Was she pretty enough? There standing before me, lit up by the light of the reading lamp, shining white against the darkness beyond, stood a perfect nymph. A perfect incarnation of youth and freshness and beauty!

Fanny had one of those fresh, clean-looking skins, so desirable in women. Her arms were full, round and beautifully shaped. Her shoulders sloped exquisitely and her bosom, like that of a young nymph, was adorned with a pair of well-separated, boldly self-sustained breasts, so often seen in sculpture and yet really so rare in nature. The little coral nipples showed clear and red, a lovely brilliant red, like that of her lips, and each sweet bubbie looked a little away from the other. Her form was the perfection of elegance, that of a really well-made girl, and her ivory belly, dimpled by a lovely navel, was a couch fit for Jupiter himself. Below that fairest belly was the swelling mount of Venus and with pleasure I saw that her bush was considerably grown, as indeed were her breasts, since I had last looked on them at Cherat. But below that mount, receding between her really beautiful thighs, was that most tempting deep line, which formed a cunt to be desired by the gods themselves! A cunt all mine now! A cunt no man had ever caressed or fucked before. I had done so today! A cunt which longed for me and which was brought over by Fanny for me to fuck, to love now! A cunt which I had indeed tasted, but had not yet fully savoured, but of which the first rapid, incomplete taste had made me eager to devour more and more!

Fanny had, as I have said before, really beautiful thighs. Indeed her arms, legs and feet were among her strongest points and could be models for any artist. They struck me as particularly beautiful in the light in which I now saw them and the sweetness, the glowing sweetness of really healthy youth shone from them, much enhanced near the groins by the dark curls of her fairly grown, dark brown bush. The more I gazed at all these exquisite charms, the stiffer did my prick grow and the more did I realise what a prize I had so fortunately obtained. Fanny, as though conscious of the power her beauty had over me, stood smiling, with lips slightly parted, as though waiting for that burst of praise, admiration and passion to which she felt she was entitled. Had she been conscious of not being well made, of her skin not being really pleasant to look upon, she would never have given herself, all naked, in this manner to me, for women's modesty too often is the quality under which they hide their blemishes. I have never yet fucked a really pretty and well-made woman who, from the first, objected to appearing naked before me. On the contrary the better the forms were the easier did the fair and beautiful owners of them find it to exhibit them to me without disguise.

'Oh! Fanny! you are lovely. My darling girl, you are the very perfection of beauty! Come, let me eat you up!'

Fanny's eyes blazed with pleasure, happiness and passion! She came with a little cry of joy and threw herself on to me as I reclined in my long chair. My prick opposed her belly and she pushed it to one side to enable her to lie on me and press me in her energetic arms, whilst she rained hot, burning, happy kisses in my equally responsive mouth. All the while she was murmuring little passionate love sentences into my ears and she moved her breasts from side to side over my bosom, so that I could feel the hard little coral nipples scoring it, as it were, and the firm elastic bubbies passing like waves across it. I gently pressed her lovely haunches in my two hands and tried to reach her warm little cunt from behind, but she laughingly kept it from me. She lay along my left thigh and side, with her arm round my neck, her left hand moving up and down my excited prick, occasionally grasping and feeling my balls most tenderly, whilst she said in tones of greatest excitement and the deepest feeling, 'Oh, Charlie! Charlie! You don't know how I love and adore you, my own darling. I though I knew what love was, but I did not. There was a time when I thought I never could give myself to you, unless I was sure that I could call myself your wife and make you marry me. But now! now! I feel that I do not want to marry you. What I should like to be would be your own beloved concubine. Yes! to have you I would willingly be a servant in your house and wait upon your wife if I might, from time to time, sleep with you and have you as I had you this evening on the grass! I wish concubines were allowed now. They had them in the old days – why should not a man have more than one wife now? Why should he not have concubines, too? Let me speak. When I went to bed I felt so happy. I had had you – twice! Think of that! Twice had this darling thing of yours been buried deep in me. Twice had I felt it pour the splashing essence of my Charlie into me! Oh! I could feel it so well, so distinctly, and each time it seemed to kill me with pleasure. The more I thought of it and remembered all you did, the more did I long to have it again, the more did I want to feel these' (she gently handled my balls) 'pressed against me, for they told me when my Charlie was all inside me! And I remembered what you offered to do, to come to me and have me in my own bed, how you said you could so easily come to me, by the far bathroom door and I was almost sorry I had said no, for after all we might have gone into the next room and lain on the floor and there would have been no creaking bed to waken Amy. I tried to sleep, I could not – my – I don't know what you call it, Charlie, but in Hindustani it is called choot -'

'Cunt, darling!'

'Cunt? Is that the English name for it? A nice soft name. I won't forget it. Cunt! Well, my cunt troubled me terribly and called for this – what do you call it, Charlie, dearest?'

'Prick, darling!'

'Prick? What a funny name! Prick! well, never mind. My cunt then called for its darling prick and at last I could not stay in my bed any longer. I jumped up. I went and looked at Amy. She was fast asleep. I went and looked into the nursery. Sugdaya was asleep on the floor. I listened at papa and mama's room and could hear them both snoring. So I took my grey cloak and slippers and ran out of the house, by the bathroom door, and here I am with my own Charlie. Are you glad, darling? Are you glad that Fanny has come and is in your arms now?'

'Oh! my Fanny! My Fanny! How could I be anything but glad, darling, darling girl. Yet I feel a little nervous on your account, Fanny, if you should happen to be missed! What a row there would be if you were found here! Now if I were found in your room, it would not be half so bad, because no one could say that you had invited me there, but it would be different if you were found in my house!'

'Oh! I am not at all afraid of that, Charlie! I feel sure in my heart that no one will miss me or find me out.'

'But, darling, Lavie is such a night bird, he often comes much later than this to see me and – by Jove! I hear him coming now!'

Fanny started up into a sitting posture. She still had my prick in her hand and we both listened for a moment. The footsteps came rapidly towards the door. We could hear them crushing the gravel on the avenue and it was plain that in another moment Lavie could be in the room. I recognised his footsteps and knew it was he. Fanny was about to jump up but I held her tight. The footsteps paused beside the door then paused a little longer then passed on! Lavie appeared to me to hesitate and it was clear to me that he was changing his mind and that, as he so often did, he would go first and walk around the Selwyns' house and then return to bore me. The moment he had commenced his walk again I told Fanny to pick up her chemise, cloak and slippers and run into my bedroom and lie down and cover herself with the cloak; if possible, I would stop Lavie and send him home.

Fanny darted with her goods into the bedroom and I went out on to the verandah. My fright was so real and sincere that my prick had at once lost all its stiffness and hung with very abashed head whilst I again tied the strings of my pyjamas. I got its hood on to its poor shrivelled head again and set off to catch Lavie, but when I got round the corner of the verandah he was nowhere to be seen or heard.