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Presently our whipping-boy passed him, then wheeled about and scanned his figure well, saying to himself, 'An that is not the very vagabond his majesty is in such a worry about, then am I an ass — though belike I was that before. He answereth the description to a rag — that God should make two such, would be to cheapen miracles, by wasteful repetition. I would I could contrive an excuse to speak with him.'

Miles Hendon saved him the trouble (Майлс Хендон сэкономил ему заботы = усилия); for he turned about, then (ибо он обернулся тогда), as a man generally will (как любой человек обычно будет = сделает) when somebody mesmerizes him (когда кто-нибудь гипнотизирует его) by gazing hard at him from behind (глазея пристально на него сзади); and observing a strong interest in the boy's eyes (и, видя сильный интерес в глазах мальчика), he stepped toward him and said (он шагнул к нему и сказал):

'You have just come out from the palace (вы только что вышли из дворца); do you belong there (ты оттуда: «принадлежишь к там»)?'

'Yes, your worship (да, ваша милость).'

'Know you Sir Humphrey Marlow (знаешь ли ты сэра Хамфри Марло)?'

The boy started, and said to himself (мальчик вздрогнул и сказал себе), 'Lord (Господи)! mine old departed father (мой старый почивший отец)!' Then he answered, aloud (затем он ответил вслух), 'Right well, your worship (очень хорошо, ваша милость).'

'Good (хорошо) — is he within (он внутри)?'

'Yes (да),' said the boy; and added, to himself (сказал мальчик и добавил, про себя: «к себе»), 'within his grave (внутри своей могилы).'

Might I crave your favor (могу ли я просить о вашей любезности) to carry my name to him (донести мое имя ему), and say I beg (и сказать, что я молю) to say a word in his ear (сказать слово ему на ухо)?'

'I will despatch the business (я разберусь с этим делом) right willingly (весьма охотно), fair sir (любезный сэр).'

'Then say Miles Hendon, son of Sir Richard (тогда скажите, что Майлс Хендон, сын сэра Ричарда), is here without (здесь снаружи) — I shall be greatly bounden to you (я буду очень обязан вам; to bind — вязать), my good lad (мой милый юноша).'

The boy looked disappointed (мальчик выглядел разочарованным) — 'the king did not name him so (король не назвал его так),' he said to himself (он сказал себе) — 'but it mattereth not (но это не имеет значения), this is his twin brother (это его брат-близнец), and can give his majesty (и /он/ может сообщить его величеству) news of t'other Sir-Odds-and-Ends (новости о том, другом сэре Оборванце), I warrant (я ручаюсь).' So he said to Miles (так что он сказал Майлсу), 'Step in there a moment, good sir (зайдите вон туда на секунду, добрый сэр), and wait (подождите) till I bring you word (пока я не принесу вам слово = ответ).'

Hendon retired to the place indicated (Хендон удалился к месту указанному) — it was a recess (это было углубление) sunk in the palace wall (сделанное в дворцовой стене; to sink — рыть, утопить), with a stone bench in it (с каменной скамейкой в нем) — a shelter for sentinels in bad weather (укрытие для часовых в плохую погоду). He had hardly seated himself (он едва уселся) when some halberdiers (когда какие-то алебардщики), in charge of an officer (под началом офицера), passed by (прошли мимо). The officer saw him (офицер увидел его; to see — видеть), halted his men (остановил своих людей), and commanded Hendon to come forth (и приказал Хендону выйти). He obeyed (он повиновался), and was promptly arrested as a suspicious character (и был живо арестован как подозрительная личность) prowling within the precincts of the palace (шатающаяся в окрестностях дворца). Things began to look ugly (вещи = дела начинали выглядеть паршиво). Poor Miles was going to explain (бедный Майлс собирался объяснить), but the officer roughly silenced him (но офицер грубо заткнул его), and ordered his men to disarm him and search him (и приказал своим людям разоружить его и обыскать его).

'God of his mercy grant (Бог в Его милости да позволит) that they find somewhat (чтобы они нашли что-нибудь),' said poor Miles (сказал бедный Майлс); 'I have searched enow (я искал достаточно), and failed (и потерпел неудачу), yet is my need greater than theirs (а это — моя нужда больше, чем их = мне это нужно больше, чем им).'

Nothing was found but a document (ничего не было найдено, кроме одного документа; to find — найти). The officer tore it open (офицер вскрыл его: «разорвал его открытым»; to tear — рвать), and Hendon smiled when he recognized the 'pot-hooks' (и Хендон улыбнулся, когда он признал «закорючки») made by his lost little friend (сделанные его потерянным маленьким другом; to make — делать; to lose — терять) that black day at Hendon Hall (в тот черный день в Хендон-холле). The officer's face grew dark (лицо офицера потемнело; to grow — становиться, расти) as he read the English paragraph (пока он читал английский абзац; to read — читать), and Miles blenched to the opposite color (а Майлс бледнел в противоположный цвет) as he listened (пока он слушал).

'Another new claimant of the crown (еще один новый претендент на корону)!' cried the officer (вскричал офицер). 'Verily they breed like rabbits to-day (взаправду, они плодятся как кролики сегодня). Seize the rascal, men (хватайте этого негодяя, солдаты), and see ye keep him fast (и смотрите, держите его крепко) while I convey this precious paper within (пока я передам эту драгоценную бумагу внутрь) and send it to the king (и пошлю ее королю).

mesmerize [`mezməraız], carry [`kærı], suspicious [səs`pıSəs], character [`kærəktə]

Miles Hendon saved him the trouble; for he turned about, then, as a man generally will when somebody mesmerizes him by gazing hard at him from behind; and observing a strong interest in the boy's eyes, he stepped toward him and said:

'You have just come out from the palace; do you belong there?'

'Yes, your worship.'

'Know you Sir Humphrey Marlow?'

The boy started, and said to himself, 'Lord! mine old departed father!' Then he answered, aloud, 'Right well, your worship.'

'Good — is he within?'

'Yes,' said the boy; and added, to himself, 'within his grave.'

Might I crave your favor to carry my name to him, and say I beg to say a word in his ear?'

'I will despatch the business right willingly, fair sir.'

'Then say Miles Hendon, son of Sir Richard, is here without — I shall be greatly bounden to you, my good lad.'

The boy looked disappointed — 'the king did not name him so,' he said to himself — 'but it mattereth not, this is his twin brother, and can give his majesty news of t'other Sir-Odds-and-Ends, I warrant.' So he said to Miles, 'Step in there a moment, good sir, and wait till I bring you word.'

Hendon retired to the place indicated — it was a recess sunk in the palace wall, with a stone bench in it — a shelter for sentinels in bad weather. He had hardly seated himself when some halberdiers, in charge of an officer, passed by. The officer saw him, halted his men, and commanded Hendon to come forth. He obeyed, and was promptly arrested as a suspicious character prowling within the precincts of the palace. Things began to look ugly. Poor Miles was going to explain, but the officer roughly silenced him, and ordered his men to disarm him and search him.

'God of his mercy grant that they find somewhat,' said poor Miles; 'I have searched enow, and failed, yet is my need greater than theirs.'

Nothing was found but a document. The officer tore it open, and Hendon smiled when he recognized the 'pot-hooks' made by his lost little friend that black day at Hendon Hall. The officer's face grew dark as he read the English paragraph, and Miles blenched to the opposite color as he listened.