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—, The use of Kabbala and Dee's Monas in Johannes Bureus' Rosicrucian papers, to be published by Antoine Faivre and Wouter Hanegraaff for the proceedings of the IAHR conferens in Durban, South Africa, August 2000, subsection «Jewish Mysticism and Western Esotericism»

Codices Holmienses

Bureus, Johannes, Adulruna rediviva, F.a. 21.

—, Adulruna rediviva, F.a. 22.

—, Adulruna rediviva, Rål. 9 8O.

—, Adulruna rediviva, Ral. 6 12°.

—, Antiquitates Scanziana, F.a. 3.

—, Burerunor, F.a. 11.

—, Runaräfst, F.a. 14.

Stiernhielm, Georg, Adelruna sive Sibylla Sveo-Gothica, Fd 13.

—, Mysterium Etymologicum, Fd 3.

—, Specimen philologicum in primam literam A, Fd 13.

Codices Upsalienis

Bureus, Johannes, Adulruna rediviva, R 551.

—, Adulruna rediviva, R 552.

—, Sigilli mysteria, Y 31.

Codices Lincopeneses

Bureus, Johannes, Cabbalistica, N 24

—, diverse bureska fragment, H 47

—, Om språkens upkomst, Spr. 1.

Franckenberg, Abraham von, brev till Bureus, Br. 2.

Björner, Erik Julius, Prodromus tractatuum de geographia Scandinaviae veteri, et historiis gothicis: exhibens succinctum judicium de scythiæ, svethiæ et gothiæ etymo, ut et runarum in cippis helsingicis ac medelpadicis inventarum aetate, usu atque explicatione, Stockholmiæ 1726.

Bureus, Johannes, Ara foederis theraphici F. X. R. assertioni fraternitatis R. C. quam roseæ crucis vocant, consecrata, 1616.

—, Den svenska ABC boken, på thet enfalligeste så, stält, at de vanlige bokstavarne lämpa sigh efter runerne, och bådhe semias medh wår vanlighe pronunciation, Upsala 1624.

—, Fama e Scanzia redux. Buccina iubilei ultimi, Eoae hyperboreas praenuncia: montium Europæ cacumina suo clangore feriens, inter colles & convalles araba resonans, Stockholm 1616.

—, Hebraeorum philosophia antiqvissma

—, Monumenta sveo-gothica hactenus exsculptura, U. o. tr. ä. Uppsala 1624.

—, Nordlandalejonsens Rytande, Som aff Koppar Altarsens Mätning, Vppenbarar Skriftennes Tijda Räkning, Vpsala 1644.

—, Nymäre Wijsor, Vpsala 1637.

—, Runa ABC-boken, Stockholm 1611.

—, Runa ABC-boken, Vpsala 1624.

—, Runa redvx Dän danske k. Waldmars prophetia, om rvnas hem-flycht, funnen i Danmark, uti en norsk bok, skalda benemd, vtaf den höglärde… D. Olao Worm… och af honom där sammestädes latit af prentet vtgå år 1636. Vnder däd namnet Literatvra: danica, Stockholm 1643.

—, Smaragdina tabula chronologiæ cherubinicæ hactenus sigillatæ, pro assertione veritatis evangelicæ ex ungvibus bestiæ, in confirmationem fidelium Augustanæ confessionis et solatium gementium et in fidelium mendationem.

—, Svenska ABC-boken medh runor, Stockholm 1612.

Göransson, Johan, Is atlinga; Det är: De forna göters, här uti Svea rike, bokstäfver ok salighets lära, tvåtusend tvåhundrad år före Christum, utspridde i all land; Igenfunden af Johan Göransson, Stockholm 1747.

Iduna, tionde häftet, Stockholm 1824.

Jordanes, Getica: Om goternas ursprung och bedrifter (översatt av Andreas Nordin. Stockholm 1997)

Liljegren, Johan, Run-Lära, Stockholm 1832

Magnus, Olaus, Historia om de nordiska folken (utgavs f f g på svenska av Michaelisgillet 1909 — 1925. Nyutgåva av Gidlunds förlag och Michaelisgillet, Hedemora 2001)

Rudbeck, Olof, d.ä., Atland eller Manheim… [T.I.] Upsalae: Henricus Curio [1679]

Sturlasson, Snorre, Snorres Edda (översättning och inledning av Björn Collinder. 1970)

Tacitus, Tacitus mindre skrifter. Dialogus de oratorius, Agricola och Germania (i svensk översättning med inledningar och anmärkningar av Per Persson. Stockholm 1929)

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Johannes Bureus (1568–1652), who was the teacher of king Gustavus Adolphus, was a pioneer in runology and Swedish linguistics and is acknowledged as the father of Swedish grammar, but Bureus himself thought that it was within the sphere of mysticism that he made his most important contribution. Bureus himself called his esoteric system for Nordic cabbala a notaricon suethia or a kabala Upsalica. Bureus also applied the methods of the cabbala to his runological research. This book is concerned with the esoteric elements in Gothicism as they are expressed in the writings of Johannes Bureus. The focus is on a description of Bureus' most important esoteric work: Adulruna rediviva. For the first time in Russia and in the Russian language Bureus' system is described, based on the original sources, which are located in Stockholm, Uppsala and Linkoping. The most important source materials were the six manuscripts of Bureus' esoteric work entitled Adulruna rediviva. Four of these are found in the Royal Library in Stockholm and two are found in the Carolina Rediviva in Uppsala.

Thomas Karlsson has studied and practiced the occult sciences for more than twenty years and is the founder of the esoteric order Dragon Rouge. He is the main lyrics author for Therion, a Swedish metal band, whose last album "Gothic Kabbala," was inspired by this very book. Mr. Karlsson is a doctoral candidate in the History of Religion and has a M.A. in the History of Ideas. He leads the first study course on Western esoterism in the University of Stockholm. At present the author of this work is writing a doctoral dissertation about Johannes Bureus and the Gothic cabbala.

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