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'Peace! Sheriff, name the day the deed was done!'

'At ten in the morning, or some minutes later, the first day of the new year, most illustrious —

'Let the prisoner go free — it is the king's will!'

Another blush followed this unregal outburst, and he covered his indecorum as well as he could by adding:

'It enrageth me that a man should be hanged upon such idle, hare-brained evidence!'

A low buzz of admiration swept through the assemblage. It was not admiration of the decree that had been delivered by Tom, for the propriety or expediency of pardoning a convicted poisoner was a thing which few there would have felt justified in either admitting or admiring — no, the admiration was for the intelligence and spirit which Tom had displayed. Some of the low-voiced remarks were to this effect:

'This is no mad king — he hath his wits sound.'

'How sanely he put his questions — how like his former natural self was this abrupt, imperious disposal of the matter!'

'God be thanked his infirmity is spent! This is no weakling, but a king. He hath borne himself like to his own father.'

The air being filled with applause, Tom's ear necessarily caught a little of it. The effect which this had upon him was to put him greatly at his ease, and also to charge his system with very gratifying sensations.

However, his juvenile curiosity soon rose superior to these pleasant thoughts and feelings; he was eager to know what sort of deadly mischief the woman and the little girl could have been about; so, by his command the two terrified and sobbing creatures were brought before him.

'What is it that these have done?' he inquired of the sheriff.

'Please your majesty, a black crime is charged upon them, and clearly proven; wherefore the judges have decreed, according to the law, that they be hanged. They sold themselves to the devil — such is their crime.'

Tom shuddered. He had been taught to abhor people who did this wicked thing. Still, he was not going to deny himself the pleasure of feeding his curiosity, for all that; so he asked:

'Where was this done? — and when?'

'On a midnight, in December — in a ruined church, your majesty.'

Tom shuddered again. 'Who was there present?'

'Only these two, your Grace — and that other.'

'Have these confessed?'

'Nay, not so, sire- they do deny it.'

'Then, prithee, how was it known?'

'Certain witnesses did see them wending thither (некоторые свидетели видели их направляющимися туда), good your majesty (Ваше величество); this bred the suspicion (это вызвало подозрения; to breed — разводить, выращивать), and dire effects have since confirmed and justified it (и зловещие последствия с тех пор подтвердили и обосновали это). In particular (в частности), it is in evidence (есть в качестве доказательства) that through the wicked power so obtained (что через дьявольскую силу, так полученную), they did invoke and bring about a storm (они призвали и вызвали бурю) that wasted all the region round about (которая опустошила всю местность вокруг). Above forty witnesses have proved the storm (около сорока свидетелей подтвердили бурю); and sooth one might have had a thousand (и поистине могла бы тысяча = могла бы это подтвердить тысяча человек), for all had reason to remember it (ибо все имели причину запомнить ее), sith all had suffered by it (ибо все пострадали от нее).'

'Certes (конечно) this is a serious matter (это серьезное дело).' Tom turned this dark piece of scoundrelism over in his mind awhile (Том поворачивал это темное злодейство в голове какое-то время; piece — кусок, здесь: проявление, факт), then asked (затем спросил):

'Suffered the woman, also, by the storm (пострадала ли женщина также от шторма)?'

Several old heads among the assemblage (несколько старых голов среди собрания) nodded their recognition of the wisdom (кивнули головами (в знак) признания мудрости) of this question (этого вопроса). The sheriff, however (шериф, однако), saw nothing consequential in the inquiry (не увидел ничего последовательного = логического в вопросе); he answered, with simple directness (он ответил с простой прямотой).

'Indeed (в самом деле), she did, your majesty (она сделала = пострадала, Ваше величество), and most righteously (и совершенно справедливо = по заслугам), as all aver (как все подтверждают). Her habitation was swept away (ее жилище было сметено прочь; to sweep — мести), and herself and child left shelterless (и она сама и ребенок оставлены бесприютными; shelter — укрытие).'

'Methinks the power to do herself so ill a turn (мне думается, что сила учинить себе такую плохую штуку) was dearly bought (была дорого куплена; to buy — покупать). She had been cheated (она была бы обманута), had she paid but a farthing for it (если бы она заплатила хоть фартинг за это; to pay — платить); that she paid her soul (то, что она заплатила своей душой), and her child's (и своего ребенка), argueth that she is mad (доказывает, что она сумасшедшая); if she is mad (если она сумасшедшая) she knoweth not what she doth (она не ведает, что творит), therefore sinneth not (следовательно, не грешит; to sin — грешить).'

The elderly heads nodded recognition (престарелые головы кивнули (в знак) согласия) of Tom's wisdom once more (с мудростью Тома еще раз), and one individual murmured (и один человек пробормотал), 'An the king be mad himself (если король сумасшедший сам), according to report (согласно сообщениям = по слухам), then it is a madness of a sort (тогда это сумасшествие такого сорта) that would improve the sanity of some I wot of (который улучшил бы здравый смысл некоторых, кого я знаю), if by the gentle providence of God (если бы добрым провидением Господа) they could but catch it (они могли бы лишь подхватить ее).'

'What age hath the child (какой возраст имеет ребенок = сколько ей лет)?' asked Tom (спросил Том).

'Nine years, please your majesty (девять лет, с вашего позволения).'

'By the law of England (по законам Англии) may a child (может ли ребенок) enter into covenant (вступить в сделку = заключить сделку) and sell itself (и продать себя), my lord (милорд)?' asked Tom, turning to a learned judge (спросил Том, поворачиваясь к ученому судье).

suspicion [səs`pıS(ə)n], recognition [rekə`gniS(ə)n], wisdom [`wızdəm]

'Certain witnesses did see them wending thither, good your majesty; this bred the suspicion, and dire effects have since confirmed and justified it. In particular, it is in evidence that through the wicked power so obtained, they did invoke and bring about a storm that wasted all the region round about. Above forty witnesses have proved the storm; and sooth one might have had a thousand, for all had reason to remember it, sith all had suffered by it.'

'Certes this is a serious matter.' Tom turned this dark piece of scoundrelism over in his mind awhile, then asked:

'Suffered the woman, also, by the storm?'

Several old heads among the assemblage nodded their recognition of the wisdom of this question. The sheriff, however, saw nothing consequential in the inquiry; he answered, with simple directness.

'Indeed, she did, your majesty, and most righteously, as all aver. Her habitation was swept away, and herself and child left shelterless.'

'Methinks the power to do herself so ill a turn was dearly bought. She had been cheated, had she paid but a farthing for it; that she paid her soul, and her child's, argueth that she is mad; if she is mad she knoweth not what she doth, therefore sinneth not.'

The elderly heads nodded recognition of Tom's wisdom once more, and one individual murmured, 'An the king be mad himself, according to report, then it is a madness of a sort that would improve the sanity of some I wot of, if by the gentle providence of God they could but catch it.'