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I continued kissing and licking her neck as my hands ravaged her hair, tugging as I sucked on what appeared to be her weak spot. She turned her head, giving me further access while soft moans escaped her.

"Shhh," I chided her, placing my fingers over her mouth. "Keep your voice down, or neither of us will be getting anything."

She didn’t respond, but her body did it for her. I lay between her legs as I took her neck, her cheek, her lips...

 I went back to her tits, those beautiful, ample tits that seemed to constantly beg me to take them and have my way with them. She arched her back and brought her knees together as she tried in vain to stifle the moan coming out of her mouth. I knew it. I had her. I just needed to get her ready a bit more before I tore into her and fucked her to pieces. Her soft, gentle breaths hit my ears with every moan and exhale that she released, teasing my cock to the point that I was beginning to worry that she had the upper hand and would end up fucking the life out of me.

I used my knees to break her legs free and guided my dick up to the entrance of her pussy. She lifted her hips, inviting me to make my way inside, and I knew that I still had her.

I had no intention of giving in to what she was so obviously ready for.

My kisses trailed down her torso, that impressively solid part of her body that matched perfectly with the perkiness of her tits. I lingered around her navel, dipping my tongue inside and making her buck a bit as she tried to hold her legs closed again.

"Don't try that shit," I whispered, smiling at her. The longing in her eyes had my heart racing, sweat building, and my dick twitching.

I continued working in and around her navel, my sweat coated hands holding firm to her hips as she swiveled them, much like she did that night on the dance floor at Coyotes. My lips swept down to just above her pussy, kissing the triangular pattern leading to it. After a few kisses, I stopped, looking up at her and finding irritation in her eyes as she tried to force me back to her spot, but I held out.

"I run this shit, you understand that?"

She reluctantly nodded her head, still gasping and unable to speak. A slight laugh escaped me as I watched her lying there, lifting her hips, trying desperately for me to get my lips back in contact with her body.

"When you calm down, I'll go back."

"If I calm down, I may not want you to go back," she responded, shocking and exciting me at the same time. These were the first words she had been able to speak in quite some time, and the fact that she was challenging made me want to command her to give me every piece of her body.

But I didn't.

I just laid there, silently calling her bluff.

She lasted longer than I thought she would, but in the end she pulled my head back down to her sweet spot. I smiled, feeling like I had won a small victory in that moment. She was challenging, but she was no fucking match for me and I was ready to prove it to her.

I placed my nose at the entrance of her very succulent and already moist pussy, inhaling the sweet aroma of it as my mouth began to salivate at the very thought of getting a taste. Her hips moved up and down again and as I placed the tip of my tongue at her entrance.

My eyes caught a glimpse of a very intricate tattoo on her right hip. With only a hint of moonlight casting down onto it, I couldn’t make out exactly what the tattoo was, but I made a mental note to study it along with every inch of her body in greater detail later. At the moment, I just wanted to finally taste this girl who had been running circles in my mind over the course of the past week.

I removed one of my hands from her hip and traced my fingers down her thigh and over to her pussy. The lips seemed to be swelling with excitement and anticipation as I used my thumb and index finger to peel them back, giving my tongue the necessary space needed to dive in and explore the core of this mind blowing girl.

I backed her, forcing her legs up into the air while she used her elbows to steady her weight. I sat up on my knees, wrapped my arms around her thighs and grabbed hold of her, running my tongue from the middle of her thigh clear up to the top, stopping just before reaching her entrance. She was desperate for my tongue to get inside of her, so I moved over to her other thigh and did the same thing, only this time when I reached her entrance, I slowly sank my tongue in, causing her to gyrate her hips while moaning loud enough to wake up her neighbors next door.

"Don't make me have to quiet you down," I lightly threatened, stopping just long enough to sneak a peek at her—her bottom lip was tucked into her mouth, held firmly by the stiff bite of her teeth, and her eyes were tightly shut as she tried to control her moans, but failing miserably.

I snuck one finger and then another into her, feeling the clasping of her very tight walls lock onto them from the second they entered. I worked those two fingers inside of her, her hips rocking back and forth as slight whimpers now left her soft, plentiful mouth. With every sound she made, I felt my dick grow harder and harder, growing impatient with the need for an intense release.

My tongue was back inside of her. I ran it over her clit, those slight whimpers turning into pleas and cries for me to "shove my cock inside," as she called out. Her need egged me on as I removed my tongue and began exploring her tiny asshole, then back up to the entrance of her pussy and swirling my tongue around and moving it in and out as my fingers firmly massaged the lips that were swelling more and more with every touch. The moisture from inside of her grew more plentiful, and soon tiny white droplets were coating my tongue, pressing me to bring her orgasm full circle. I picked up the pace of my tongue, her hips doing the same thing. Her tits moved up and down, side to side, slapping against one another as I lapped and sucked her until those droplets turned into a gush of silky whiteness on my tongue, on my lips and down my chin. She tasted as sweet as she smelled, satisfying and teasing at the same time.

Shrieks left her as I fought with whether to make her shut the fuck up or scream louder. I knew good and damn well that having anyone catch us like this would be the end of us, but I couldn't help myself. I had found my Achilles heel, and it didn't seem like anything was going to stop me from having every bit of her.

Licking and savoring the release of her from my lips, I gently moved away from her. She fought hard to slow her breathing, staring at me with nothing but, "fuck me," in her eyes. She didn't need to say a damn word.

I removed my shirt with haste and tossed it on the end of her bed as she sat up and helped to pull my under shirt over my head. She sat back, softly biting her lip as her eyes raked me over. She reached up and placed her satiny hands on my chest, running her fingers over my most prized tattoo-- the picture of the rifle turned upside down standing between a pair of combat boots with a helmet and dog tags hanging from the gun. The names of my six brothers in arms who had died during my third combat tour in Iraq surrounded the gun, and her soft hands running all over it did something crazy to my mind as well as my body. She inched closer, an aroused and longing gaze filling her eyes as she kissed my abs, then slowly brought her tongue out, using the tip to lick the boundaries of each bulge. Her licks went lower and lower until she was at my pants line. She looked up to me, the innocence on her face making me smile ever so gently.

"You want it, you're gonna have to go get it," I told her, my voice spilling out in a rough rumble.

She wasted no time, almost as if she were asking permission to go after what I had deemed hers a while ago. She worked furiously to remove my belt, unsnapping my pants, pulling my boxer briefs down with them. My cock was finally free, the moonlight and fresh air hitting it, breaking it from the restrictions that had tortured it for far too long. She looked up to me and swallowed, exciting me with the idea that she would do just that. The pure and righteous look in her eyes made me shutter with excitement because I knew at any moment, she was about to suck the life out of my cock.