"One of those paths we take, I suppose." He moved up to her calf, working the muscles there. She had strong legs. "I was on the fence between joining the military or applying for NCIS. I felt the need to be somewhat out in the world, away from any home field advantage."

"If you hadn't, we might never have met now." That faraway look was in her eyes again.

"I like to think Fate may have found a way." Dan slid up next to her. She wiggled around until he was behind and she lying in front. "So how did you wind up living out here in the desert? Granted, it's not far from San Diego, but it is a world of difference."

She hugged his arms around her. "It's that difference that appealed to me. I came out here to explore the National Park. Once I saw the wide-open space, dark skies with stars so close you could touch them…" She shrugged. "I don't know. It was peace. I knew I'd found home. So I moved. I've been living here for about ten years. I finally found the perfect home out a ways on five acres. It's a fixer-upper, and I know it'll need work, but I've decided it's got my name written all over it. I put in an offer and am now holding my breath."

It sounded wonderful. "I've been known to be pretty good with a hammer and screwdriver. I'd loved to see the place."

"I'd show it to you, but the current lack of transportation…"

"There's always tomorrow." He pulled in a breath, hoping she wouldn't think what he was about to say was bullshit. "You know, this is my second time here. This was where I had my first assignment. I loved it here. I loved being able to hike in the National Park, to know I could easily go anywhere else I might want in under three hours. I loved the stars, the smell of the desert-"

"After the rain," they said together.

"I spent time in Iraq and then Afghanistan and needed a place to readjust, for lack of a better explanation." Leigh didn't need to hear about the horrors and fears of being in a war zone. One day, yes, but not now. "I asked to come back here. I've been back for about six months. And, believe it or not, I live about six blocks away."

That pulled her up. "Seriously?"

"Yep, it's what I mean when I talk about Fate. All the time we were both in the same place, a relatively small community, and yet our paths didn't cross until now."

"I wonder why." She settled back in his arms.

Eyes closed, Dan inhaled the scent of her hair. "Because, sweet Leigh, we were meant to be." How could he make her understand he meant that with all his heart, that he'd loved her for so long and hadn't even realized that himself until a few years ago? It sounded crazy, impossible…

Leigh rolled over. The edges of her robe fell open, pressing them skin-to-skin. Heat flared instantly. His cock swelled down the leg of his boxers. He cupped her head with one hand and her ass with the other. She kissed him without hesitation, dancing with her tongue, meshing the cacophony of flavors from the ice cream. She raked short nails up his stomach, setting off goose bumps. Then she swallowed his gasp when she pinched his nipples.

Deepening the kiss, she straddled his hips and yanked the boxers down. His cock blessed the freedom and starting looking for a new home. Dan lifted her away before things went too far. He wanted inside her too much and his condoms were in the other room.

"It's time, sweetheart."

A deep flush covered her face and spread down her neck. He lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze, praying he hadn't misjudged what he presumed she wanted.

"Go into the bedroom and get what you need for tonight, what you want." He stripped the robe down her body. "I'll be less than a minute behind you. And trust me, it's going to kill me to wait that long."

She swallowed, nodded, and stood. Her body quivered with every move. Dan hoped it was with anticipation and not dread, even while he admired her sweet ass as she walked away.

Chapter 7

Juices trickled down Leigh's thighs. She tried to be casual about this, tried not to run to her bedroom. Her pussy had other ideas. Her clit swelled the second Dan had uttered "It's time." Years of waiting for someone to know, to take the lead and give her what she craved. Not to humiliate her as Bert had. Not to have to be told. To just do.

She forced herself not to evaluate how Dan had come upon his knowledge of her private needs. If she did she'd never go through with it, never know what it was truly like to have this. But despite all her fantasies, Leigh didn't have a clue how to proceed from here. She'd never done this with anyone before, always alone.

Indecision played havoc with her senses. She stared at the rumpled bedsheets, their clothing scattered all over the room, his duffel lying open on the floor.

I wanted to make love. With you.

She buried her face in her hands, then yanked her fists to her sides and strode toward her dresser drawer. Fingers closed around the wooden hairbrush. Leigh left the drawer open, exposing her treasure trove of toys. Dan could do what he wanted with the stash. She'd trusted him enough to bring him home with her, to…to make love with him, share ice cream and secrets. She'd trusted him enough with her biggest secret of all. He'd opened the door with his promise to give her all she needed. All Leigh had to do was step through it.

Dan walked in the moment her knees hit the mattress. His erection thrust proudly from its dark nest. Muscles glided with every step. His gaze darted to the open drawer, then back at her. Leigh placed the hairbrush on the foot of the bed, an offering to the man who was going to give her all. He accepted it without hesitation and weighed it in his hand, eyes never once leaving her face.

"Have you…" Leigh swallowed. "Have you ever spanked a woman before?"

"I told you, baby. I don't kiss and tell."

Meaning what they were about to do would never leave this house. She was safe. Wasn't that why she'd let him so near?

Dan ran his hand over the bristles. She felt every one of those soft, white strands. Slow steps carried him to the side of the bed. She watched over her shoulder as he plumped the pillows against the headboard. Her heart jumped when the mattress sagged with his weight. Pulses leaped when his legs stretched out and his big hand closed over her forearm.

"Come to me, Leigh."

He drew her to him, and she went, gliding facedown over his lap. He draped one arm around her, holding her in place.

"I do need to know if you've ever been spanked by someone before," he said.

She quickly shook her head.

"It's very different than doing it yourself."

Did that mean he'd been on this end of things? She couldn't ask.

"The goal is pleasure, not punishment, sweet Leigh. You're trusting me to let me give you this gift; I'm trusting you to tell me what's too much."

"I will. I promise." She braced herself for the first hard smack, clenching butt cheeks together, fisting her hands into the sheets, digging her toes into the mattress.

"Relax." He gave her a little shake, then ran the bristles down her back.

Tickles sped over her skin, tightening her nipples and sending a new rush of moisture to her pussy. He did it again, and she bowed into the caress, smothering a moan as she tossed her head back. Dan stroked the brush through her long hair, draping it down her back, then doing it again, petting her, loving her, until she knew there were no tangles left.

The wood kissed her bottom, but didn't strike. He rubbed the brush over her ass, down her thighs, and back up.

"Open your legs."

Leigh obeyed, and he rubbed again. Over her bottom, down her thighs, between her thighs and up, nearly touching her pussy before running back down the other side, then up again to her other cheek. She lifted her ass for more. The caress was harder this time, more determined. She spread her thighs farther when he neared the top-he kissed her clit with the bristles.