall if I ever thought about getting off.

Just as I was pulling a shirt over my head, a loud couple of knocks sounded on the door. I pulled it open, looking at a fresh faced Dalton at 0545.

"Ready to go kill this run?" he asked, much too cheerful for a Saturday morning.

I wiped my tired eyes, which were near bloodshot since I hadn't gotten more than a few hours of intermittent sleep all night. I was in no mood to go on some heart pounding, chest heaving, throat drying run with Dalton, and as I thought about how much I didn't want to go, Alex's orders to not spend time with him today came roaring back, fueling my rebellious side while encouraging me to do the exact opposite. If he was going to have anything with me, he needed to know that I wasn't a female who would cower at the whims of a man. I wanted to show him that he couldn't order me around-- except, of course, at work-- and I did need to run and improve my time if I wanted to boost my PFT score.

"As ready as I can be early on a Saturday morning," I dryly replied, yawning as I said it because I was in desperate need of some sleep.

"As soon as we get going, you'll be good as new," Dalton said, snapping a reflective belt around my waist. He pulled me out of the room and waited as I turned and locked the door, making sure that I wouldn't find myself in any sort of trouble with any of the instructors possibly roaming around the barracks.

"Where's Ruiz?" he softly asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Beats the hell out of me. If any of the instructors find out she stayed out all night long, she'll be in some serious trouble."

"Guess she doesn't care too much. Oh well, let's go."

We walked down the steps and past the duty room. It couldn't be avoided thanks to its location, purposely set aside to see every single person coming and going from the building. I glanced in, catching Alex's eye as I walked by. I didn't want to cause another scene, so I kept walking, not giving him the chance to say anything, or look at Dalton in any sort of way that could be threatening or intimidating since he had already made it clear that he didn't particularly care for my friend.

We took off towards the far back end of base, heading out to a trail that led to a rock filled mountain just behind the training area. As early as it was in the morning, the heat was already searing us as we ran. Moisture coated my chest as well as my back, reminding me of the sweat filled night that I’d had with Alex, his strong, dexterous hands all over me. When we made it up to the tallest peak of the mountain, Dalton stopped and allowed me to catch my breath. I tried hard not to lean over, the flame of the roasting morning sun penetrating my body, scalding my lungs and leaving me gasping for air.

"You okay?" Dalton asked, looking concerned as he made his way over to me.

"I'm fine," I replied. "I just hate long distance running, that’s all."

He smiled his heart-warming smile. "I know. That's why I plan on making you do more of it. You need to incorporate more strenuous activity into your workout plan. It'll help you build up endurance for your run."

If only he knew just what type of strenuous activity I had engaged in only a few hours prior. It seemed like Alex had all sorts of plans to get my endurance up, and if I were being honest with myself, I wanted that so much more than running up mountains and hills.

"What do you say we head back down, grab a shower, and get some breakfast?" I asked, wanting to end the torture and get out of the sweltering heat.

"Sounds like a plan to me."

We took off down the mountain which was much easier than the trek we made going up. On the way down, I had time to ponder exactly what it was that Alex and I found ourselves engaging in. Was this just a one-time thing? Would he be done with me as soon as he got the opportunity to fuck me? I didn't need to be used and abused again; I was done with that shit. But even with those thoughts, my body was telling me something totally different. My body wanted to have Alex any and every way that it could. He was the drug to satisfy my craving, my need, my intense want.

But what about my career?

I stepped out on a limb, throwing myself into one of the most challenging arenas I could think of to see what I was made of. I was proud of what I had accomplished thus far, but I knew that all of my hard work and dreams could be gone in the blink of an eye.

So why was I unable to drop him and move on? With all of the consequences for our actions dangling over our heads every step of the way, neither of us was willing to back off and save our careers; neither of us was willing to wait. The need to feel each other was too strong, and it became all too consuming with each passing second of every day that we had to deny ourselves of one another.

"Come on, Bennett, you've got this," Dalton called out from the bottom of the rocky mountain.

I pushed aside the consuming thoughts of Alex and pushed through, finally making it to the bottom to Dalton who had cheered me on every step of the way. I stood with my arms over my head, working feverishly to catch my breath as I paced the area and tried to keep from taking any direct sunlight from the blazing sun.