When the hot, quick, rapturous short digs came, Fanny almost lost her senses, so much was all that was sensuous in her touched. Her voice rattled, or rather gurgled in her throat, her eyes opened their widest and seemed more gloriously beautiful than ever. In her agonies of pleasure she nipped my shoulder with her teeth, whilst I thrust my tongue into her ear and she met my torrents of hot spend with foaming floods of her own.

Then came that exquisite period when, as though exhausted, we relaxed our grasp on one another and lay quite still, her bosom heaving under mine, making me feel the full elasticity of her lovely bubbies, her belly rising and sinking, her motte leaping and giving mine little blows, whilst her cunt squeezed my prick with a force which made me fully conscious of how powerfully pleasure had affected her.

Then came all those sweet, sweet little expressions of love, devotion, passion, those kisses over such parts of the body as we could reach, and then finally the withdrawal from one another's arms and the immediate and satisfactory inspection of those charms which had been the chief extremes of our mutual pleasure.

'Oh! Charlie! How grand! How big. Who ever would have thought so small a thing as I have could take in such a lovely monster?'

'Ah! darling Fanny! But your sweetest little cunt is really very tight! But not too tight all the same.'

'Oh no! It can take it, Charlie! But why did you put the sponge in?'

I was glad to explain. I gently drew it out by the thin silken thread I had fastened to it; the outer end of the thread was tied to a little crossbar of silver to prevent the sponge being entirely sucked up into her cunt by the backward and forward strokes of my prick, and I showed her the great quantities of spend which I had poured into her and I explained to her the formation of her womb and how, in order to avoid a possible baby, the mouth of the womb should be prevented from being watered by the prolific produce of my balls and that, still further to deaden the vitality of that spend, I had used phenyl.

She quite understood me as I explained and kissed me again and again, thanking me for the great care I took of her and saying that she had never thought of any danger. I told her I had written to Cawnpore for a powerful enema and sent a receipt to be made up which would be more effective and pleasant than the phenyl, as it would have rosewater as one of its ingredients and would have a more pleasant aroma; and then I proposed that she should get up and let me wash her pretty cunt, so that I might pay it again the homage of my kisses. To this she joyfully assented. I got a basin of water and a towel and bathed her hot little cunt. She enjoyed the freshness of the water and when I had dried her bush and cunt and thighs she insisted on washing my prick in her turn, laughing and happy.

'Now!' said I, 'my darling, lie across the bed and put one leg over each of my shoulders. That's right!'

I hid my face between her thighs, my mouth on her sweet, sweet cunt and my upstretched hands grasping each a polished globe of her bosom. Fanny lay still for half a minute, while I searched the depths of that voluptuous little cunt with my tongue and pressed my nose on to her excited little clitoris, but at last she snatched those charms away from me and said, 'Oh! at least let us lie so that I can do the same to you as you do to me, my Charlie!'

Delighted to find her so ready to play every air on the sonata of voluptuousness, I stretched her on the bed and took my position over her, leaning on my elbows, embracing each of her thighs with an arm and again searching her cunt with my tongue, whilst my chin tickled her clitoris and I gave my prick to her mobile lips and sweeping tongue and my balls to her agitated and excited fingers! And then once more placing the sponge of safety within the rosy portals of the temple, I reversed my position and again thrilled the deliciously lascivious and voluptuous girl with my impassioned fucking.

And so the night wore away. We laid no plans for the future. Here in the happiness of one another we never thought how we were going to manage to meet and fuck without fear of detection. We were just like a bride and bridegroom and this, the first night of our marriage.

Towards four o'clock Fanny, thoroughly exhausted from the strain on her nerves and senses, sank off to sleep in my arms after the last ablution and I must have fallen asleep too. Suddenly I felt a hand on my nose, gently pressing my nostrils, and opening my eyes I saw Sugdaya!

'Hush, sahib!' she said, 'Miss Fanny baba must come home now, before the day breaks!'

'How did you know she was here, Sugdaya?'

'Oh!' she said, laughing softly, 'I have known a long time that Miss Fanny baba meant to be fucked by master. I kept my eyes open and I saw you in the shrubs last evening. I saw you go twice and I saw everything! Miss Fanny baba did not tell me, but I said to myself, when the honey does not come to the bear, the bear goes to the honey. I went to see if Miss Fanny baba was in her bed at midnight and I found it empty. I came over here and have been watching your pretty pranks through that door and now you must wake her up, sahib, and let her go with me!'

