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Now the king discovered Sir Hugh (теперь король обнаружил сэра Хью), and spoke out (и воскликнул; to speak out — воскликнуть), with wrathful voice (гневным голосом; wrath — гнев, ярость; глубокое возмущение) and kindling eye (и горящим взором; to kindle — зажигать, разжигать /пламя, костер/):

'Strip this robber of his false show and stolen estates (отберите у этого разбойника его показной блеск и ворованное имущество; to strip — раздеть; отнять), and put him under lock and key (и посадите его под замок и ключ) till I have need of him (пока я не буду иметь нужды в нем = пока он мне не понадобится; need — нужда).'

The late Sir Hugh was led away (бывший сэр Хью был уведен прочь; to lead — вести).

There was a stir at the other end of the room now (было оживление на другом конце комнаты сейчас); the assemblage fell apart (собрание раздалось в стороны; to fall apart — распадаться, развалиться: «упасть в стороны»), and Tom Canty, quaintly but richly clothed (и Том Кэнти, причудливо, но богато одетый), marched down (прошагал), between these living walls (между этими живыми стенами), preceded by an usher (сопровождаемый швейцаром). He knelt before the king (он опустился на колени перед королем; to kneel — становиться на колени), who said (который сказал):

'I have learned the story (я узнал историю) of these past few weeks (этих последних нескольких недель), and am well pleased with thee (и я весьма порадован = доволен тобой). Thou hast governed the realm (ты управлял королевством) with right royal gentleness and mercy (с надлежащими королевской мягкостью и милосердием). Thou hast found thy mother (ты нашел свою мать; to find — найти) and thy sisters again (и своих сестер снова)? Good (хорошо); they shall be cared for (о них позаботятся; to care for — заботиться о ком-либо) — and thy father shall hang (а твой отец будет висеть = повешен), if thou desire it (если ты желаешь этого) and the law consent (и закон согласится). Know, all ye that hear my voice (знайте, вы все, кто слышит мой голос), that from this day (что с этого дня), they that abide (они = те, кто обитают) in the shelter of Christ's Hospital (под кровом Христового странноприимного дома) and share the king's bounty (и разделяют щедрость короля), shall have their minds and hearts fed (получат свои умы и сердца накормленными; to feed — кормить), as well as their baser parts (также как и их более низкие части); and this boy shall dwell there (и этот мальчик будет обитать там), and hold the chief place (и занимать главное место) in its honorable body of governors (в его почетном коллективе управителей), during life (в течение жизни = пожизненно). And for that he hath been a king (и за то, что = и так как он был королем), it is meet (подобает) that other than common observance (чтобы другой, нежели общий почет = особый почет) shall be his due (причитался бы ему; due — то, что причитается); wherefore, note this his dress of state (и поэтому заметьте это его парадное одеяние), for by it he shall be known (ибо по нему он будет узнан = его будут узнавать; to know — знать), and none shall copy it (и никто не должен копировать его); and wheresoever he shall come (и куда бы он ни пришел), it shall remind the people (это будет напоминать людям) that he hath been royal (что он был царственным = королем), in his time (в свое время), and none shall deny him (и никто не откажет ему) his due of reverence (в причитающемся ему почтении; reverence — почтение) or fail to give him salutation (и не преминет дать = произнести ему приветствие). He hath the throne's protection (он имеет протекцию трона), he hath the crown's support (он имеет поддержку короны), he shall be known (он будет известен; to know — знать) and called by the honorable title (и (будет) называем почетным титулом) of the King's Ward (Королевского Подопечного).'

The proud and happy Tom Canty rose (гордый и счастливый Том Кэнти встал; to rise — встать) and kissed the king's hand (и поцеловал руку королю), and was conducted from the presence (и был уведен от его величества). He did not waste any time (он не потратил зря никакого времени), but flew to his mother (но кинулся к своей матери; to fly — летать), to tell her and Nan and Bet all about it (рассказать ей и Нэн и Бет все об этом) and get them to help him (и убедить/заставить их помочь ему) enjoy the great news (насладиться великой новостью = разделить с ними радость).

allegiance [ə`li:Gəns], wrath [ra:θ], governor [`gAv(ə)nə]

Two persons, who, through delay, had only arrived from the country during this morning, and had now been in this room only five minutes, stood listening to these words and looking at the king, then at the scarecrow, then at the king again, in a sort of torpid bewilderment. These were Sir Hugh and the Lady Edith. But the new earl did not see them. He was still staring at the monarch, in a dazed way, and muttering:

'Oh, body o' me! This my pauper! This my lunatic! This is he whom I would show what grandeur was, in my house of seventy rooms and seven and twenty servants! This is he who had never known aught but rags for raiment, kicks for comfort, and offal for diet! This is he whom I adopted and would make respectable! Would God I had a bag to hide my head in!'

Then his manners suddenly came back to him, and he dropped upon his knees, with his hands between the king's, and swore allegiance and did homage for his lands and titles. Then he rose and stood respectfully aside, a mark still for all eyes — and much envy, too.

Now the king discovered Sir Hugh, and spoke out, with wrathful voice and kindling eye:

'Strip this robber of his false show and stolen estates, and put him under lock and key till I have need of him.'

The late Sir Hugh was led away.

There was a stir at the other end of the room now; the assemblage fell apart, and Tom Canty, quaintly but richly clothed, marched down, between these living walls, preceded by an usher. He knelt before the king, who said:

'I have learned the story of these past few weeks, and am well pleased with thee. Thou hast governed the realm with right royal gentleness and mercy. Thou hast found thy mother and thy sisters again? Good; they shall be cared for — and thy father shall hang, if thou desire it and the law consent. Know, all ye that hear my voice, that from this day, they that abide in the shelter of Christ's Hospital and share the king's bounty, shall have their minds and hearts fed, as well as their baser parts; and this boy shall dwell there, and hold the chief place in its honorable body of governors, during life. And for that he hath been a king, it is meet that other than common observance shall be his due; wherefore, note this his dress of state, for by it he shall be known, and none shall copy it; and wheresoever he shall come, it shall remind the people that he hath been royal, in his time, and none shall deny him his due of reverence or fail to give him salutation. He hath the throne's protection, he hath the crown's support, he shall be known and called by the honorable title of the King's Ward.'

The proud and happy Tom Canty rose and kissed the king's hand, and was conducted from the presence. He did not waste any time, but flew to his mother, to tell her and Nan and Bet all about it and get them to help him enjoy the great news.