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– 20-

Красивы небо и земля,
Однако не совсем.
Видал и покрасивей я,
И чище между тем!
Как эти кроны зелены,
Как ясен небосвод,
Когда они отражены
В зерцале тихих вод!
Как бы платоновских идей
Загробный чистый мир,
В прохладной смоются воде
И пыль, и вонь, и жир!
Нырнуть бы в эти облака
И кануть без следа…
Но там я вижу дурака,
Он просится – сюда!

– XXI-


In summertime on Bredon
The bells they sound so clear;
Round both the shires the ring them
In steeples far and near,
A happy noise to hear.
Here of a Sunday morning
My love and I would lie,
And see the coloured counties,
And hear the larks so high
About us in the sky.
The bells would ring to call her
In valleys miles away:
'Come all to church, good people;
Good people, come and pray.
But here my love would stay.
And I would turn and answer
Among the springing thyme,
'Oh, peal upon our wedding,
And we will hear the chime,
And come to church in time.
But when the snows at Christmas
On Bredon top were strown,
My love rose up so early
And stole out unbeknown
And went to church alone.
They tolled the one bell only,
Groom there was none to see,
The mourners followed after,
And so to church went she,
And would not wait for me.
The bells they sound on Bredon
And still the steeples hum.
'Come all to church, good people, —
Oh, noisy bells, be dumb;
I hear you, I will come.

– 21-


С вершины Бридон-Хилла
Слышны колокола.
Со всех церквей окрестных,
Из каждого села —
Тебе, Господь, хвала!
Но я с подругой милой
Взошел не для того
На этот холм, заросший
Медвяною травой,
Чтоб глас услышать Твой!
Колокола взывали
К безумным юным нам:
«Приидите, миряне,
Приидите во храм!»
Но мы остались там.
И я смеясь ответил:
«Что нам во храме том?
Звоните к нашей свадьбе —
За свадебку мирком.
Мы раньше не придем!»
Но раньше, много раньше
Она во храм пришла.
Над Бридон-Хиллом стыла
Рождественская мгла.
И выла, и мела.
И колокол ударил,
И был обряд свершен,
Но был моей невесте
Не слышен тяжкий звон —
Усопших крепок сон.
И вновь над Бридон-Хиллом
Сияет синева,
И снова зеленеет
Медвяная трава.
И благовест взывает:
«Прийди! Она жива!»


The street sounds to the soldiers' tread,
And out we troop to see:
A single redcoat turns his head,
He turns and looks at me.
My man, from sky to sky's so far,
We never crossed before;
Such leagues apart the world's ends are,
We're like to meet no more;
What thoughts at heart have you and I
We cannot stop to tell;
But dead or living, drunk or dry,
Soldier, I wish you well.

– 22-

Ну почему не Честертон,
Не Донн, не Вальтер Скотт?!
С какого перепугу он
К себе меня влечет?
На кой мне этот пессимизм,
И плоский стоицизм,
И извращенный эротизм,
И жалкий атеизм?
Зачем же про себя и вслух
Я эти песни пел?..
О, где б ты ни был, бедный дух,
Professor, I wish you well.


The lads in their hundreds to Ludlow come
in for the fair,
There's men from the barn and the forge
and the mill and the fold,
The lads for the girls and the lads for the liquor
are there,
And there with the rest are the lads that will
never be old.
There's chaps from the town and the field and
the till and the cart,
And many to count are the stalwart, and many
the brave,
And many the handsome of face and the handsome
of heart,
And few that will carry their looks or their
truth to the grave.
I wish one could know them, I wish there were
tokens to tell
The fortunate fellows that now you can
never discern;
And then one could talk with them friendly and
wish them farewell
And watch them depart on the way that they
will not return.
But now you may stare as you like and there's
nothing to scan;
And brushing your elbow unguessed-at and
not to be told
They carry back bright to the coiner the mintage
of man,
The lads that will die in their glory and never
be old.


Prononce Bridon.