'Wait a moment Sugdaya,' said I, gently withdrawing my arm from under Fanny's neck and getting out of bed. 'Come into the next room.'

Sugdaya followed me. I unlocked my dispatch-box and took a roll of twenty-five rupees out and laid them on the table. Then taking Sugdaya's right hand I put it on my balls. She smiled and gently grasped them, with a voluptuous folding of her hand and fingers which made me know that she was not at all unwilling to feel them on her own account and knew why I had put them into her hand. Then slipping my right hand under and between the folds of her robe, I found her cunt and covering it with my palm, I dictated to her and she repeated: 'May my cunt wither and burn and shrivel if I betray the girl against whose bottom these balls have pressed. May Vishnu, Ram, Sita and Lakshmi curse me if I break my oath.'

Sugdaya laughed on the completion of this very necessary ceremony and said, 'Oh! sahib! no oath was required to bind me not to betray Missy baba or you! I am more than glad Miss Fanny baba has had the pleasure of being fucked. No girl needed it more. She will eat and drink and sleep all the better for it and I know that the sahib will not proclaim his conquest in the byways but hold his tongue!'

'You may be sure of that, Sugdaya!' said I, kissing her, 'and when Miss Fanny baba goes away from Fackabad, will you let me fuck this nice cunt of yours?'

'Before then if the sahib wishes!' laughed Sugdaya.

I had been caressing her well-formed, elastic, prominent and perfectly smooth motte, for Sugdaya like all Indian women either plucked out or shaved off every vestige of hair from that region. She had, in her turn, been caressing and feeling, with hands evidently not strange to the act, my prick, which was in that vigorous condition women love to find.

'Now, sahib!' said Sugdaya, pressing her swelling breasts against my chest, 'there is time for one more. Come! wake Miss Fanny baba as a lover should rouse his beloved!'

Nothing loth, I accompanied her to my bedroom, quite ready to do as Sugdaya had suggested, but Fanny, tired out with the long and exciting night's arduous and always ardent combats, was lying on her side, fast asleep, with one hand between her knees. She looked so lovely as she lay slightly curled up and her dear little face looked the picture of sweet innocence.

Sugdaya read my thoughts, for she said, 'Her cunt is asleep, sahib, but when I waken it up you will see another expression on her face!'

Looking round for something she evidently wanted, Sugdaya saw some peacock feathers, and selecting one which suited she approached Fanny and deftly commenced drawing the soft feather along the line of her cunt, which, gathered up as she was, I could hardly see anything at all of. At first there seemed to be no effect, but Sugdaya, with the utmost patience, continued those soft caressings with the feather and Fanny presently murmured something in her sleep and turned a little more over forwards as though she felt too tired for any more fucking and deprecated the invitation. I glanced at Sugdaya who smiled and seemed in no way discouraged. She withdrew the feather and passed it several tunes over my prick, up and down, before she recommenced operating on Fanny. Whether the feather conveyed any subtle influence with it from my prick or whether, what seemed more likely, the continued soft rubbings of the down along her soft cunt lips caused a sweet excitement within, Fanny murmured again and, slowly turning on her back, opened her lovely thighs a little, so that the rays of the lamp distinctly lit up the whole of those domains of which, in the name of love and Venus, I had taken possession. Sugdaya reversed the feather and with the quill stroked Fanny's bush, occasionally touching the tip of her lovely cunt also. Presently out peeped the little ruby point, glittering with generous moisture, and the slight tremor of her motte, with the almost imperceptible, but still marked, parting of the rounded lips of her cunt, told us that desire had laid his wanton hand on the charm which we wished to arouse from its state of torpor. Still Fanny remained fast asleep. Her bosom rose and fell more rapidly. Her lips moved and her eyelids quivered. A smile wreathed her lovely mouth and she parted her lips as though to speak, but, except for those of her delicious little cunt, all her senses were still locked in the embrace of sleep. The sweet girl's thighs opened wider and wider and her feet separated. She drew up her knees. It was evident, from her quick breathing and the rapid quiverings of her motte, that voluptuousness had fastened itself on her. Sugdaya gave me a nod and I, very gently and with as much quiet as possible, got between my darling's knees. Bending forward I rested on both knees, as I had done with Lizzie Wilson, and Sugdaya, seizing my prick, directed it so as to strike the doors of the temple at that very spot where they opened with the least pressure. I glided in, still keeping my belly from touching that of Fanny, and it was not till my balls touched her that she awoke.