'It's all very well, Amy. You have won this round – but oh!' and I felt my voice quiver with the anguish I really felt, 'you do not know what you have done! Here! Let me go.'

'No, indeed,' said Amy, folding me tighter and tighter and forcing her cunt about my prick, which had been half pulled out of it. 'No! I won't let you go. You are my property now, Captain Devereaux, I have fairly caught you! To think of letting you go yet! Oh dear no! You will have to fuck me now as often as you have fucked Fanny. And as she has had you ever since last March, you will have to pay me a good deal of attention before I shall be even with Fanny.'

'Oh, Amy!' I cried, bitterly, for I assure you, dear reader, much as I love fucking and well worth fucking as Amy was and still is, I felt that I had been betrayed, and though done in perfect innocence, doing what I now had done would come nigh to breaking Fanny's heart. Now I loved Fanny. I was passionately devoted to her and not for all the cunts in the world did I feel inclined to outrage her by fucking her sister before her own sweet cunt could be said to have ceased throbbing from the very recent fucking it had had from my prick I did not desire Amy. The stand I had, when I got into bed with her, was not for her cunt, nice as it was, but for Fanny's. 'Oh! Amy! I'll tell you what you have done! You have broken poor Fanny's heart.'

'Pooh! Ha ha ha,' laughed Amy. 'What do I care? Broken her heart indeed. Oh! Poor Fanny! Much I pity her! What more right has she to you, I should like to know, than I have, or Mabel. She is not your wife. But to hear her talk and to hear you too, Captain Devereaux, one would think there was no Louie in the world. I tell you I have every bit as much right to you as Fanny has, and mind, if you refuse to fuck me, you will never fuck her again, I can tell you!!!'

This thrust I felt was no empty one. Amy had once said she could not imagine herself going to bed with a man and that for herself to be stark naked in the presence of a stark-naked man would be something too horrible to contemplate. Here she was, however, stark naked in my stark-naked arms and the will to fuck was all on her side, not mine. It was plain all her former ideas had become completely changed; and her whole tone and manner was that of a strong-minded woman who knew what she was about and that she could compel, if she could not gain her ends by any more gentle means. Unfortunately it lay in her power to put an end to the delicious liaison between Fanny and me. I lay quietly in her arms, thinking how I could escape this terrible dilemma.

'How do you know that I fuck Fanny, Amy?'

'How do I know? Now, Captain Devereaux! Do you take me for a complete fool? Do you think that Fanny could leave this room, with me sleeping in it, night after night, without my knowing it sooner or later? Do you think I cannot put two and two together as well as yourself? Why! I have known it these five months at least. I taxed Fanny with it and she could not deny it and she told me herself too, about how you fucked her twice that evening of her birthday, when she and you left us playing cards. Well! I didn't care! I thought her a fool for her pains, but by degrees I began to think it must be nice – as Sugdaya has always told me it was – to be fucked and the moment I heard that Fanny was to go to Rampur with papa, I laid a plan with Sugdaya to catch you! Ah! now, my boy! You wanted me to go to Rampur but here I am. You wanted Fanny's cunt, did you? Now you are in mine and I think mine must be every bit as nice as Fanny's. I have better and bigger breasts, too, and more hair than she has and I don't think you have any reason to complain of Fanny either.'

I saw it was no use trying to urge a higher tone with Amy. It was no use talking to her of love. Fucking was all she could see in my intimacy with Fanny, nothing nobler.

'So you see, my dear Captain Devereaux, you will now have two wives in India and one at home; perhaps three wives in India, because Mabel, I know, wants to be fucked too, and you will have to do it.'

'I will not!' I cried passionately and angrily.

'Oh! dear, yes, you will. The thing is in a nutshell. Do you really love Fanny? Are you really so fond of her as you say?'

'Oh, Amy! You don't know how fond.'

'Very well! Then I suppose you would be awfully sorry if anything happened to prevent you fucking her again.'

'Don't speak of it!'

'Oh! but I will. I have only some night to pretend to be ill, call papa and let him see Fanny's bed empty and Sugdaya not to be found in the house and I think Fanny will never see your prick again, Captain Devereaux.'

I groaned.

'What an ass a man is!' cried Amy, half angrily, half laughingly. 'I should like to know who has such a grand chance of having three pretty girls all to himself, all ladies of his harem. And the idea shocks him. Now! Captain Devereaux – and do be careful what you say. Is it a bargain? Do you promise to fuck Mabel and me whenever we like? For if you don't you may say goodbye to Fanny.'

Now I had had a good deal of experience with girls and women and have often been helped into a nice little cunt by the owner of another, but I never was treated in this way before. The idea that if I did not fuck Amy and Mabel I should lose Fanny was paradoxical! I felt a child in Amy's arms and that I had learned my lesson wrong. I thought I should lose Fanny if I fucked her sisters, not if I did not do so. It seemed it was all wrong. Yet a little reflection told me that the laws of ordinary life did not obtain in this instance and that to keep possession of Fanny's dearest cunt, I must fuck those of her sisters also!

'I think you very hard-hearted, Amy. I see I have nothing better to do than surrender, when the Devil drives, needs must.'

'Thank you for the compliment,' laughed Amy. 'Well, the devil in this instance flatters herself that she has a very nice cunt and desires her slave to amuse her for the rest of this night!'

All this conversation having taken place in English was unintelligible to Sugdaya, who looked on with surprised and perplexed eyes, but when Amy told her what the result of the conversation had been, that not only had I consented to go on fucking her, but that I would fuck Mabel, too, she was delighted and said: 'Oh! sahib! Now I am very glad indeed. Won't Miss Mabel baba be glad to hear it too!'

I begged her to go over to my bungalow and bring my enema and savoir sponge and I asked Amy to get up and let me assist her in washing her cunt, which required it badly. Sugdaya left and Amy rose. Of course, the sheet was a sea of blood. Amy was rather frightened when she saw it, but I comforted her by saying that no girl who has really lost her maidenhood, ever did so without losing a lot of blood. Whether the tone of my voice was more gentle than it had been, or whether my comforting words struck a chord of gratitude in her heart, I don't know, but she put her arms around my waist and lifted her face up and kissed me affectionately.

'Ah, Captain Devereaux, now let us be really good friends; we need not quarrel because we fuck, need we?'

The absurdity of such a question struck me with all its force and I could not help laughing heartily. I looked at Amy. Naked as she was, I could see all her form and person perfectly and she was really a splendid girl. Her hair, both of her head and bush, was darker in colour than Fanny's and very much more abundant. Her arms, thighs and legs were full as white and as well formed, her waist was more slender and her hips were wider than those of her sister; and her bubbies, beautiful, round, full and coral tipped, were fully one-third larger. Her hands and feet were small and well shaped and as her face was very pretty, with a fine oval form and with large, dark, lustrous eyes, she was altogether very desirable and a fine addition to my 'harem'. My angry feelings and the regret I so sincerely felt for having been made to be unfaithful to Fanny began to die away at the sight of all these beauties and Amy received caresses from my hands and kisses from my lips which made her as proud as could be, for she rightly judged that had her beauty not been very real, she would hardly have got off so soon for her cruel treatment of me.