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4. Aarne, Anti, The types of the folk-tale. A classification and bibliography translated and enlarged by Stith Thompson, 2 nd ed., Helsinki, 1961

5. «Bulletin de PAcademie malgache», vol. 9, 1911, p. 35.

6. Contes de Tutiisie, Tunis, 1919, p. 14, «Le petit oiscau au grain de Me»

7. Delarue, Paul, Remarques sur les contes de ce rccucil, — в кн.: Jeanne deLong-champs, Contes malgaches, Paris, 1955.

8. De Vries, Jan, Volksverhalen mil Ost Indie, 2 ed., Leiden, 1925–1928.

9. Espinosa, Aurelio М., Cuentos popalares espanoles, vol. 2, № 35, p. 163; Sanson, El cuento del Muneco de Brea, Madrid, 1945.

10. Fanely de Floris, Recucil manuscrit de Mile Family de Flotis. Contes Creoles de Bourbon (La Reunion). Dimi Kaleval et l’oiseau Tek-tek.

11. Harris, Joel Chandler, Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings, New York, 1880, p. 7, «How Mr. Fox caught Mr. Rabbit».

12. Junod, Henri A., Les chants et les contes des Ba-Ronga, p. 161, Montipi, Lausanne, 1897.

13. La Fontaine, Fables, 7 ed., Paris, s. a.

14. La \assiere (pere de), Vingt ans 6 Madagascar (3 partie: moeurs et croyances), Paris, 1885.

15. Macquarie, J.-L., Voyage a Madagascar, chap. 6, p. 193, Paris, 1884.

16. Les mille et tine tiuits. Contes arabes. Trad, par Galland, t. 1–3, Paris, Bourdin,s. a.

17. Ramandraivonona, D., Le Malgache: sa langue el sa religion, Paris, 1959.

18. Straparola, Gianfrancesco, Le piacevoli nottiy v. 1, n. 4, racconti 3, Venezia, 1550.

19. Thompson, Stith, The folk-tale, New York, 1946.

20. Thompson, Stith, Motif-index of jolk-literature, 6 vol., Bloomington (Indiana), 1955–1958.