Two dinner dates six months ago with Greg were enough for Leigh. He complained incessantly about his ex-wife and yet aggressively pursued a replacement. The man couldn't understand that Leigh wasn't interested. His persistence was sad in more ways than one. She appreciated the man was lonely and socially inept with women. He'd been married for twenty years and now found himself thrown back into the dating pool. Unfortunately, he hadn't realized there were other fish in that pool besides Leigh. His attention had gone from annoying to creepy and was now bordering on stalker-like, a shark in the pool where he fished.

"I'm fine," she replied, taking another step away. "Just waiting with everyone else for the tow truck." She doubted roadside assistance would be able to replace all these tires. The best they'd be able to do was take vehicles and owners home or to tire repair facilities.

Greg edged into her personal space once more. Leigh loved dominance and aggression in a man, just not this kind. She wanted a man equal to having her. Greg wasn't it. His aggression reeked of desperation and impatience, perhaps even undertones of violence.

"If the police have your statement, I'll be glad to take you home," he said.

"Waiting to see about tires," she repeated, putting yet another step between them.

"Then I'll wait with you."

"I'm sure the rest of the faculty here tonight appreciates your concern," she replied, then took a decided step toward Dan.

Gretchen cut her off, reaching Dan first. "I think it might have been my boyfriend." She rested her fingers on Dan's arm, big brown eyes glistening up at him with unshed tears.

Leigh waited, breath held, for Dan to cave in to damsel-in-distress act. He didn't.

"What do you mean?" He motioned a deputy sheriff over.

Gretchen sniffled. "He knew I was upset and didn't want to go to college yet. He said he'd fix it so my parents wouldn't force me. Said that if they thought it wasn't safe they-"

"He made a threat against the college, and you didn't bother to report it?" Dan's voice was low, yet anger rippled with every word.

"I…I…" Gretchen moved away.

Two deputies flanked her, then led her to their patrol car for further questioning. Her eyes never left Dan, even when he turned his back on her and headed Leigh's way.

"Problem here?" He didn't touch Leigh, didn't muscle his way between her and Greg, didn't do anything but be there. But his stance was clear even to an imbecile like Greg. This woman is mine…stay away.

A man couldn't get more alpha than that. Leigh nearly melted at his feet.

"None at all," Greg replied. "Just checking on all my people."

Dan jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "I haven't seen you check on them."

"Making the rounds." Greg took a step back and then walked away.

"Are you going to club me over the head and drag me off to your cave next?" she whispered to Dan.

"Not yet." He closed the space between them, the briefest touch of heat to her body. "Soon, though." A wink and a grin backed up the words. When he stepped away, it was all Leigh could do not to haul him back and let him take her on the hood of her car.

The man drew people to him, so why should she be any different? Was it so wrong to want him? Clearly, his signals responded in kind. Hell, he'd staked his claim tonight, and she'd loved every minute of it.

Yes, he was younger. Yes, they had history. And if Leigh thought too much about it, that history really freaked her out. Danny the teenager versus the Dan who now stood near her.

Leigh couldn't remember the last time she'd had sex. Why bother when she couldn't get everything she wanted and needed from a man? Now she felt the ache. It built with every second and wouldn't be appeased by anyone or anything other than Dan Jefferson.

Maybe sex with him wouldn't be all Leigh wanted-she'd realized long ago she'd never have that. But it would be good sex nonetheless. Very good. That much she did deserve, and she was having it as soon as…

She hid a smile. Oh, the difference a strong man made. She'd hated Greg's relentless pursuit; now she craved that same thing from Dan. She wanted him something fierce, but Dan was going to have to come to her. Have to continue doing exactly what he'd already been doing. It was by far the best foreplay she'd ever had.

Deep in conversation with yet another law enforcement someone who'd arrived, Dan glanced up at her. The look in his eyes said volumes. Her body responded, heart beating so loudly it muted the sounds around her.

Yes…it would be very, very good. Sadly, it wouldn't be tonight.

Chapter 4

This wasn't how Dan envisioned the night going. Amid the furor over this crime, he'd had to step in to protect his fledgling rights for Leigh. He didn't care who the guy was, the man had no right cornering her the way he had. Dan had no choice but to protect her. But man, oh man, the way Leigh had responded had given Dan another hard-on from hell. He wanted more than anything to show her how caveman he could be.

Now, while his fellow law enforcement associates dissected theories of the why and who of the crime, all Dan could think about was pressing Leigh up against the side of the nearest vehicle, yanking her skirt up-yes! a skirt that showed those trim calves that could lock around a man's waist and give him the ride of his life-shoving her panty crotch aside, and plunging his aching cock inside her.

Was it his imagination that she looked at him with raw hunger? Or had cum backed up so far it had seeped into his brain and made it impossible to think beyond the need to finally make her truly his?

"I don't buy that the girl's boyfriend did this," Watson was saying.

Dan didn't buy it either, but it honestly wasn't his problem. The college was in civilian jurisdiction, not military. NCIS had no responsibility here unless it somehow might involve a military crime or person. And as much as he loved his work, Dan wasn't about to waste time expounding on who did what when it didn't involve him and he had much better things to pursue. Like the woman standing not twenty feet away, hugging herself against the kiss of autumn in the desert air. The combination of red, white, blue, and yellow lights flashing made the moment surreal, like they were caught in some crazy dream.

"Hello? Are you with us?" Watson jabbed him.

Generally, Dan could put up with his antics. Not tonight.

"What do you think?" Watson asked when he realized he now had Dan's attention.

Dan shrugged. "I think it's possible she did it herself for the attention. What else is there to think? Any other theories I might have would be too far over the top. The college is too isolated for anyone to gain anything from this type of damage. Drug running's the only plausible thing that comes to mind, and if that's the case, then why draw attention with vandalism when they know it will bring the police."

The others nodded, scratched their heads, chins, and Watson, his balls. Dan tried to ignore them again. There was no way the four tow trucks would be able to handle damage to a parking full of vehicles. One or two flat tires, sure; four per car or truck, no way. They started loading vehicles to haul to repair facilities or homes. At this rate, it would take all night. Dan was inclined to cut the drivers some slack and have his car taken care of in the morning. Of course, doing so would leave him stuck for a way home, not that he couldn't call someone or even prevail upon his cop buddies to bend a rule.

Friends and family were starting to arrive to take people home. The dean was making his presumed rounds again, offering rides and heading straight for Leigh. And so did Dan.

She apparently didn't notice the dean behind her, but there was no doubt about the light in her eyes when she saw Dan coming toward her. She took a hesitant step toward him, then another. Dan moved into an easy stride, smiling, then cupping her upper arm when he reached her.