Bouncing Off the Moon
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Bouncing Off the Moon



Страниц: 82
Символов: 530674
Хочет прочитать: 1
ID: 163543
Язык книги: Английский
Год печати: 2001
Издательство: Tom Doherty Associates
Создана 17 апреля 2013 11:41
Опубликована 17 апреля 2013 12:43


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Having escaped both an Earth on the verge of global collapse and their squabbling parents in a "divorce" at Geosynchronous Station, a newly independent Charles and his two brothers find themselves alone on the Moon with very few prospects. Worse, they are being hunted by ruthless interplanetary corporations who would stop at nothing to come in possession of a memory bar the boys smuggled on board. Can they make it on their own? Who can they trust? Charles thought the moon would be a new beginning. He will be lucky just to stay alive.

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