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“I want black. Black is cool,” I said. I also perceived it was a power colour too. Mum once said she thought I was a Goth. I couldn’t help but laugh. I’m hardly a Goth. It’s not like I wear make-up and dress head to foot in black and go around listening to heavy-metal whilst cutting myself…Mind you, I don’t really know any Goths…Maybe they don’t do that? Maybe it’s just bad movies portraying them in a negative light.

“Well it’s nice to see you settling so quickly,” she continued. “Especially after what happened at the start of the week…Do you at least want a lift?”

“It’s fine, mum, really. I can make my own way.”

“Well, if you’re sure…”

I feel sorry for mum really. I know why she is so keen to be part of my life. It’s because she doesn’t really have her own life. She gets moved around just as much as me, because of dad. At least I have the chance to meet new friends and different people by going to school. She doesn’t have to work. In fact, dad said he didn’t want her to. He wanted her to be at home…Keep the house up together and meals on the table whilst he went out and provided. Old fashioned views, I guess. It did mean that mum didn’t get to socialize with people her own age, especially as she lacked the confidence to join local groups that would have opened the door to meeting new, like-minded people. She just stayed in the house and went a little more stir-crazy each day.

“Thank you, mum. Really. But I’m sure.”

She gave me a smile and said, “Well, I’ll leave you to get ready then…” and, with that, she left the room.

I do love her though.

* * * * *

My heart was beating fast and hard as I pressed the doorbell button to Rebecca’s house. I know this is all for the best; a fresh start. A chance to turn the hatred Piers and the others feel for me into something more positive. Doesn’t make me any less nervous though. Not a good thing, being nervous. I have a bad habit of being ultra-sarcastic, without meaning to be, or extremely quiet. Neither are traits which make me any more endearing. I wish David had come with me. At least there’d have been someone here who definitely liked me.

Footsteps from beyond the door. Someone is coming. The door opened and Rebecca was stood there. A vision of beauty. She was dressed in a short black dress which looks as though it’s barely covering her backside. I won’t lie; she looks hot. Really hot. Her face was done up with heavy make-up. Normally I prefer ‘subtle’ but…It suits her.

“You came!” she exclaimed. She actually sounded as though she was pleased. “I was hoping you would!” She reached across to my hand and led me into the house.

I already feel as though I’m out of my depth. She took me through to the lounge where Piers and his friends were sitting. There were six of them altogether. The room fell silent when they saw me. I feel sick but I can’t show it. Piers was the first to stand up and walk over.

“You didn’t grass,” he said, “I respect that…And look, we’ve both said and done some stupid things but…What do you say we start afresh?” he sounded sincere.

“I’d like that,” I said.

“You’re alright,” he said. He turned away from me and joined his friends again. Seconds later they were back to whatever it was they were talking about before I walked in.

“See,” said Rebecca, “a fresh start.”

I smiled at her. Was that it? Was that all that was needed?

“Can I get you a drink?” she asked. She didn’t wait for an answer. Still holding my hand she pulled me through to the large kitchen which was crammed full of various drinks — mainly of a ‘alcopop’ variety. “We pretty much have everything here,” she said.

“That’s a lot of alcohol,” I said.

“Everyone chipped in.” Whoops. Was I supposed to offer money too? A little bit of cash towards the alcohol pool? I don’t have anything on me now other than the cash I need to get the taxi home. Could give her that. Could give mum a call to come and collect me…No. Forget that. I don’t need her seeing Rebecca. She’ll jump to conclusions, no doubt, that we’re a couple. Probably end up having the safe-sex speech and everything. Worse still, she’ll invite Rebecca over for Sunday dinner…Although, that wouldn’t be a bad thing…Ever since I first saw her I thought she looked nice. “Try that,” she passed me a red drink. Not got a clue what it is and what it’ll taste like but I don’t want to appear uncool by asking or refusing it.

“Thanks,” I said.

“David couldn’t make it, huh?” she asked.

“No, he said he was busy…”

“A shame.” Laughter boomed from the living room. “Did you want to go upstairs so we could talk? It’s quieter…”

“Ummm, sure,” I said. It was the first time I had had a girl inviting me upstairs. I desperately tried to sound relaxed and cool about it but I’m pretty sure I failed. She smiled and led me through the house, back towards the stairs. She went up the stairs first, leading the way. I always thought I was a gentleman but, as I stared at her tight little arse the whole way up…Well…I guess I’m not that much of a gentleman!

“It’s just through there,” she pointed to a door across the landing from the stairs, “I’ll be right there — make yourself comfortable.” She turned into what looked to be the bathroom and I crossed the landing to what turned out to be her room.

Weird. Everything is pink. I’m not sure what I expected but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t a completely pink room. Pink walls, pink duvet…Even the carpet is a lighter shade of pink. Definitely a young girl’s room. You wouldn’t have guessed this was her room. I guess I half expected pictures of semi-naked pop stars hanging from the walls and make-up scattered around the place…Hell, I even thought I’d see different outfits dropped on the floor from where she was trying things on for her party. But, in this room, everything seems to have its own place. Speaking of which, dressed in black, I must really look out of place here!

“Sorry about that,” she appeared in the doorway behind me. I turned to look at her. Was it just me or did her breasts suddenly appear to be…Well….larger? No complaints here. I tried to avert my eyes so as not to offend or come across as a creep. She simply smiled and walked past me, brushing my crotch with her hand. Was that a mistake? That smell…She smells even more so of the sweet perfume I caught a scent of when she first opened the door to me. I’m not sure what it is but I like it. She sat on the bed and patted the mattress next to her. An invitation for me to join her? Embarrassingly, I felt myself harden. I can only hope she didn’t notice.

I crossed the room and sat next to her. I wonder if I looked as nervous as I felt. Come on, you’re supposed to be a man. Act like one. “I have to say, I wasn’t expecting your room to look like this,” I said.

“No? What were you expecting?” She turned her body to face me and dropped her hand on my leg. I am now fully erect and feeling incredibly awkward. “You look good tonight.”

“Thanks,” I stuttered. Stupid. I should have told her she looked good too and not just tonight. She always looked good.

She laughed, “You feel tense…Relax…”

Before I could answer she leant forward and kissed me on the mouth. Seconds later and she was kissing me again with her tongue down my throat. Aggressive…Nice…

She pulled away slightly, “You’re a good kisser.”

I tried to answer but my mouth didn’t want to work. Besides…I wasn’t sure whether she was just saying that. Being kind. I wonder if she could tell it was my first kiss. She leant in again with her left hand on my cheek. As she continued to kiss me, her hand stroked down my cheek with her nails scratching me ever so gently. Lower it went…Down my neck…Down my chest…Until it rested on my crotch. She made a funny ‘mmm’ noise from her mouth and, using both hands, fussed around with my belt until it was undone — allowing her access to do the same to my jeans. Is this really happening? I desperately wanted to touch her, like she was touching me…I wanted to feel the softness, and warmth, of her skin. I wanted to feel her breasts…I wanted to but didn’t. I was just frozen to the spot; allowing her to do as she pleased.