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Her tiny, soft hand grabbed hold of it, stroking gently at first while I ran my fingers over her head. The harder she grasped and stroked, the harder I gripped onto her hair. She stroked me so hard that I thought I would come with just the movement of her hand alone, depriving me of the chance to have her perfectly beautiful little mouth around it, sucking and tugging until I came apart. I grabbed even harder onto her hair, guiding her head to my cock with firm tenacity. I was met with no hesitation as she opened her mouth and gracefully took me inside. I could have come with the warmth of her mouth alone. As she licked my cock from the base clear up to the tip, I worked hard to hold back and keep myself from prematurely spilling out all over her. I wanted more of what she had to offer, and by the overzealous movements coming from her, I knew she had so much more that she wanted to give me.

My hips began moving back and forth, pounding my cock in and out of her mouth. My hands held their strong hold on her hair, guiding her mouth where it needed to be. I pushed my cock deeper and deeper, gauging just how far I could get before she gagged on me and made me stop. To my delight and surprise, I got all the way to the back of her throat, and she took that shit like a champ. I had found a winner, and there was no way I was going to give her up easily. She took every bit of me without pulling away, gagging, or any other shit that so many girls I had come across had often done.

I pulled back a bit, and she sucked me in, tightening her lips around me and damn near pulling the orgasm out of me. I wasn't ready to come just yet, so I held off, making sure that I kept control and showed her that even though she had the mouth of a fucking Hoover, I wasn't going to let her own me-- not yet anyway.

Her sucks picked up, making me yank her head back and forth as my hips moved to the same rhythm. Moans began filtering out of me as I tried desperately to keep them to a minimum, but the task seemed like such an astronomical feat. She was sucking me off in a way that I had only imagined. I wasn't truly ready for it. I felt the tingle in my cock and knew that if I let her go a second longer, I was going to explode in her mouth, but it wasn't I wanted it to happen. She locked on even tighter, making me finally pull her head back as I stood there, breathing hard as fuck as she looked up at me.

"I'm not fucking coming like that right now. My first come with you is going to be inside of you, claiming you, where I can mark my spot, keeping all other dicks away."

The words came out through labored pants, and she understood, rising to her feet and sitting down on her bed, waiting for me to make the next move. I reached down into my pants and pulled out a condom, thrusting it into my mouth and tearing into the wrapper with my teeth like a rabid dog, then quickly rolling it onto my aching cock.

"I want you, Sergeant Cruz," she said in a lustful, breathy tone. The fact that she didn't even know my first name hadn't dawned on me.

"Alex," I quickly responded. "Call me Alex."

Before she could say another word I was over her, my pleading cock at her entrance, and my face between her perky tits. I pulled away for a split second and looked into her memorizing green eyes.

"I'm gonna fuck you until I get tired, and I won't stop--not a second sooner."

"Fuck me," she whispered, turning her head to the side and giving me her pretty little neck once again. I took it, licking and kissing just the way I had done earlier while positioning myself in the ready position to enter her tight little pussy.

Just as I was about to dive in, my radio went off.

"Sgt. Cruz, this is Private Rinaldi, you copy."

"FUCK!" I yelled in anger and utter frustration. No way was this shit happening just as I was finally going to get a taste of her with the one part of my body that needed her most.

Disappointment washed over her in an instant, further breaking me.

"I'm sorry. I have to get this shit," I told her, moving off the bed and leaning down to pick up the radio. "Sgt, Cruz. What is it?" I asked, my tone filled with anger.

"Fight on second deck, Sgt."

"I'm on my way."

I stared at my stubborn cock that showed no signs of breaking the need to be milked dry. Fuck. How was I supposed to get back to my post with this shit sticking out like it hadn't been given attention in years? Trying desperately to remove all thoughts of smashing someone's fucking teeth in when I finally got to this fight, I worked fast, re-dressing myself and trying to look as suitable as possible before making my way back out of her room.

"This isn't finished," I said as I tucked my shirt back into my pants and fastened my belt. "I'm coming for you in the morning."

"I can't. I have plans with Dalton in the morning."

Something about his name coming from her mouth, that very mouth that had just been on my cock, put a bad taste inside of me.

"Cancel them," I barked.

"I can't. He--"

"I'm off duty at zero seven, depending on how much shit I have to deal with right now. Figure a way out of your plans." I leaned down and kissed her, trying to touch and taste her for as long as I could. Our scents intermingled as we kissed, the taste of her on my lips and the taste of me on hers, supplying one another with the flavor of ourselves. She was fucking mine, I could taste it when I kissed her.

I poked my head out of the room, making sure no one was lurking about before walking out, striding angrily towards the scene of the fight that had that crazy fucking Allen kid sitting outside with another guy who I hadn't seen before.

"Who the fuck do you belong to?" I asked the unknown kid, feeling the frustration, anger, and build-up from the cock block.

"Data, Sgt."

I turned to Rinaldi who stood there with the MPs and a notebook in his hands. Grabbing onto his arm, I pulled him away from the scene.

"Why the fuck are there MPs here before I was notified?" I questioned, staring him down with the urge to beat his ass right there in front of everyone. He swallowed, fear going off in his eyes as he tried to step away from me.

"I tried calling for you, Sgt. I tried a few times. I couldn’t get you, and I didn't know exactly where you had gone on your rounds."

He swallowed again, his eyes still laced with fear as I calmed the fuck down. He had been left on his own, this fucking Private who maybe had four months in the Marine Corps. I had left him to deal with this shitty ass situation.

I patted him on the back.

"Thank you, Private," I said before moving over to the MPs to find out exactly what they knew so that it could be logged into the duty log book. After speaking with them for the next twenty minutes, the guys were led back to their rooms with restrictions placed on them, and a note that they would be dealt with by their commands in the morning.

"Private Rinaldi, go ahead and make notes in the log book. I'm running to the john."

He nodded his head, then sat down and got to work. I walked fiercely, desperately trying to combat the painful throb from my cock that had made its way up to my head. I needed a fucking release, and as I thought back to my opportunity to let loose with Cassie's mouth all over me, frustration seeped in even further. I made my way into the bathroom, slamming my hand on the door of the stall as I walked in and locked the door behind me. I thrust my pants down to my ankles and stood there, grabbing my cock with tremendous amounts of fury and aggression. I needed a release, but I was also pissed that I had left my post for pussy and that pussy was running around with another guy who irked the living fuck out of me. All of those thoughts at once had me jacking off hard and mad. Cassie was mine, and I’d be damned if that Dalton prick got any more of her time when I needed it so desperately.