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CONCLUSION (Заключение)

Justice and Retribution (Справедливость и воздаяние)

WHEN the mysteries (когда загадки) were all cleared up (были все прояснены), it came out (вышло наружу = выяснилось; to come — приходить), by confession of Hugh Hendon (по признанию Хью Хендона), that his wife had repudiated Miles (что его жена отреклась от Майлса) by his command (по его приказу) that day at Hendon Hall (в тот день в Хендон-холле) — a command assisted and supported (по приказу, поддержанному; to assist — помогать; to support — поддерживать) by the perfectly trustworthy promise (совершенно правдоподобным обещанием) that if she did not deny (что если бы она не отрицала) that he was Miles Hendon (что он Майлс Хендон), and stand firmly to it (и стояла бы твердо на этом), he would have her life (он бы взял ее жизнь = лишил бы ее жизни); whereupon she said take it (на что она сказала — бери ее), she did not value it (она не ценила ее) — and she would not repudiate Miles (и она бы не стала отвергать Майлса); then her husband said (тогда ее муж сказал) he would spare her life (что он пощадит ее жизнь), but have Miles assassinated (но прикажет убить Майлса)! This was a different matter (это было другое дело); so she gave her word and kept it (так что она дала свое слово и сдержала его; to give — давать; to keep — держать, хранить).

Hugh was not prosecuted (Хью не был судим) for his threats (за свои угрозы) or for stealing his brother's estates and title (или за кражу владений и титула своего брата; to steal — красть), because the wife and brother (потому что жена и брат) would not testify against him (не хотели свидетельствовать против него) — and the former (а первой = жене) would not have been allowed to do it (не было бы позволено сделать это), even if she had wanted to (даже если бы она хотела). Hugh deserted his wife (Хью оставил свою жену) and went over to the continent (и сбежал на континент; to go over — сбегать), where he presently died (где он вскоре умер); and by and by the Earl of Kent married his relict (и через некоторое время граф Кентский женился на его вдове). There were grand times and rejoicings at Hendon village (были великие времена и радости в деревне Хендон) when the couple paid their first visit to the Hall (когда эта пара заплатила = нанесла свой первый визит в Холл; to pay — платить).

Tom Canty's father was never heard of again (об отце Тома Кэнти больше никогда не слышали: «отец Тома Кэнти не был никогда слышан о снова»; to hear — слышать).

The king sought out the farmer (король разыскал фермера; to seek out — отыскать) who had been branded and sold as a slave (который был заклеймен и продан как раб; to sell — продавать), and reclaimed him from his evil life (и вытащил его из его злой жизни) with the Ruffler's gang (в шайке атамана), and put him in the way of a comfortable livelihood (и поставил его на путь спокойного дохода; to put — ставить, класть).

He also took that old lawyer out of prison (он также вытащил того старого адвоката из тюрьмы; to take out — вытащить: «взять наружу») and remitted his fine (и простил его штраф). He provided good homes (он предоставил хорошие дома) for the daughters of the two Baptist women (дочерям двух баптисток) whom he saw burned at the stake (которых он видел сожженными у столба), and roundly punished the official (и хорошенько наказал официала = судью церковного суда) who laid the undeserved stripes (который обрушил незаслуженную порку; to lay — класть) upon Miles Hendon's back (на спину Майлса Хендона).

He saved from the gallows the boy (он спас от виселицы мальчика) who had captured the stray falcon (который поймал заблудившегося ястреба), and also the woman who had stolen the remnant of cloth from a weaver (и также женщину, которая украла отрез ткани у ткача; to steal — красть); but he was too late (но он был слишком поздним = опоздал) to save the man who had been convicted (чтобы спасти человека, который был приговорен) of killing a deer in the royal forest (за убийство оленя в королевском парке).

He showed favor to the justice (он выказал милость судье) who had pitied him (который пожалел его) when he was supposed to have stolen a pig (когда его обвиняли в краже поросенка: «когда он был предполагаем украсть поросенка»), and he had the gratification of (и он имел вознаграждение в том, чтобы) seeing him grow in the public esteem (видеть, как он растет в общественном мнении) and become a great and honored man (и становится большим и уважаемым человеком).

desert [dı`zə:t], couple [kApl]

WHEN the mysteries were all cleared up, it came out, by confession of Hugh Hendon, that his wife had repudiated Miles by his command that day at Hendon Hall — a command assisted and supported by the perfectly trustworthy promise that if she did not deny that he was Miles Hendon, and stand firmly to it, he would have her life; whereupon she said take it, she did not value it — and she would not repudiate Miles; then her husband said he would spare her life, but have Miles assassinated! This was a different matter; so she gave her word and kept it.

Hugh was not prosecuted for his threats or for stealing his brother's estates and title, because the wife and brother would not testify against him — and the former would not have been allowed to do it, even if she had wanted to. Hugh deserted his wife and went over to the continent, where he presently died; and by and by the Earl of Kent married his relict. There were grand times and rejoicings at Hendon village when the couple paid their first visit to the Hall.

Tom Canty's father was never heard of again.

The king sought out the farmer who had been branded and sold as a slave, and reclaimed him from his evil life with the Ruffler's gang, and put him in the way of a comfortable livelihood.

He also took that old lawyer out of prison and remitted his fine. He provided good homes for the daughters of the two Baptist women whom he saw burned at the stake, and roundly punished the fficial who laid the undeserved stripes upon Miles Hendon's back.

He saved from the gallows the boy who had captured the stray falcon, and also the woman who had stolen the remnant of cloth from a weaver; but he was too late to save the man who had been convicted of killing a deer in the royal forest.

He showed favor to the justice who had pitied him when he was supposed to have stolen a pig, and he had the gratification of seeing him grow in the public esteem and become a great and honored man.

As long as the king lived (так долго, как король жил = всю свою жизнь) he was fond of (он любил: «был любящим») telling the story of his adventures (рассказывать историю своих приключений), all through (целиком: «всю через»), from the hour that the sentinel (с того часа, когда часовой) cuffed him away from the palace gate (отогнал его прочь от дворцовых ворот; to cuff — бить) till the final midnight (до последней: «финальной» полуночи) when he deftly mixed himself into a gang of hurrying workmen (когда он ловко смешался с ватагой спешащих рабочих; to mix — смешивать) and so slipped into the Abbey (и так проскользнул в Аббатство) and climbed up (и забрался вверх) and hid himself in the Confessor's tomb (и спрятался в гробнице Исповедника; to hide — прятать(ся)), and then slept so long (и затем проспал так долго; to sleep — спать), next day (на следующий день), that he came within one of missing the Coronation altogether (что он чуть не пропустил коронацию совсем: «что он пришел в пределы одного от того = близко к тому, чтобы пропустить коронацию совсем»). He said that the frequent rehearsing of the precious lesson (он говорил, что частое повторение этого драгоценного урока) kept him strong (хранило его сильным = поддерживало его) in his purpose (в его намерении) to make its teachings yield benefits to his people (заставить его уроки принести плоды его народу); and so, while his life was spared (и поэтому, пока его жизнь была пощажена = покуда он был жив) he should continue to tell the story (он бы продолжал рассказывать эту историю), and thus keep its sorrowful spectacles fresh in his memory (и так хранить ее печальные картины свежими в его памяти) and the springs of pity replenished in his heart (и источники сострадания полными: «пополненными» в его сердце).