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I put the folder down and cast my eyes around the class. It’s unfortunate some of them are here and have to witness this. In a class of twenty-five there are some who are like me. They don’t deserve to be here. They don’t deserve what’s coming. I don’t have a choice but to include them, though. If I let them go, they’ll no doubt inform someone what is happening in here. If I were in their shoes I know I’d go and get help if I was let out. My gaze fixed upon Rebecca Clarke who was sitting in the middle of the classroom, towards one of the walls. Rebecca was one of the louder girls in the class. She was more centered upon sleeping with as many of the boys as she could as opposed to soaking useful information. If the rumors are to be believed, and I have no reason to doubt them, she’s swallowed more cum than I’ve had hot meals. Of course she doesn’t struggle to attract the boy’s attention looking the way she does; long dark hair down to her petite waist and large breasts enhanced further by a tight-fitting school shirt. Unlike a lot of the other girls who chose to wear trousers, she always opted for the skirt. She even took the time, in lunch-breaks, to roll it up a little to show off more leg. Sometimes she rolls it up so much you can’t help but think of it as nothing more than a belt. Pregnant by eighteen, I reckon.

Rebecca had her mobile phone in her hand and was frantically pressing buttons. I picked the handgun off the table and pointed it directly at her, looking down the aiming sights. It’s a little scary how easy it is to end her little life right about now. A simple squeeze of my trigger finger and her brains will be all over David Barlow who was sitting behind her. Poor David. He’s one of the good ones. Whenever I wasn’t feeling sorry for myself, I’d be feeling sorry for him. Unlike Rebecca, we both at least tried hard in class. We just struggled to ‘get it’ most of the time. Our stupidity was a great source of entertainment to the other classmates — some of whom were just as baffled as David and I by what we were being taught. The only difference was, they simply didn’t care.

“Rebecca,” I said. My voice was calm. No sense shouting. There’s no need. Not all the time I have a gun. Rebecca looked up and froze when she realised she was staring down the barrel of a 9mm pistol, “be a good girl and pass your mobile phone to me…”

“I wasn’t doing anything…” she tried to tell me. How stupid does she think I am? Well, soon she’ll realise I’m someone to be reckoned with. She realised her words were of no use and slowly stood up. “Please don’t shoot…” she whimpered. She looks scared but it’s hard to feel sorry for her. Every time I look at her I just remember that night; her hand on my leg, her breath against my ear, the words she whispered, the glint in her eye as she gave my crotch a squeeze…

“I said give me your phone.

She walked up to the front of the class and put her phone on the teacher’s desk where I was sat. I didn’t take my eyes off her. That night, the rare occasion I was actually invited to one of the many school parties, she thought it was a good idea to pretend to want me. Whispering sweet nothings into my ear she told me how she had always wanted to make love to me but was too scared to make a move. Part of me knew she was just winding me up but another part of me, the lonely part, wanted to believe her. I was stupid. Rebecca isn’t the sort of girl who enjoys ‘making love’. She just wants to fuck people. Trying to be clever, she got me aroused as Piers and his gang waited outside with their mobile phones at the ready…

“Is that everything?” she asked, her quivering voice pulled me back to the present. I shook my head. No, that’s not everything. “You can see, I didn’t send any messages…” I pushed back on the chair to put some distance between myself and the table — enough of a gap to allow her through.

“Get under the table,” I said.


Rebecca’s punishment was easy to think of. Ever since that night it’s all I have really thought about. Forcing her to do what she teased. Now’s a good a time as any. “Get under the table,” I said.


I stood up and walked over to her with the gun still raised. I pressed it against her skull and she made a funny whimpering noise. She sounded a little like a dog crying when you stand on its tail. “I said…Get…Under…The…Table…”

She nodded and stepped round me to get to the space under the table. As soon as she was under there I sat down on the chair again, and rolled myself closer to the desk. Underneath the table I had a leg either side of Rebecca. I could hear her crying but it didn’t bother me.

“Please…This has gone far enough…” said Mrs Price. I shot her a glare. I haven’t started yet. She fell silent.

With my spare hand I unzipped my trousers, out of sight of the rest of the class although they knew what I was doing, and pulled my penis out. Semi hard already. Not sure whether that’s because of the control I have over everyone or because of what I’m about to get from Rebecca.

“Did you know,” I said to Mrs Price, “I went to a party once and Rebecca was there. She was telling me how much she liked me and had always wanted to make love to me. She was being so kind. I’d never felt that from someone before…Kindness to that extent. A feeling of worth, you know. She was saying all sorts of nice things. She was touching me. Kissing me. Stroking me through my trousers. I honestly thought all my birthdays had come at once when she started to unbutton me…” I could hear Rebecca crying from underneath the table saying how sorry she was but I didn’t care, “…The next thing I know Piers and his little friends burst in on us…Laughing…Pointing their camera phones at me…Some of them videoing…I was just sat there exposed in more ways than one…I don’t know how many people saw that video…The video they were even kind enough to email over to me…You know, that night when I got home…I tied a noose round my neck and sat on the edge of my bed thinking it was the best thing to do…Hang myself…Only the thought of my mum and dad finding me swinging in the morning stopped me from actually doing it. You know how it feels to feel that low…Like you can’t go on living?”

“Think of your mum and dad now,” said Mrs Price.

I shook my head. “I’ll never be the son they want. I know that now. They want someone academically bright. They want someone who can make something of their lives. That isn’t me. I’m a nothing. I’m a nobody. If it weren’t for what’s to come today — no one would remember me when I’m gone. No one…Rebecca…put it in your mouth. If I feel teeth…I’ll shoot your friends.”

“This isn’t the way,” said Mrs Price, “we can suspend them all whilst we look into this…We can…”

“Rebecca…What are you waiting for?” I said interrupting Mrs Price from her desperate flow. A thousand jolts of electricity shot through my body as I felt Rebecca’s fingers brush against my hardening penis. Just as good as I had always imagined. I couldn’t help but close my eyes for the briefest of seconds as I felt her warm mouth envelope my shaft, sliding down to the base. Feels so fucking good. I knew it would. Slightly flustered, I addressed the rest of the class, “One by one, I want you all to bring your mobile phones to the desk…Starting with you…” I pointed the gun in the direction of Craig Clemo, a dark haired lad with big brown eyes who sat on the far right of the classroom, against the wall. I didn’t mind Craig. He’s a bit of a nothing like me. When the bullies are out in force he just keeps his head down and doesn’t get involved. I sometimes wonder how different my school days would have been if I had chosen his coping mechanisms too. Had I not stood up for David Barlow when Piers was picking on him would Piers ever have known of my existence or could I have just ghosted my way through his life?

Craig stood up and brought his phone to the front of the class. He put it on the desk and walked back to his seat.