Mabel Has Her Way With Me

One lovely day in December (this is in the delightful cold weather) I was preparing to go out to pay some visits when I saw Mrs Soubratie hurrying up from the servants' house. I guessed that the colonel must have come over for a moment to get a morning fuck and, as I wanted to see him, I thought I would wait until he had taken his pleasure and then I would do so. Although it was an understood thing between us that he was at liberty to fuck Mrs Soubratie whenever he liked in my house, yet as a rule we did not meet on those occasions, so that unless I actually saw him between her thighs, or saw Mrs Soubratie pass my door, I rarely knew the exact moment these pleasant meetings were taking place.

I waited therefore, seated in my chair. I had not been sitting more than a minute when Mabel appeared, bursting with laughter which she was finding it hard to contain. Coming on tiptoe to me she whispered: 'Oh! Captain Devereaux! Come here! Come here.'

I rose. She took my hand and leading me into my bedroom she took me to the door in which was a window, covered with a thin muslin blind, which looked into the room and on to the bed in which the colonel always fucked Mrs Soubratie. There, of course, I saw, as did Mabel, the colonel about halfway through a nice, fat fuck, and Mabel, delighted beyond description, feasted her eyes on her father's splendid prick passing, in measured cadence, up and down and in and out of the brown cunt of Mrs Soubratie. The sight was too voluptuous, especially as Mabel was there, not to affect me greatly and I unbuttoned my trousers and put my now burning prick into Mabel's palm. At the same time I intruded my hand past her petticoats and caressed the little cunt, now well covered with curly locks, which immediately responded to my caresses with such an overflow that it surprised me. Still affected powerfully by seeing her father's glistening member disappearing and reappearing as he fucked Mrs Soubratie in his stolid fashion, and his balls, those huge balls, bouncing as they swung backwards and forwards, Mabel quietly moved her hand up and down my prick, until a sudden thrill of pleasure round its collar warned me that if she continued so doing I should spend; all the more also, because of sympathy, the colonel being now at the vigorous short digs. I therefore kept her hand quiet until, the colonel having finished and Mrs Soubratie having made her salaam and left the room, the show had come to an end.

'Well, Mabel!' said I, when the colonel had walked off with that jaunty side step he always adopted after a good fuck, 'you came in the very nick of time to see that!'

'Yes!' said she, looking at my prick and gently feeling my balls, which she had foraged for and got out. 'Sugdaya told me I should see something, if I came over here now. I thought she meant this,' she continued looking up at me with a smile, 'but I fancy she must have meant that I should see papa with Mrs Soubratie.'

'She may have meant both, Mabel dear! But take care, child! You will make me spend if you move your hand like that!'

'Oh! What fun that would be! Let me? Do, Captain Devereaux! I should so like to see it.'

'Well!' said I, shivering with pleasure, 'all right, dear, but let me take off my trousers first or they will be spoilt.'

I saw that the time had come. This was Mabel's hour and I shut my bedroom door and bolted it.

'Now, Mabel! Take off your frock and stays and stockings and we will go to bed together.'

'Oh no!!'

'Oh yes!'

'Oh, how delightful! Oh, you good, good, good Captain Devereaux!!' she cried in an ecstasy of joy. 'But let us go regularly to bed and take off all our clothes.'

'Very well!' said I, laughing, and in another couple of minutes we were both as naked as we were born.

Mabel was very pretty. Like Fanny and Amy, she had a very nice, pure, even white skin. Her limbs still required a little more flesh to give them the roundness that is so desirable, but her little bubbies were really charming and the plump motte had quite as much hair on it as Fanny's and her nudity charmed me; my nakedness pleased her immensely; though she had often enough handled my prick and balls, she said this was the first time she had ever really seen them.

Now, it is chilly enough in the cold weather to make one's skin rather want clothing, so I picked up Mabel, laid her on the bed and, getting in myself, pulled the bedclothes well up to our chins and there we lay cuddled together. Mabel had again got hold of my prick, which she was working in such a way that I knew I would spend immediately if she did not leave off.

'Wait! Mabel, you will really make me spend all over you.'

'I shall like that,' she cried. 'I should like to see what a man's spend is like.'

'Very well,' said I, laughing, 'then see.'

I threw down the bedclothes and almost at the same moment let fly a torrent of spend which I could restrain no longer. Mabel shrieked, for the first jet struck her full in the face, the second under the chin, the third splashed against her bubbies and the remaining jets I directed to her belly and finally to her bush, taking care so to hold her hand as to give her the benefit of every drop.

'Oh! That was nice!' cried Mabel. 'What a lot. How creamy it is. Like hollandaise, only thicker; but you must have quite emptied your balls.'

'Oh no. There's lots in them, Mabel, and when, in a minute or so, I fuck you, they will go on making more for you.'

I wiped the lovely streaming body of my bedfellow as I spoke and, expecting to find a rather obstinate maidenhead, I thought it wise to begin with her as soon as possible, so that by the time I next spent, she would have had a good fuck.

Judge of my surprise, on taking my position between her open thighs, to meet with absolutely no resistance! There was not only not the ghost of a maidenhead, but it was evident to me that the cunt I was in had been most thoroughly well opened. If Mabel had already been fucked, who had done it? I made no remark, however, for I was too much amused and delighted with her expressions of delight and pleasure. Like Fanny and Amy, her cunt was a perfect fountain, easily made to play by the movements of my prick within it, and Mabel made me laugh with her continuous, 'There I go again!' But when I came to the short digs and in my turn inundated her lovely little cunt with a sea of spend, Mabel clutched me with all her force to her convulsed and quivering body and exclaimed, 'Oh! how much better a real prick is than a cucumber!'

The cat was out of the bag! A cucumber!

The first fuck over, Mabel told me amidst rapid kisses and never-ending caresses that Sugdaya had taught her how pleasant a sensation could be produced by a three-quarter-ripe banana, with its peel half removed. From a small banana she had progressed to one of larger size, always to the detriment of her maidenhead, until one day, seeing a very nice smooth cucumber, the straightness and size of which struck her as being peculiarly adapted for her experiments, she picked it, went indoors and finished off with a vegetable what, but for that, would have been decided by my prick of flesh!

Mabel was a lascivious little girl, a grand poke. Like Lizzie Wilson her mission in life is to fuck. The dear reader will not be surprised to hear that she has joined that select number of fair women who, nominally 'kept' by wealthy lovers, take delight in relieving the pains of numerous adorers, and enjoy along the winding paths of intrigue the voluptuous pleasures to be gathered, like flowers, along their shaded ways. If Mabel's present ties were legitimate she would be the Duchess of -. To her was the glory of having been the first to give palpable proof of the ecstasies of fucking to no less a personage than one of the royal princes.