"Oh!" she cried out.

"I know." He shifted a little, pulling his erection up between their bodies. "I can't promise not to come on you. There's only so much a man can take and I have never known a woman hotter than you."

"Oh, Dan, please…"

"Please what, baby? Make you come? Because I can feel your juices soaking my thigh. Or paddle your bottom?"

"Both please," she gasped out.

"Sweetheart…it will be my pleasure." A sharp swat punctuated his sentence.

Leigh groaned. "Oh, God, yes. More. More. Please."

He smacked the other cheek twice, then rubbed his hand over his handiwork. "Harder?"

"I trust you." The words came out a whisper, and her spanking began…in earnest.

She writhed with every smack, loving the freedom, the fire that pooled blood to her pussy and swelled everything to bursting. Loved that someone else was in charge of her pleasure, her orgasm. He covered her backside thoroughly, leaving no part untouched, always to the edge of pleasure, never to the point of pain. Then he worked his way to the crease where ass and thigh met, and Leigh swore that would be the strike that would yank the climax right out of her.

"A strap would work better here, love." He ran the bristles down her thighs. Chill bumps erupted behind them. "I have many belts, some soft and worn, some stiff and new, wide, narrow…all with your name on them. Your choice, sweet Leigh. Your pleasure."

She felt the brush near her pussy and spread wide. She couldn't bear the wait much longer. As if sensing her need, Dan sank the handle inside and wedged his other hand beneath her, right to her clit. Leigh came fast, grinding into the orgasm like an animal unleashed. When the sensation blissfully subsided, she slumped over his lap, spent yet wanting more.

"Good, honey?" His breath tickled her ear.

"So good," she somehow managed to say.

"But not nearly enough."

No, it wasn't. "I…I have belts."

"Special ones?" He combed the hair from her face.

"Hanging in the closet." She turned into his hand, sniffing her scent on his fingers. "I trust you."

He rubbed a palm over her warm bottom. "Then get ready and I'll find one. Facedown, pillows lifting that luscious heiny. I'll have to fuck you after this, Leigh. My cock is ready to bust open, but I'll hold on for you. Warning…I'll fuck you hard and fast, deep, but not long, because I'm too close to coming myself. But you'll come again, too, sweetheart, maybe more than once…or twice."

Dan slipped from beneath her then, leaving Leigh to do as he'd said. Her arms and legs felt weighted from the force of her climax. But once she heard him open her closet door, want propelled her to prepare.

She gathered the pillows and placed them in the center of the bed, then lay facedown, more or less spread-eagle for him. Already her clit had awakened, her pussy clenching for something to fill it.

The tinkle of a belt buckle alerted her time was approaching. She closed her eyes and waited. The rip of a condom packet. The sound of… He was going through her toys! The bed dipped and cool lubricant touched her anus, then the small butt plug plunged in.

"No anal beads, honey?" He kissed her ass. "We'll have to remedy that. They make you come like you've never come before." He moved away. Leather swished.

Leigh arched her back with the strike upon her thighs. Fire spread again quickly followed by another lash higher. Another higher still. She squeezed her thighs together to quell the ache in her clit.

"Nuh-uh, that's cheating," he said, slithering the leather down her back until it tickled the crack in her butt. "Only I make you come. Open."

"God, Dan! It just feels-"

"So good," he finished. "I know, sweetheart, and it's all for you. Ten more and then I'll have to fuck you, baby. I'm disappointed in my lack of stamina. I really wanted to suck your clit and make you come."

"There's always tomorrow," she murmured.

"I can't think of any better way to wake up," he replied, and struck again.

Leigh tried to count the smacks. She lost count after three, wadding the sheet in her fists to keep her hands out of her pussy. The instant she heard the belt fall to the floor, she rolled over and reached for Dan. He was already there, grabbing her legs and urging them up to his shoulders. He tugged the pillows under her hips, pressed his thumb to her clit, and plunged his cock to the hilt. She came hard, thrashing with the waves rolling through her.

Dan grunted, withdrew, then plunged in again…harder. A low buzz warned Leigh. She grappled for his shoulders and held on, but the sensation of vibrator against her clit had her fisting the sheets once more. He pounded into her as he'd promised-hard, fast, and deep. Sweat glistened on his skin.

"You look so beautiful," she cried out. "I want to lick you dry."

This time he whimpered.

"Suck your cock."

His body quaked.

"Feel your tongue slither deep into my pussy."

He plunged deep, grinding into her. Head tossed back, he groaned and let go. Leigh came with him, taking each thrust as jism shot from him, and knew she'd never seen anything as perfect as this man.

Somehow he dredged up the strength to put the bed to rights-heaven knew Leigh didn't have it. She tucked her head into the pillow he'd placed at the headboard, then curled into his body when he joined her there and draped an arm around her.

That's when reality hit her. Questions and doubts she'd tried to ignore assaulted her. The tears came out of nowhere, sobs right behind. Rough, heartbreaking sobs that carved out her heart and left it as roadkill for ravens to pick apart.

"What's wrong?" Dan sat upright, taking her with him.

Leigh batted him away and took refuge at the edge of the bed, her pillow clutched before her as if it could protect her.

"Are you hurt?" Devastation twisted his face. He reached for her. "My God, did I hurt you? Sweetheart…honey…"

"You peeped!" she shouted, slapping his hand away.

"I'm sorry…what?" He actually had the nerve to look confused, innocent even.

"You peeped me." Leigh smeared the tears from her face; more replaced them. "Back then…you peeped on me."

"I did not." He stabbed his finger onto the mattress. It came right back up. "One time I saw that jerk-faced son of a bitch fucking the neighbor and you came in to take care of his business." His finger came up again. "One time."

"Then how could you know about this?" She waved her hands. "No one knew. No one! Not even Jerk-face."

Dan's shoulders sagged with his sigh. "Oh, honey." His arms opened to her. "Please come here. I swear I didn't peep on you."

She ignored the attempt to placate her. "Then how?"

"I figured it out…eventually. Let's face it, my world experience was lacking in many areas at the time. I couldn't understand why you'd have a riding crop when I knew you didn't ride horses. Hell, with trying to finish your masters and working nights, you barely had time to breathe. And then that bastard had the nerve to cheat on you."

He reached for her again; this time Leigh relented. Dan cupped her shoulders, thumbs circling. "As time went on, I understood why you'd often close your bedroom drapes at odd hours of the day. I thought at the time you were taking a well-deserved nap. And remember, at that particular stage of my life, I often sequestered myself in the privacy of my room. For me…not to look in on you." He tapped her nose.

"That's quite a leap of your deductive skills." Leigh wiped anyway what was left of her tears.

Dan shrugged. "It's what I do. Considering what I do, please keep in mind it took me many, many years to reach said conclusion."

"And then you practiced?" A lift of her eyebrow dared him to use his I-don't-kiss-and-tell defense.

He splayed his hand against his chest. "Guilty. And very curious at the time. Practice makes perfect… Shall I go on?"